Things tagged 'development'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

51 issues found for 'development':

  • PA_191581_BartCt

    Created by Steven Moseley // 1 thread

    "When Colchester council approved the plan, in about 2007, it insisted that all private motor traffic enter and leave the estate via an access on to the A134 (Cordelia Drive), near to the A12 but at the farthest point from the town centre. ...

    A year ago, the developers, Mersea Homes and Countryside, decided they didn't like this arrangement and applied to scrap the bus gate. They hedged their bets and also asked to move the bus gate into their estate, giving 160 homes access to Mile End Road. 

    Colchester council rejected the scrapping of the bus gate but granted a temporary access for five years to be covered by a legal agreement. 

    The developers decided to go to appeal." (blog)

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  • 210648 Nayland/Boxted Rd

    Created by Steven Moseley // 1 thread

    Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval 121272 for the construction of 201 dwellings.

    Parcels R01, R02 & R03, G1, G3, G4 And Osf1 North Colchester Urban Ext, Mile End Road, Colchester

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  • Former ABRO site

    Created by Steven Moseley // 1 thread

    The ABRO site (now called the DSG) forms part of the Defence Estate and was used as a military vehicle repair facility. The site was vacated in about 2019 and has not been used since that time. The Defence Estates have decided to dispose of the site as it is no longer required for military purposes.

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  • Proposed East Colchester Garden Community

    Created by Steven Moseley // 2 threads

    "Braintree, Colchester and Tendring Councils along with Essex County Council joined together to put forward plans for three new settlements built to Garden City Principles.

    The three sites based west of Braintree, on the Braintree / Colchester border and on the Colchester / Tendring border could deliver up to 43,000 new homes along the North Essex A120 corridor with significant employment opportunities and transformational new infrastructure over the next 50 years."

    In May 2020 the planning inspector found the other two proposed settlements to be unsound, leaving East of Colchester as the only one of the three that could proceed.

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  • Middlewick

    Created by Steven Moseley // 1 thread

    The Ministry of Defence (MOD) is investing in new military firing range capabilities for Colchester Garrison which will release Middlewick Ranges for disposal. This presents an opportunity for the site to contribute towards Colchester’s need for new housing, and the land has been identified in the draft Colchester Local Plan as being suitable for up to 1,000 new homes and supporting local infrastructure.

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  • Planning Application 202025

    Created by Steven Moseley // 2 threads

    Development of 153 dwellings with associated parking, landscaping, open space, drainage and infrastructure and formation of new access and alterations to existing access onto Berechurch Hall Road.

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  • Victoria Quarter Development

    Created by JonC // 3 threads

    • 692 much-needed new homes, including 35% affordable (242 homes) This is almost double the 2017 planning consent.
    • Creating a transition to Victoria Recreation Ground, improving public access and delivering new landscaping
    • 404 new car parking spaces, with 79 at the surface and the remainder undercroft
    • 1,317 new cycle parking spaces
    • 615sqm of mixed-use commercial space
    • New public realm and associated landscaping
    • Access and connectivity improvements

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  • Northern Gateway Proposals

    Created by Steven Moseley // 1 thread

    Turnstone Estates is pleased to present updated plans for a state of the art leisure facility at the Northern Gateway, Colchester.  We want the local community to be able to have their say in advance of a revised planning application being made to Colchester Borough Council.  This is to ensure that local input can be fully considered and addressed prior to the submission of the updated application.

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  • Madison Square Garden (MSG) Sphere Planning Application

    Created by jrothwell // 2 threads

    The Madison Square Garden Company proposes to build a new entertainment venue, "the MSG Sphere", adjacent to Angel Lane and Montfichet Road in the Olympic Park.

    They have proposed a two-way cycle track at pavement level on Montfichet Road past Westfield, and to narrow the carriageway on Angel Lane (removing the current advisory cycle lane.) A small amount of visitor cycle parking is proposed.

    From LLDC's planning page:

    In March 2019, the Planning Policy and Decisions Team received a planning application for a large-scale live music and entertainment venue from The Madison Square Garden Company (MSG). The proposal is for a spherical shaped building next to Stratford Station that would provide an auditorium (capacity for up to 21,500 people), a music venue, nightclub, members lounge, restaurants, bars, and new bridges to create pedestrian connections across the site amongst other things.

