Wilmslow Road Cycleway
Consultation by Manchester CIty Council on cycleway proposals along Wilmslow Road from Platt Lane to Barlow Moor Road.
limited to the area of Cyclenation:
7 issues found for 'ccag':
Created by David Butler // 1 thread
Consultation by Manchester CIty Council on cycleway proposals along Wilmslow Road from Platt Lane to Barlow Moor Road.
Created by David Butler // 3 threads
Manchester City Council's proposed Prstwich Cycleway, a route from Heaton Park to Hulme Hall Lane, with the southern section following NCN Route 60.
Created by David Butler // 1 thread
Salford Council/Urban Vision consultation on CCAG scheme. "The proposed cycle improvement between Station Road in Irlam and Astley Road in Cadishead will enable better sharing of the road space by all users and improve conditions for cyclists and pedestrians. Cycle parking facilities will be provided and cycle symbols on the road will be marked to highlight the presence of cyclists. Line markings and the construction of build outs and central reserves are proposed to narrow the road and reduce the overall speed of vehicles"
Created by David Butler // 1 thread
Salford Council/Urban Vision consultation on this CCAG scheme. "A new cycle lane will be implemented along Liverpool Street between Langworthy Road and Cross Lane, linking the neighbouring residential areas to employment and educational opportunities at Salford Quays, MediaCityUK, the University of Salford and Manchester City Centre"
Created by David Butler // 1 thread
Salford Council/Urban Vision consultation on CCAG funded scheme. "This route will provide new cycling facilities on Silk Street and North George Street, linking route one to the University of Salford and improving onward cycling links to Salford Quays and the regional centre, through the existing wider cycle network."
This area is nasty to ride through and is being redesigned using part of the Cycle City Ambition Grant.
Place-holder for Corridor Cycleway Section 7 discussions
4 threads found for 'ccag':
A discussion on issue
Prestwich cycleway
A discussion on issue
Prestwich cycleway
A discussion on issue
Pink Pedalway Tombland/Palace Street
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