Tower Hamlets Transport Strategy 2019-2041
The draft Tower Hamlets Transport Strategy aims to improve the way we move around our borough.
Tower Hamlets is one of the country's fastest growing boroughs. Our roads are the busiest in the UK.
77 per cent of our residents are exposed to unsafe pollution levels, children in the borough have on average up to ten per cent less lung capacity and 43 per cent of Year 6 school children are overweight or obese.
According to Public Health England, pollution is linked to increasing rates of asthma, heart disease, dementia, lung cancer and low birth weight.
The new strategy aims to address these concerns and look at what the council and residents can do to make travel cleaner, safer and accessible for everyone.
Promoting walking and cycling is at the heart of plans to help meet the Mayor of London’s target that 90 per cent of all trips in the borough should be made on foot, by cycle or by using public transport by 2041.
Over the next two months, the council will be asking all those who live and work in the borough to get involved, share their ideas and help shape the future of travel in Tower Hamlets.