Camden Square Area Safe and Healthy Streets
The Camden Square area is bounded by Camden Road, Camden Park Road-York Way, Agar Grove and St Pancras Way. Most of this area already benefits from some road closures made in the 1970s at junctions with Agar Grove (St Augustines Road, St Paul’s Crescent and Stratford Villas) and at junctions with Camden Road (Rochester Square and Cantelowes Road). But Murray Street is still used as a rat-run between Camden Road and Agar Grove.
This consultation focuses on
- The removal of the rat-run on Murray Street and of another potential rat-run via North Villas
- Improvements to the cycle route that runs from Cliff Road, through Camden Square and on to Royal College Street.
The rat-run reduction scheme proposes two filters:
- A diagonal filter on Murray Street at the junction with Stratford Villas enforced by ANPR camera. (right turns into Camden Road from Murray Street will be permitted)
- A filter with a removable bollard at the top of Camden Square west side which will become two-way for all vehicles.
- Mandatory left turn signs where Camden Mews meets Camden Park Road.
The proposals for improving the cycle route are:
- Randolph Street with flow and contraflow cycle lanes protected by wands
- Marked cycle crossings over Royal College Street at the junction with Randolph Street (with relocation of the bus stop to the south of this junction).
- A radical improvement of the junction of Agar Grove, St Pancras Way and Randolph Street;
- on each of the four arms of the junction, cycles will get a green at a stage in the signals where they can cross safely without conflict with motor vehicles.
- pedestrians can obtain an all green stage on demand
- the approach from Agar Grove will be in a lane protected by wands
- A Tiger Crossing over Agar Grove at the southern end of Stratford Villas
- Cliff Road: the contraflow lane will be moved behind the parked cars while the with flow lane runs with general traffic but all parking will be removed on this (the south) side.