Things tagged 'and'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

8 issues found for 'and':

  • Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council Draft Cycling Strategy consultation

    Created by jpennycook // 1 thread

    "Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council has commissioned Sustrans, a leading UK charity that aims to encourage people to travel by foot, bicycle or public transport for more of their local journeys to help create a ‘cycling strategy’ and new cycle network map in consultation with the people who live in, work in or visit the borough."

    The strategy ignores most of the Borough, has low aims (lowest common denominator rather than facilities suitable for all riders), and is being made irrelevant by new housing developments.

    Responses to the consultation should be in by 11th December.

    Here is a map showing the Borough Council's boundaries:

    By zooming in to this map, you can see the proposed corridors as dashed blue highlights:

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  • Crossing Cove Road

    Created by Sarah Wood // 0 threads

    At certain times of day it is difficult to cross the road and connect the cycle and pedestrian routes between Southwood and the Cove Brook Greenway

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  • Sign at end of Ferry Lane

    Created by Violinist John // 1 thread

    Noticed this a couple of weeks ago. As you will see the sign is incomplete and misleading given that the place to see all the details is the end of Ferry Lane waiting to join High Street. High Street at this point is both Route 51 and Route 11.

    Major points:

    Left turn to go to Impington on Route 51 - I think not.
    Abbey and Fen Ditton to the left when you could just go back across Green Dragon bridge.
    No directions to Histon, Milton, Waterbeach probably others.

    Also the lack of any idea where route 11 goes to the right.

    This appears to be one of a number of new signs that have recently appeared. If anyone has seen any more let's get the info out there and try to get them fixed.

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  • Consultation - Netley Primary School, Camden

    Created by Angela Hobsbaum // 1 thread

    Camden Council are consulting on proposals to improve road safety around the newly-rebuilt Netley Primary Schools, Stanhope Street NW1 3EX.

    Full details can be found here:

    Deadline Friday 12 December.
    I will collate comments and write a response from Camden Cyclists on Wed. 10th December.

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  • Westerleigh - Yate Spur Cycle Path - Westerleigh Road Crossing

    Created by David Wilcox // 0 threads

    South Glos Council have published a consultation for extending the cyclepath from Emersons Green to Yate - the Yate Spur

    Funding has been secured through the Local Sustainable Transport Fund to deliver elements of the Yate Spur cycle path. When complete, the route will connect the Bristol to Bath Railway path with Yate.

    The proposed road crossing will provide an informal crossing facility at Westerleigh Road for cyclists, walkers and horse riders using the Yate Spur Cycle Path and Fishing Lakes Link.

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  • Bishopthorpe Road Proposed improvement of pedestrian facilities.

    Created by David Wilcox // 0 threads

    This is a busy rat run and a bus route! As evidenced by the google street view, a pedestrian desire line runs through from Butterfield Road to Bishop Manor Road. The consultation is at:

    Pavement Parking is the issue here, blocking sight lines. The proposed road markings and build outs will help. If they are enforced.

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  • Office building to studio flats, 25 Cambridge Place

    Created by Rohan Wilson // 0 threads

    This comment is on behalf of Sustrans, the charity that’s enabling people to travel by foot, bike or public transport for more of the journeys we make every day.

    We are concerned that there may not be sufficient space in the rear "bikes and bins" (unattractive combination!) room. It is important that the Sheffield stands indicated should be installed as shown, and to park or remove a bike, rearward space is essential (See the City Council Cycle Parking Guide), adequate as drawn. But only five refuse bins are shown, one for each apartment. Normally each would need 3 bins (black, blue, green), for which there would clearly be insufficient space.

    RW for Sustrans 3 May 2012

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  • Training of drivers of commercial vehicles

    Created by Jim Chisholm // 2 threads

    We have serious concerns over the standards of driving of certain classes of vehicles in Cambridge.
    We have an opportunity to push for both bus companies and and local authorities to train their drivers to a higher standard

    Under the 'Certificate of Profession Competence' drivers of certain classes of vehicle are required to undertake 'continuing training'

    There has been an article in Local Transport Today about training in London. see:

    "A COURSE designed to cut the number of lorry accidents in urban areas, particularly those involving cyclists and pedestrians, has gained industry accreditation.

    The ‘safe urban driving’ (SUD) course developed by Transport for London and London boroughs has been accredited by the Joint Approvals Unit for Periodic Training, the body set up by the sector skills councils for freight and passenger transport to manage the driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC). "

    "EU directive 2003/59 requires lorry and van (over 3.5 tonne) drivers to obtain a CPC by completing 35 hours of training every five years. The requirement came into force in 2009, so the first deadline is September 2014. "

    "The second half of the course sees the lorry drivers get on bicycles and go on-road to understand how cyclists position themselves on the road, and how to drive in the presence of cyclists. This module was developed by Cycle Training UK for the London Borough of Lambeth. "

    I've already pointed out this scheme to the cycling officers

    It may be that we can get the LA's to approach Stagecoach on this issue and it could form part of any 'Quality Contract'

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