Things tagged 'cycle-lane-needed'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

4 issues found for 'cycle-lane-needed':

  • Harrow 'Northern' Cycle Route

    Created by Anoop // 1 thread

    Harrow council is proposing to build a 'Northern Cycle Route', mostly a signed route with minimal intervention and no changes to the road space allocated to motor vehicles. Some of the route follows existing advisory cycle lanes or signed-only routes along busy roads that do not meet cycle design standards. There are a few isolated improvements - small sections of segregated path on verges to connect service roads or other minor roads, and some new parallel zebras, but even these are poorly designed and take cyclists well away from the crossing desire lines.

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  • Wealdstone Town Centre Redevelopment

    Created by Anoop // 1 thread

    Harrow council is proposing to reroute buses in Wealdstone town centre in order to improve bus reliability. They are also proposing expensive re-modelling of junctions and repaving of the high street, but without any changes to the car circulation plan or new cycle routes.

    There will be a short section of cycle path along a short section of the high street (part of the TfL Quietway), but another section of the high street is becoming one-way with no cycling contraflow. Cycle desire lines to and from the station or Harrow Leisure centre are not catered for at all. Many of the pedestrian desire lines lack formal crossings.

    There are no measures to reduce car traffic or restrict cars from certain roads, beyond the restrictions that exist already. Overall this scheme will do little to increase walking or cycling in Wealdstone.

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  • Hull Road cycle lane required

    Kate Ravilious // 1 thread

    This road is incredibly dangerous for cyclists. Lorries from the skip/refuse centre and cars all drive fast and don't give cyclists sufficient space. A segregated cycle lane is desperately needed.

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  • A5117 Cheshire Oaks to Stanlow, Thornton and Ince / Elton

    Created by HVS // 3 threads

    The A5117 at this point has some sections of non-protected cycle lane, but they are not continuous, and they disappear at a number of pinch points. The road carries a lot of very fast moving heavy traffic, and is dangerous and unpleasant to cycle on. It would be a useful route for people travelling by bike to or from Stanlow Refinery, Cheshire Oaks, the University of Chester at Thornton Science Park, and Ince & Elton villages, but is currently only used by a tiny number of very brave and confident cyclists. This situation could be improved by making the cycle lane continuous along the whole route.

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6 threads found for 'cycle-lane-needed':

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