Things tagged 'closure'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

14 issues found for 'closure':

  • Sawston/Babraham cycleway closure 2022-09-15 for 3.5 weeks

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    We've received a note from a concerned resident:

    Not too sure if this has been informed of this but the Sawston to Babraham CyclePath is planned to be closed by a commercial property developer on 15th Sept. Don't know when it'll reopen. All cyclists will be forced to cycle on the main road that is a pretty hairy affair at the best of times. They did this already for 2 days back in August without any consultation. The cyclepath has become very popular in the last few years as many employees from the Babraham and Granta Parks use it for commuting. Also it's relatively new so can't believe that private developers are allowed to shut it basically to use it as a free convenient storage area.

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  • Bene't Street closed for sewer repair

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Bene't street will be closed for four weeks (until early/mid Feb 2020) so that Anglian Water can work to repair a collapsed sewer in Cambridge. A diversion for cars will in place. The footpath is open to people walking and pushing their cycles. The diversion for the cars means that Corn Exchange street is two-way for cars and this has implications for people cycling on the contraflow lanes. 

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  • 21-month closure of cycle path from Cambridge North to Milton Road

    Anon // 1 thread

    At the end of this blog post, it's reported that the segregated cycle path from Cambridge North station to the north of the Business Park will be closed to cyclists from March 2019 to December 2020 (a period of 21 months), for utility works relating to development on the Cambridge North site. Cyclists are to be diverted to the south side path (along the busway); pedestrian access on the north side will apparently be maintained.

    In particular, this appears to prevent cyclist use of the recently opened gate at the south end of the Business Park for the duration of the works (unless perhaps one pushes one's cycle). Getting from or through Cambridge North to the Science Park will be less convenient, too.

    Full text from Camcycle blog post. (Robin Heydon tells me this information originally came from Brookgate.)

    Development at Cambridge North

    Early works have begun on the further development around Cambridge North, where new offices and a hotel will be built. Within the next couple of months, a major cyclist diversion will be put in place which reroutes cyclists accessing the station via the segregated path along Cowley Road. This will be closed to allow utility works from Milton Road down to the station. Cyclists will be redirected along the Busway cycleway from Milton Road. There will continue to be road access for cyclists to the industrial and residential units off Cowley Road (including the Camcycle office), but not beyond this point. Note that there will be a signifidant increase in construction traffic along Cowley Road.

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  • Woods Lane, Cliddesden, NCN23 to be closed for roadworks

    Created by jpennycook // 1 thread

    Woods Lane is to be closed in between 15-20 February 2017 for pothole patching, according to
    Roadworks, delays likely

    15 Feb - 20 Feb

    Woods Lane, Cliddesden, Hampshire
    Responsibility for these works
    Hampshire County Council Hampshire County Council
    Information for Road Users
    Location: Woods Lane, Cliddesden, Hampshire
    Traffic lights, etc: Road closure
    Information for Operational Teams
    Highway Authority: Hampshire County Council
    Location: Woods Lane, Basingstoke - from Hatch Warren Lane Rbt. to B3046 Farliegh Road.
    Description: Cariageway Patching
    Works ref: FF11021007954
    Current status: Advanced planning
    Work info last updated: 12:53 on 18/01/2017

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  • Secret consultation on closure of Elm Street

    Created by Heather Coleman // 2 threads

    I noticed a poster at the junction of Elm St and Clarendon St a few days ago. As I needed a rest this morning I stopped to read it. Apparently ONLY the residents of the Kite area (and not all of them according to the note pinned below the poster) are being consulted on the closure of Elm St, as far as I can tell, at the Elm Tree pub, to motor vehicles. Allegedly access by cyclists and pedestrians will be unaffected (although if it's some kind of rubbish narrow everyone having to give way to everyone else design, some regular users might wish to take issue with this, and suggest improvements to the design).

    There is no reference to this anywhere I can find online. If I wish to reply to this consultation (and as I'm not a resident, will my views be taken into account?), I will have to go back to the poster and copy down the email address on a bit of paper. Deadline is tomorrow.

    However, as a DAILY user of Clarendon St, I feel my democratic rights are being are being totally undermined. It may well be that a very large number of residents are against this proposal. Looking at it, it looks as if, for the vast number of cyclists who cycle along Clarendon St, it will probably improve safety as there may be fewer motor vehicles trying to use the Elm St crossroads which is probably the dodgiest bit of this route. Therefore regular users of Clarendon St may well wish to support this proposal.

    My question is: how can they have a consultation that's secret and only open to those who actually live in an area rather than all those actually affected? As far as I am concerned this is totally undemocratic to the extreme.

    If anyone is passing the area in the next couple of hours and has the technology to take a photo of the posters and start a thread on here regarding it and posting the posters so we can look at them at our leisure, it might be helpful for those of us who might like to drop a quick email in support of this plan.

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  • Milton road underpass closure

    Created by Cllr Ian Manning // 1 thread

    Separate thread about this to separate from the main rail station thread..

    The pedestrian/cycle underpass on Milton Road will be closed from August - December (currently) to facilitate rebuilding it for the busway extenstion.

    Road works will be in place during this time.

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  • Holywells Park Cycle Route

    Created by Ned Harrison // 1 thread

    Holywells Park has a section of cycle route 51 running through it, linking South East Ipswich to the centre with a pleasant and safe route down to the waterfront.

