Safer Junctions - A1 Holloway Road (including Drayton Park junction)
In the last three years, there were 61 collisions, with 71 casualties, 19 of which were people cycling and eight of which involved pedestrians. (Data available up until the end of November 2018).
The scheme aims to address identified and perceived safety concerns at these junctions, as well as at George’s Road and the turning into the petrol filling station south of Palmer Place. The scheme will introduce new, signalised pedestrian crossings at the Drayton Park/Palmer Place junction, replace the zebra crossing at the junction of Liverpool Road with a signalised crossing and simplify all the existing staggered crossings to straight across crossings at the Hornsey Road/Hornsey Street junction.
We consulted on a proposal that sought to deliver signalised pedestrian crossings at Drayton Park/Palmer Place and Liverpool Road in 2010. This was not taken ahead because of concerns raised during the consultation about the impact of the scheme on local roads arising from proposed banned turns. This consultation was also launched shortly after the recently opened Emirates stadium, the effects of which were felt to have an impact on the response to the consultation. When developing our new proposal we took this feedback into account and have now amended the scheme to address these concerns. The details can be found below.
Our proposals
We would like your views on the following proposals which aim to provide new signalised crossings and address identified safety concerns.
We propose to provide new, signalised pedestrian crossings at the Holloway Road/Palmer Place/Drayton Park junction and the Holloway Road/Liverpool Road junction. The existing signalised pedestrian crossing outside the London Metropolitan University Clocktower building would move south and be brought into the new junction.
We propose to simplify the Holloway Road/Hornsey Street/Hornsey Road junction. We would convert the existing staggered signalised pedestrian crossings to straight across crossings. We also propose to remove the small triangular pedestrian island and slip road into Hornsey Road to create more space for people walking, reduce the crossing distance and simplify traffic movements.
To allow for the proposed crossing changes to be introduced, changes to some bus stops, loading bays and parking locations between Hornsey Street/Hornsey Road and Ronalds Road would be required.
To provide the new crossings, we propose to make changes to some permitted turning arrangements for traffic at the Drayton Park/Palmer Place and Liverpool Road junctions. All movements through the area would still be possible in the new road layout, but it might be necessary for road users to take a different route. These changes are necessary to allow the crossings to be delivered without displacing traffic on to local roads.
In detail:
- From Palmer Place on to Holloway Road, we propose to reinstate the right turn and remove the left turn. Traffic approaching from Palmer Place and heading north would instead use Liverpool Road to turn left on to Holloway Road
- From Holloway Road in to Palmer Place, the left turn would be removed and vehicles would use Liverpool Road to turn left
- From Liverpool Road on to Holloway Road the right turn would be removed and vehicles would use Palmer Place to travel south towards Central London
We need to remove two trees to ensure the new signals at Liverpool Road are visible to drivers. We have identified locations to plant new trees elsewhere within the scheme extents, subject to ground conditions.
We propose to change the traffic signals at the Drayton Park/Palmer Place junction so that the side roads run separately to reduce the risk of conflict between road users at this junction.
To provide the new pedestrian crossings at the Drayton Park/Palmer Place junction and on Liverpool Road, all the junctions in the scheme must be addressed together. This is to ensure the road network operates effectively in this area for all users.
Traffic modelling
Our traffic modelling data shows that the overall effect of our proposals on buses is generally neutral. The majority of bus routes will experience a change in journey time of between 0 and 30 seconds, however there are also some considerable improvements, of up to 5 minutes, expected for buses using Liverpool Road in both directions, particularly during the PM peak. There is an overall small impact on northbound general traffic, with improved journey times for southbound general traffic. These impacts result from the need to balance the network for all vehicular modes affected by the proposals.
Bus service changes
As a result of changes to the turning movements at the junction of Palmer Place to Holloway Road, we are also proposing to reroute the 153 bus route in a northbound direction from Palmer Place on to Liverpool Road. This is required because of the changes at the Palmer Place junction but is also expected to increase reliability and simplicity for passengers.
Cycleway consultation
The London Borough of Islington, in partnership with Transport for London, are also currently consulting on a new Cycleway adjacent to this scheme. The new Cycleway will connect Finsbury Park and Highbury Fields, where the improved route will help cyclists cross Holloway Road at the existing cycle crossing at Fieldway Crescent. More details are available at: