Things tagged 'consultation'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

571 issues found for 'consultation':

  • York Street area residents' parking zone

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    Cambridgeshire County Council has published proposals and consultation to introduce a residents’ parking scheme in the streets around York Street and New Street.

    This is a long-overdue scheme.

    There are a couple of issues:

    - Builders vans and so on, never mind deliveries, are difficult, resulting in blocked pavements, etc.

    - Making the case for the scheme in the face of opposition in a few streets because of a reduction in spaces where there is currently parking on both sides of the street (which means domination of the space for private motor vehicle storage).

    - At last, elimination of pavement parking and the ability to enforce any pavement overrun.

    - Building support for the scheme - residents' parking proposals have a key strategic role in reducing unnecessary traffic, by almost eliminating circulation by drivers speculatively looking for parking.

    - No cycle parking is proposed.

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  • Watercress Park Motorcycle Inhibitor

    Created by Marcus Howarth // 1 thread


    London Borough of Sutton is considering installing a motorcycle barrier on the Spencer Road Entrance at Watercress Park to help prevent unlawful use by motorbikes and we are interested in hearing your views. The barriers are designed to allow pedestrians and those using mobility scooters and wheelchairs to enter but to stop motorcycles from gaining access.

    We are aware that motorbikes regularly access the site via the  Spencer Road entrance which can cause anti-social behaviour and safety issues.  As part of the Council's commitment to improving the situation for local residents we propose to install an inhibitor gate. 

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  • Plough Lane

    Created by Marcus Howarth // 1 thread

    The Council is proposing to introduce a traffic management scheme in Plough Lane junction with Collyer Avenue and Queenswood Avenue. We are proposing these measures in response to concerns raised by local residents in the area, ward councillors about traffic speed, noise, pollution, cut through traffic and road safety at the above mentioned junctions. 

    What is proposed?

     The following measures are proposed: 

    1. No entry points at the junctions with Collyer Avenue and Queenswood Avenue preventing access from Plough Lane. These measures also include mandatory cycle lanes at Collyer Avenue & Queenswood Avenue junction with Plough Lane
    2. New waiting restrictions in Collyer Avenue and Queenswood Avenue junction with Plough Lane.

    What is the aim of the measures?

    These measures aim to

    • Reduce risk of personal injury accidents and provide a safer environment for all road users.
    • Reduce traffic conflicts, improve traffic flow, safety and congestion at junctions
    • To discourage of obstructive parking 
    • To encourage active travel
    • Provision of cycle facilities
    • To enhance inclusiveness particularly for the vulnerable users

    From the 2023/24 and indicative 2024/25 programmes: (A) / Environment and Sustainable Transport Committee

    Appendix 7 b) - this is getting (£ ,000's )

    • 23/24 Funding Staff 12 Project 28 Total 40
    • 24/25 Funding Staff 10 Project 20 Total 30

    Perceived safety issues raised that vehicles are not stopping at the

    existing zebra because vehicles are rat running to avoid Croydon

    Road/A232 (red route). The zebra is located on a link between the two

    roads being used for rat running so drivers are looking for the next road

    entrance rather than at the zebra. The proposal is considering measures

    to address through traffic issues - initial locations being investigated are

    the junctions of Queenswood Avenue/Plough Lane and Collyer

    Ave/Plough Lane (subject to consultation).

    The proposal also includes consideration of a parallel low traffic cycle

    route along Queenswood & Collyers Road as an alternative to the A232

    Croydon Road which currently has no cycle facilities along the parallel

    stretch. Cyclists using this quiet alternative link will be able to re-join the

    A232 Croydon Road via Aldwick Rd which connects to the existing

    Croydon Rd cycle facility. This element of the scheme could be moved to

    the Cycle Network Development/Borough Cycling Fund.

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  • Food, Farming and Countryside Commission

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Date: 10th May

    Time: 5 – 6.30pm

    Location: Online, please sign up using this link:

    The Food, Farming and Countryside commission is 'touring' the countryside to gather views about land in Cambs and Peterborough:

    Listening Tour: Your Views on Land in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

    We ask a lot of land. We need it to grow food, restore biodiversity and nature, decarbonise the
    economy and adapt to climate change – while also providing space for new homes, access to nature
    for leisure and wellbeing and the infrastructure for business, energy and transport. In England, there
    is currently no coordinated way of balancing all of these pressures.
    Planners are often faced with agreeing the ‘least-worst’ development proposals. Local people have
    little say when their valued open countryside, green spaces, or even allotments are lost to other
    uses. We want to test ideas for a more strategic and effective approach that will support action to
    deliver net zero, nature recovery, clean air and water, economic development, and food production.
    A land use framework will also help individual landowners and farmers make long term plans as they
    face a raft of new support mechanisms; to help assess what their land is best used for in the context
    of the wider landscape.
    We want to hear from people about the places where they live and work and what they value most
    there. We want to hear people’s hopes, fears and aspirations for their local environment and what
    they would like to improve. We’re interested in towns, villages, farms, landscapes and wildlife, food,
    roads, rivers, transport, heritage and employment. What changes are coming and how can they best
    be addressed? How can local people be involved in defining what Cambridgeshire is like in 20 years’
    We hope the meeting will be interesting and lively, and that you share your views. We will include a
    short introduction to the topic about how places have been changing over time and the competing
    pressures on land to open up the discussion.
    These meetings will form part of a wider “tour” gathering views right across Cambridgeshire. They
    will all contribute to a Land Use Framework being developed by people and organisations right across
    Cambridgeshire. For more information:

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  • Queen's Crescent Area Scheme Public Consultation

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Following consultation in January 2021, Camden put in a trial scheme using ETOs in May 2021.

    The main features of the trial scheme were:

    • a pedestrianised section in Queen’s Crescent between Basset Street and Weedington Road (south) 
        plus closures at QC on the side roads Allcroft Road and Weedington Road (north)
    • a road closure on Grafton Road outside Carlton School (just north of its intersection with Queen’s Crescent).

    Camden is now proposing to make the scheme permanent but with the following changes:

    • shorten the pedestrianised section of Queen’s Crescent to  between Allcroft Road and Weedington Road (south)
    • move the Grafton Road closure further north (just north of Crestsield Close)

    These changes still ensure no rat-running on Grafton Road and on Queen’s Crescent, which is very important for cycling since C6 runs along Grafton Road and Queen’s Crescent provides a useful route to it from the western end of Prince of Wales Road (although cycling though isn’t convenient on market days).

    Camden’s stated motivations for the changes in QC are 

    • more parking and loading opportunities, in response to issues raised by businesses.
    • to improve access for motor vehicles

    Other proposed additions:

    • wider footways and continuous footways across several side road junctions
    • new sinusoidal ramp on Grafton Road by the bend near Vicars Road.
    • new seating, trees and bikehangars

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  • Oakley Square (north) - Safe and Healthy Streets Consultation

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden proposes to make permanent the trial changes at Oakley Square (north) at the junction with Crowndale Road put in under an ETO in December 2020. (No Entry for motor vehicles from Crowndale Road into Oakley Square – north).

    Camden also proposes for the Crowndale Road junction:

    - The planters and droppable bollard to be replaced with a new ‘continuous footway’ with a widening of the pavement along Crowndale Road

    - The cycle entry gap is to be re-aligned to accommodate the pavement

    - A new tree and bench are to be installed alongside the continuous footway

    A new bike hangar is to replace a residents’ parking bay outside 50 Oakley Square (north).

    Camden also proposes for the junction with Eversholt Street.

    • Narrow the junction with a continuous footway to reduce the crossing distance and give pedestrians clear priority at this location
    • Widen the pavement on Oakley Square at the approach to the junction to provide a continuous link between pavement and footway
    • Remove guardrails along the motorcycle parking bay outside number 70
    • Plant a new tree near where the new pavement meets the Oakley Square (north) pavement

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  • St Pancras Way Cycle Track

    Created by John Chamberlain // 1 thread

    In September 2020, Camden Council put in a segregated southbound cycle track on St Pancras Way under Covid-19 Safe Travel regulations. It was done under an Experimental Traffic Order and they are now consulting on making it permanent or removing it. Details in the attached thread.

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  • Arlington Road Area Low Traffic Neighbourhood

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    A set of temporary measures was implemented in September 2020 with a view to reducing through traffic in Arlington Road and the surrounding streets. Further measures were added later to make the scheme more effective.

    Camden reports the following changes in the local area:

    - a 15% increase in cycle volumes

    - 43% decrease in motor traffic

    - 15% decrease in traffic-related collisions

    Camden is consulting on making all of these measures permanent with the following enhancements:

    Jamestown Road: restriction on eastbound motor vehicles. Replace the planter with a traffic island

    Inverness Street: no access for motor vehicles to Arlington Road. Replace the planters with traffic islands and widen the footway outside Cavendish School. NOTE: At our meeting on Monday’ 15th Nov, it was suggested we should ask for a School Street for Cavendish School.

    Buck Street: no way in and out for motor vehicles from Kentish Town Road

    Arlington Road (south of junction of Delancey Street):  restriction on northbound motor vehicles. Add a traffic island and greening, raise carriageway. 