    During Winter, the park is closed at dusk, sometimes as early as 4, meaning that just when the roads are most dangerous (dark and wet) cyclists are forced onto steep and busy routes either along Cliff Lane or up Bishops Hill.

    The closures are largely at the request of the Park Friends group. I've spoken to them, and their concerns seem to be largely about what might go on after dark. It's not clear that there is any evidence for this, nor that the current situation of locking the main gates but leaving others would do anything to deter misbehaviour.

    Keeping it open as a cycle route would ensure a legitimate presence in the park, and help provide less confident cyclists in the area with a safe route to and from town.

    I'd propose either locking later, or for a trial period leaving the park unlocked.

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  • Countess Crescent / Countess Road open again

    Created by dan // 1 thread

    Just wondering if a decision has been made about the future of the junction.

    If you look on Crash map there is a pattern of accidents on Countess Crescent pre-closure near the school. In fact it looks like an accident hotspot!

    During the closure I was happy for my children to cycle up to the co-op to access the high street to go shopping, meet friends, etc. Not now! We live south of the railway line. When the closure was in place Countess Crescent became by accident a Cycling Boulevard. You can see from the dates on crashmap that it worked perfectly well as a Cycling Boulevard and was extremely safe (no accidents), so no trial would be required to determine if it is safer as a Cycling Boulevard as it has already taken place.

    The junction would be the ideal place to be part of a Cycling Boulevard type infrastructure to gain access to the high street and perhaps up to the swimming pool via Parsonspool. Cars would still have easy routes to the high street and swimming pool with a cycling boulevard system in place and cyclists/pedestrians would also have a safe and enjoyable route. That would be a safe and fair compromise for all road users, as all users would have safe and suitable routes.

    Currently it is not safe for adults or children by bike. Bit of a time bomb going on the crashmap site data. A positive change made for cyclists/pedestrians will benefit people locally in a safe and healthy way.

    To make restrictions only during school hours would be very short sighted, as this route is a main artery for all south of the railway to access all the clubs/shops/swimming north of the railway and vice versa for the children visiting hallhill or friends south of the railway. Basically children use this route at all hours not just in school hours. We should not compromise on child safety. The swimming pool is free all summer to the kids...what then?

    As a byproduct of a cycling boulevard, perhaps safe access for cyclists from the south of the railway line would encourage more people to visit the high street and shop, enhancing the local economy.

    Please can you let me know of any developments.

    For your info, a Bicycle Boulevard in Holland is a 'Woonerf', a living street:

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  • Aire Valley Towpath (NCN 66) Closure

    Created by Clare // 1 thread

    Towpath (NCN Route 66) is closed to cycles and pedestrians at Wharf Approach. No diversion is in place so alternative is busy Kirkstall Road (A65) to travel west in direction of Horsforth.

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  • Byron Place, Clifton: Partial Closure

    Created by David Wilcox // 0 threads

    Statement of Reasons for Proposed Traffic Order
    Location: Berkeley Place/Triangle South/Triangle West and Byron Place (Cabot and Clifton East Wards)
    Proposal: Prescribed Movements and Prohibition of Driving
    The Council considers it expedient to make the order for:
    - avoiding danger to persons or other traffic using the road or any other road or for preventing the likelihood of any such danger arising, or
    - facilitating the passage on the road or any other road of any class of traffic (including pedestrians).
    The requirement for improved pedestrian crossing facilities at the Berkeley Place/Triangle South/Triangle West junction was identified when planning applications for adjacent developments were considered. Contributions for this purpose were secured from the developers under the planning process.
    To guard against the possibility that motorists might undertake inappropriate manoeuvres, which could bring them into conflict with pedestrians using the new facilities, it is proposed that regulatory signs should be employed to provide drivers with clear direction, when they enter the junction from Berkeley Place and Triangle South. The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 (as amended) stipulates that these signs, when used on the public highway, must be supported by a Traffic Regulation Order. The traffic order is proposed for the sole purpose of complying with this statutory requirement and would not result in any further restriction on vehicle movements at this intersection. The regulatory signs will be integrated into the signal heads to ensure they are clearly visible to motorists, whilst minimising the number of posts to avoid unsightly ‘clutter’.
    As part of the pedestrian crossing scheme, it is proposed that vehicles should be prohibited from driving in the eastern arm of Byron Place, directly outside Nos. 7-10. This would provide improved access to the new crossing facilities. The one-way traffic order, which applies to this length of road, would be rendered redundant and would be revoked at the same time.

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  • Better Bus Areas Fund

    Created by Robin Heydon // 1 thread

    Proposed package: Streamlining bus services through Cambridge city centre

    A package of measures including some of the following is proposed:
    • Cambridge Core Scheme extension – potential remove all traffic but buses and cycles from St Andrews Street north of Emmanuel Street through the day.
    • Address taxi overcrowding in St Andrews Street.
    • Remove / relocate some on-street parking in Jesus Lane.
    • Bus priority measures along Chesterton Road
    • Improved bus stop infrastructure in Hobson Street and Jesus Lane.
    • Removal of some parking on Histon Road and Station Road.
    • On Street ticketing at busy or constrained boarding points to reduce bus standing time and pedestrian congestion.
    • Enhanced enforcement of infringements on key bus routes and stops.
    • Rerouting of some buses away from Bridge Street / Magdalene Street.
    • Park and ride capacity enhancements
    • Rural interchange enhancements on longer routes benefiting from the city centre improvements.

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6 threads found for 'closure':

No planning applications found for 'closure'.

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