    The building is a first for London because externally the spherical building would be composed of a ‘skin’ of LED’s. These LED’s would be programmable and could display images on the surface of the building including adverts.

    Application Documents 

    A detailed planning application and has been submitted which comprises a number of plans, drawings and documents that can be viewed on our website. An advertisement consent has also been submitted which comprises a number of plans and a design statement which is also available on our website.

    Both applications can all be viewed via the Planning Application Register, using the following reference numbers:

    • Full Planning Application: 19/00097/FUL
    • Advertisement Consent Application: 19/00098/ADV

    How can I comment 

    If you have any comments about the MSG Sphere proposal, please write to the Planning Policy and Decisions Team by Friday 28 June 2019. Comments must be submitted in writing via email or post:


    Email:; or

    Post:  Planning Policy and Decisions Team
    London Legacy Development Corporation
    Level 10
    1 Stratford Place
    Montfichet Road
    E20 1EJ


    Public Consultation


    The Planning Policy and Decision Team will be hosting a public consultation event where you can share your thoughts and learn more about the proposal and planning application process.


    The consultation event will take place on 5 June 2019 (4.00PM – 8.30PM) at: ST PAUL AND ST JAMES CHURCH, 65 MARYLAND RD, E15 1JL (Venue details and directions are available via the following link -

    The event will broadly be structured as follows:

    • 4.00PM – 6.00PM – Drop-in and talk to a representative of the LLDC planning team
    • 6.30PM – 8.30PM – Presentation, Question and Answer session followed by Group Discussions

    If you have any questions or special requirements please contact us at:


    Planning Committee


    The planning application will be determined by the LLDC Planning Decision Committee, after the Planning Policy Decisions Team have reviewed the submission and all written responses received during the consultation period. No date is currently set and it is considered that the earliest this could take place is Winter 2019. This page will be updated in due course once the date for Committee is known.

    Planning Documentation 


    Various key documents, which provide an overview of the proposal can be viewed and/or download below. Please be aware some of these documents are quite large and may take sometime to open / download on certain computers:

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  • 21-month closure of cycle path from Cambridge North to Milton Road

    Anon // 1 thread

    At the end of this blog post, it's reported that the segregated cycle path from Cambridge North station to the north of the Business Park will be closed to cyclists from March 2019 to December 2020 (a period of 21 months), for utility works relating to development on the Cambridge North site. Cyclists are to be diverted to the south side path (along the busway); pedestrian access on the north side will apparently be maintained.

    In particular, this appears to prevent cyclist use of the recently opened gate at the south end of the Business Park for the duration of the works (unless perhaps one pushes one's cycle). Getting from or through Cambridge North to the Science Park will be less convenient, too.

    Full text from Camcycle blog post. (Robin Heydon tells me this information originally came from Brookgate.)

    Development at Cambridge North

    Early works have begun on the further development around Cambridge North, where new offices and a hotel will be built. Within the next couple of months, a major cyclist diversion will be put in place which reroutes cyclists accessing the station via the segregated path along Cowley Road. This will be closed to allow utility works from Milton Road down to the station. Cyclists will be redirected along the Busway cycleway from Milton Road. There will continue to be road access for cyclists to the industrial and residential units off Cowley Road (including the Camcycle office), but not beyond this point. Note that there will be a signifidant increase in construction traffic along Cowley Road.

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  • 17/1799/FUL: West Cambridge Site - Cavendish III

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread


    Full Planning permission for 37,160 sqm of D1 academic floor space to accommodate the relocation of the Cavendish Laboratory, including; all associated infrastructure including drainage, utilities, landscape and cycle parking; strategic open space to the south and west of the new Cavendish; modifications to JJ Thomson Avenue to provide disabled parking to be used in association with the Cavendish and changes to road surface materials; alterations to the existing access to Madingley Road to the north west of the proposed Cavendish to enable servicing; and demolition of Merton Hall Farmhouse and removal of existing Vet School access road from JJ Thomson Avenue. | Land West Of JJ Thomson Avenue West Cambridge Site Madingley Road Cambridge CB3 0FA

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  • 17/1008/FUL Darwin Green resubmission