    Mornington Street: no way in and out for motor vehicles  at the junction with Albert Street

    Albert Street: no way in and out for motor vehicles at the junction with Mornington Place.  Replace planters with removable bollards

    Mornington Place: no way in and out for motor vehicles at the junction with Clarkson Row/Mornington Terrace. Replace planters with removable bollards. New tree and planting on Mornington Street. New Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) on Clarkson Row

    New junction designs and other changes

    Delancey Street @ Albert Street - remove the right turn lane (from Albert Street) and build out the footway. NOTE: the original Delancey-Pratt scheme indicated the entry to a new contraflow cycle here. We should aim to keep that.

    Delancey Street @Arlington Road  Raise the junction.

    Parkway Cycle Hire Station: move to the southern corner of Albert Street.

    Parkway junction with Arlington Road: lengthen the feeder lane on Parkway. NOTE (as suggested at our meeting on 15th) this cycle lane should extend over the space occupied by the cycle hire station.

    Parkway junction with Albert Street: double yellow lines

    Parkway junction with Arlington Road: widen eastern footway to north of junction and remove two parking spaces.

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  • Southampton Row and Theobalds Road Safe and Healthy Streets

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Following a fatality at this junction in August Camden Council installed a number of temporary changes to the junction in October.

    This consultation concerns some more radical permanent changes

    The proposals include:

    • A cycle gate on the Southampton Row (N) approach
    • A new segregated cycle track northbound and southbound on Southampton Row
    • ASL boxes with early release on the Vernon Place and Southampton Row (S) arms
    • Early release for cycles and buses on Theobalds Road
    • Full-time bus lanes on Southampton Row (S) and on Theobalds Road
    • Widened pedestrian crossing on Vernon Place with cyclists to be allowed to turn left from Southampton Row into Vernon Place
    • Removing the pedestrian guardrail around the junction to reduce potential harm to cyclists
    • New ‘buff’ coloured surfacing at crossing points

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  • Highgate Road Safe and Healthy Streets

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden is consulting on making permanent the trial scheme put in during summer 2020:

    • Extension of hours of operation to 24/7 – “at all times” for the following bus lanes on Highgate Road:
      • the southbound bus lane CMO15 which runs from St Albans Road to Dartmouth Park Road,
      • the northbound bus lane CMO16 which runs from Carrol Close (97 Highgate Road) to Wesleyan Place,
      • and the southbound bus lane CMO17 which runs from Burghley Road to Fortess Road .
    • Waiting and loading restrictions extended to ‘at any time’ in all bus lanes.
    • Addition of two loading bays outside 109-111 Highgate Road in CMO16 and outside 12 Highgate Road in CMO17 with hours of operation of 7pm-7am for loading for commercial properties.

    They also propose the following new measures

    • the extension of the existing southbound bus lane “CMO15” to the north, up to the roundabout with Swains Lane
    • the removal of paid-for/permit parking bays along Highgate Road to remove existing pinch points and facilitate the extension of the bus lane (10 outside the tennis courts and 18 opposite Grove Terrace).
    • the introduction of ‘at any time’ waiting and loading restrictions at the junction of Highgate Road and Carrol Close, to improve road user and pedestrian safety

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  • Quietway 7 (Cycleway 43) in Westminster - east section

    Created by Colin Wing // 4 threads

    This is the proposed route of the east section of Quietway 7 (Cycleway 43) in Westminster. At the western end, it has two branches: off Quietway 2 (Cycleway 27) at Norfolk Crescent and to/from Hyde Park via Connaught Square and Stanhope Place. It was not possible to show both of those on the map.

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    1. Millfield Lane Safe and Healthy Streets

      Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

      In June 2020, a No Entry (with cycle exception) was placed on Millfield Lane just south of the junction of Merton Lane, making the southern section one way northbound for motor vehicles. In addition, several parking spaces were removed at the bend to provide more space for walking.  This was done with an experimental traffic order and Camden is now consulting on making the changes permanent and building a proper footway at the widened section.


      Camden also proposes:

      • to convert 11 extra parking bays on Millfield Lane to double yellow lines and double kerb blips to improve visibility, reduce conflict between drivers and cyclists and to minimise vehicle movements which are hazardous to pedestrians.
      • and to remove parking on Merton Lane close to the junction with West Hill
      • and to remove parking at the junction of Merton Lane and Millfield Lane and widen the footway

      They also ask whether we would like to have Merton Lane one-way for motor vehicles (eastbound only)

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    2. Proposed Pedestrian and Cycle Improvements on Abbey Road Junction With Belsize R

      Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

      Camden is consulting on some proposed improvements for walking and cycling through the junction of  Abbey Road and Belsize Road

      •  New diagonal pedestrian crossing points .
      • Advanced stop lines (ASL) for cyclists to be increased to 5m -
      • Existing refuge islands to be removed from the junction .
      • All guard railing around the junction to be removed. Bus cage on Abbey Road to be shortened and relocated 4m closer to the junction.
      • Footways to be widening around the junction .
      • 5 Seconds early release for cyclists on both Abbey Road approaches to the junction.

