Traffic surveys
I'm just working out that it seems hard to start a thread without an issue, and something that doesn't have a specific location (actually, I think having to provide a location for something when not appropriate counts as a bug).
Last Thursday (so Maundy Thursday so the day before the double Bank Holiday weekend), there were people on Riverside between the new Riverside Bridge and the path up to Tesco, doing a traffic survey. I can't think of a less appropriate day to do one (maybe Christmas Eve which is also not a Bank Holiday but might as well be), unless the aim was "to show no-one really commutes along Riverside, and no school children travel along there". As far as I can tell, every state school was having a teacher training day even though their holidays were supposed to start on the Friday, all the private schools were off, there are no students around, and no rowers, and even lots of normal workers were presumably taking a day's holiday judging from how full my place of employment and the general traffic levels everywhere during "rush" hour. The location of this survey is irrelevant, as the data generated, wherever it was, will be irrelevant unless the question was "how little traffic is there on a day when all the schools are closed and lots of people have taken the day off work?".
Is there any logic to when traffic surveys are done? Since they generate data that the Council use to decide on road maintenance, gritting etc, it's important that these data are meaningful.