Abolition of Cambridge Joint Area and Joint Development Control Committees

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Added by Roxanne (CEO)

Constitution and Ethics Committee

Date/Time: 22 Apr 2020 - 14:00 to 16:00

Virtual Meeting


The County Council's Constitution and Ethics Committee is asked to recommend the changes to the County Council Constitution, as set out in the report, to full Council:

i) the abolition of the Economy and Environment and Highways and Infrastructure Committees;

ii) the introduction of the Environment and Sustainability and Highways and Transport Committees;

iii) revisions to the terms of reference of the General Purposes, Adults, Children and Young People, Commercial and Investment, Communities and Partnership and Health Committees;

iv) the abolition of the Cambridge Joint Area Committee by the end of July 2020 following the discussions set out in paragraph 3.3 of this report;

v) the withdrawal from the Joint Development Control Committee for Cambridge Fringes by the end of July 2020 following the discussions set out in paragraph 4.4 of this report; and

vi) increase the membership of General Purposes Committee from fifteen to seventeen.


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