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    3. Chalk Farm Road Walking, Cycling and Road Safety Improvements

      Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

      Camden Council installed Pop-up cycle lanes on Chalk Farm Road and the lower end of Haverstock Hill last summer. They are now consulting on proposals to make these and associated changes permanent.

      The proposals include:

      • Replacing the temporary ‘kerb and wand’ segregation with a new raised stepped cycle track
      • Improved junction layout at Haverstock Hill/ Chalk Farm Road/ Adelaide Road/ Regents Park Road/ Crogsland Road, including a new signalised pedestrian crossing across the middle and a cycle gate for norttbound cycles and bypass for southbound cycles.
      • Retaining the improvements at the Ferdinand Street- Juniper Way junction
      • Retaining the four bus stop bypasses and replacing the ride round bus stop outside Haverstock School with a new bus stop bypass east of Crogsland Road and adding a new bus stop bypass between the junctions of Harmood Street and Hartland Road. Putting the bus shelters on the island.
      • Taxi parking facility outside Camden Market to be relocated to east of Crogsland Road and to be shared with a new timed loading bay
      • New blended junctions at Belmont Street, Harmood Street and Hartland Road
      • Blue surfacing across junctions and side roads to provide an increased awareness of cyclists.
      • Installing new double yellow lines with double blip markings (no parking/waiting at any time) along the scheme route to prevent vehicles from parking and loading on the cycle lane.

      Drop In Sessions

      23 September 2021 (Thursday) from 16:00 to 19:00

      30 September 2021 (Thursday) from 16:00 to 19:00

      Location: Castlehaven Community Centre, 23 Castlehaven Rd, London NW1 8RU

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    4. Prowse Place and Wilmot Place Healthy Streets

      Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

      Camden proposes to make permanent the trial closures that were installed in Prowse Place and Wilmot Place in June 2020.

      The Prowse Place closure was originally by means of bollards but has been replaced by ANPR and signage while the Wilmot Place closure is by means of bollards.

      Camden also proposes to:

      • Improve connections for cycling on Wilmot Place between Royal College Street and St Pancras Way:
        • for eastbound cyclists a Tiger crossing into the contraflow on Wilmot Place west
        • for westbound cyclists, a bollard protected lane and a place to wait before turning right into the St Pancras Way cycle lane
        • But they have not proposed a solution of making the right turn into Wilmot Place west from the northbound cycle track on Royal College Street.
      • A blended junction on Wilmot Place at Pancras Way
      • strong blue paint markings where the cycle lanes on Royal College Street pass the junction with Wilmot Place.
      • Make Jeffreys St/ Wilmot Place, between Prowse Place and St Pancras Way, two-way for motor vehicles (introduces left hook risk - blue paint enough?)

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    5. Red Lion and Dane Street Healthy Streets

      Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

      Camden proposes to make permanent the trial closures that were installed in Red Lion Street and Dane Street in June 2020.

      They also propose to:

      - create a pedestrian and cycle only zone on Red Lion Street south of the junction with Princeton Street with new trees and cycle parking

      - stop southbound motor traffic on Bedford Row from accessing Sandland Street, introducing a wide build-out with new trees, seating and cycle parking

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    6. Shadwell Liveable Streets Consultation

      Created by Alex Jenkins // 1 thread

      The Liveable Streets Shadwell proposal aims to improve the look and feel of the Shadwell area whilst making it easier, safer, and more convenient to get around by foot and bike.

      Overview map of proposals in Shadwell. Please click on the image to download a larger copy.

      These proposals have been developed on feedback based on residents, businesses and the local community and aim to benefit all road users. This is achieved by improving accessibility to walking and cycling for all so that those with disabilities, people of all ages, cultures and genders can feel safe. Additionally, the reduction in through traffic in the area will improve the safety and air quality for all.

      Our proposals include:

      • School Street on Bigland Street to improve road safety for students and families.
      • Creating more space for pedestrians to improve access on Watney Street.
      • Enhancing the neighbourhood with improved accessibility, lighting, planting, public art, and traffic calming measures.
      • Reducing cut-through traffic in the area during morning peak periods.
      • Improving the pavements on Cannon Street Road for pedestrians.