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    17/1008/FUL | Resubmitted application (previously approved under application reference 14/0063/FUL) for the construction of vehicular road link across the north-west green corridor of consented development 07/0003/OUT to provide access to the proposed secondary school parcel of land within South Cambridgeshire District Council. (Resubmitted due to the expiration of three years from the date of the previous permission). | Land Adjoining Whitehouse Lane, Part Of The Darwin Green One Land Between Huntingdon Road And Histon Road Cambridge

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  • Chalk Farm Goods Yard Planning Framework

    Created by John Chamberlain // 1 thread

    From Camden Council's website:

    "Significant redevelopment may take place in the Camden Goods Yard area in the coming years. If this occurs, the London Borough of Camden wants to ensure a strategic and coordinated approach is taken to deliver the best outcomes for our communities. This framework sets out the Council’s vision and key objectives for this part of the borough."

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  • Cycle-friendly building design proposal: Lot S3 Northwest Cambridge

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread


    ``Following discussion with Jamie Wilding at the North West
    Cambridge Community Group Meeting, we'd like to arrange a design
    workshop meeting to discuss our design proposals at Lot S3, North West Cambridge.

    As you may be aware, the design narrative of Lot S3 is largely focused
    upon creating a cycle friendly development. With this narrative in
    mind, we are seeking the support and ideas of local cyclists.''

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  • Waterbeach township proposals

    Created by Rohan Wilson // 10 threads

    Turnstone, a consortium, is hoping to build a new town, to be named Denny St Francis, adjacent to Waterbeach (the barracks site, plus). Like any large development, cycling conditions need to be good.

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  • St. Michael's Retail Park proposed on Smiths Industries site (ex-Tesco)

    Created by jpennycook // 1 thread

    Area Estates are proposing to build a retail park on the former Smiths Industries site between Winchester Road and Harrow Way, in Basingstoke. This was formerly owned by Tesco, who failed to build a supermarket there.
    No cycling access has been proposed, and the provision for cycle parking is inadequate - insufficient for customers, and none for staff.

    Please submit feedback to the developer.

    No planning application yet, but previous applications for the site are here:

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  • Planning application: 16/1181/FUL Residential dvlpt 57 dwellings Hatherdene Clos

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Proposed residential development comprising 57 dwellings including houses and apartments, open space, landscaping and new vehicular access.

    Field At Corner Of Norman Way And Hatherdene Close Cambridge Cambridgeshire


    Application reference : 16/1181/FUL

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  • Planning application: 16/1130/FUL mixed-use development comprising a library and community facility with 10No 1xbedroom residential flats on the upper floors along with cycle parking and associated landscaping, following demolition

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Erection of a mixed-use development comprising a library and community facility at ground floor with 10No 1xbedroom residential flats on the upper floors along with cycle parking and associated landscaping, following the demolition of the existing building on site.

    Milton Library Ascham Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2BD


    Application reference : 16/1130/FUL

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  • Planning Application: 16/1108/FUL Proposed change of use from club to flats including cycle parking

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Proposed change of use of existing club building to form four 2-Bed flats and five 1-Bed flats, including additional storey in new roof extension. Erection of new two storey club building at rear with basement and a one 2-Bed flat, along with car and cycle parking and associated landscaping.

    Cherry Hinton Constitutional Club 142 - 144 Cherry Hinton Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 7AJ


    Application reference : 16/1108/FUL

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  • 16/0847/FUL | Erection of six bedsits | Land Adjacent To 52 Victoria Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 3DU

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Small development, there is very little information about cycle however a quick look at the drawing suggests that cycle parking layout is problematic.

    From the Planning and Heritage statement.

    The accompanying block plan clearly demonstrates that the proposed site arrangements provide for convenient and adequate locations for refuse collection, recycling and on-site cycle parking to provide opportunities to create an attractive setting with suitable hard landscaping and the use of coordinated materials of appropriate colour and texture would ensure a high quality build.

    It is considered that although no on-site parking has been made available to the proposed dwellings, the application site’s highly sustainable location and on-site secured cycle storage would encourage future occupiers depend less on private vehicles and travel via other more sustainable methods.


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25 threads found for 'development':

No library items found for 'development'.

No planning applications found for 'development'.

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