      What is being proposed?

      Five schemes have been developed to improve walking and cycling, create better public spaces, discourage through-traffic and improve air quality (click on each scheme to view details):

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    7. Camden Road Toucan crossings TfL consultation

      Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

      TfL is planning to upgrade two of the existing signalised pedestrian crossings on Camden Road to Toucans.

      These crossings are:

      Rochester Road to Rochester Square

      The crossing lines up with Rochester Square (south side of Camden Road) so TfL is proposing a section of shared-use footway on the north side of Camden Road from Rochester Road to the crossing.

      Cantelowes Gardens to Cantelowes Road

      The crossing almost lines up with the footway exit from Cantelowes Road (past the planter known locally as the ‘billiard table’). TfL is proposing a section of shared-use footway on the north side of Camden Road between the western exit from the Gardens and the crossing.


      Camden is being left to make the connections at both ends of the two crossings. These are tricky e.g. cycling isn’t even allowed in Cantelowes Gardens at the moment. But those issues are outside the scope of this consultation. 

      Toucans are signalised crossings where cycles and pedestrian share the surface of the crossing as well as an area of footway on both sides of the road. They are supposed to be at least 4m wide. (LTN 2/95).

      The Rochester Road crossing width will be increased to 4m. The crossing at Cantelowes Road is already over 3.5m wide. In both case the island width will be increased to 2.5m

      Drawing of the proposals for the two crossings

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    8. Three sets of road closures to be made permanent Sandall Road, Savernake Road, C

      Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

      Sandall Road Safe and Healthy Streets scheme

      In May 2020, as a trial, bollards were placed across Sandall Road by the width restriction to prevent motor traffic from cutting through residential streets between Camden Road and Kentish Town Road or Leighton Road.

      Camden is now consulting on whether the trail scheme should be made permanent. Drawing here.

      The consultation and the Online Survey are here

      Savernake and Cressy Road Safe and Healthy Streets scheme

      In May 2020, as a trial, bollards were placed across Savenake Road by the entry to Saverrnake Bridge to prevent motor traffic from cutting through Constantine Road and Savernake Road to avoid the signals at the junction of Agincourt Road and Mansfield Road.

      Camden is now consulting on whether the trail scheme should be made permanent with some enhancements - three separate water absorbing planting areas to include three new trees. Plans.

      They are also proposing two-way cycling on Cressy Road between Agincourt Road and Constantine Road – a very welcome extension of the recently implemented two-way cycling on Cressy Road south of Agincourt Road.

      And an electric vehicle charging point.

      The consultation and the Online Survey are here

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    9. Electric Scooter Trial in Camden

      Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

      On the 7th June 2021 Transport for London launched a trial on the use of rental electric scooters across some parts of London.

      E.g. in Ealing, Hammersmith and Fulham, Richmond, Kensington and Chelsea and Tower Hamlets (ride through only) and Canary Wharf.

      The City of London and Westminster plan to join the trial on the 5th July 2021.

      Camden Council is now consulting on taking part in this trial.

      Service operators Dott, Lime and Tier.

      The e-scooters would be unlocked through the operator’s app on the user’s mobile phone and would be required to be parked within a designated parking bay at the end of a journey.

      They would be permitted on public highways in Camden and cycle lanes and will share cycle contraflow facilities.

      They would not be permitted on pavements or any public pedestrian space.

      Riders would need to be 18 years of age or over and have a full or provisional driving licence to rent an e-scooter

      Speed would be limited to 12.5mph. GPS managed speeds..

      They would be parked on street in assigned dockless hire parking bays, GPS enforcement of using bays

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    10. Goods Way Scheme

      Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

      Goods Way has been one way westbound for motor vehicles for most of its length during recent construction works. The section between the Kings Cross Station service road and York Way is two-way to allow service and construction vehicles to access York Way directly.  Two-way cycling has been maintained right along Goodsway. 

      Camden proposes to make the current arrangements permanent

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    11. Proposed Zebra Crossing / Temporary Parking Relocation - Ferdinand Street NW1

      Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

      The main proposal is for  a new Zebra crossing outside the Harmood Children’s Centre

      The new zebra will be 6.5m wide and replaces a 12+ m wide crossing with a pedestrian island. The consultation says: “Reducing the carriageway width can also have a traffic calming effect.

      Space will also be provided for rain gardens (SUDs) and cycle parking for 6 to 8 bikes

      The other proposal is to provide a temporary bus stand for the 27 bus during the Morrisons development and to relocate the affected parking bays. The new bus stand will be beside the Denton residential block at the northern end of Ferdinand Street.

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    532 threads found for 'consultation':

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