Things tagged 'greenway'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

7 issues found for 'greenway':

  • Trail Link needed

    Created by Steve Crapper // 1 thread

    An obvious link between the very well publicised and used Brierley trail and Skegby Trail is required in this plot of land to enable circular routes to be created

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  • Ayot Greenway Greenspace Action Plan 2020-2025

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    The Countryside Management Service is currently developing a Greenspace Action Plan for the Ayot Greenway. Attached (see thread) is the briefing document which explains more about the community engagement and plan production process. This briefing document is being sent to relevant local stakeholders. There will be further engagement on a draft plan during January and February 2020.

    We would welcome any comments you may have on the objectives proposed, or your thoughts on the future management of the Ayot Greenway. Should you have any questions, or if you would like to meet to discuss the plan, please get in touch with me using the contact details below.

    Rhiannon Barton, Trainee Land Management Projects Officer

    Countryside and Rights of Way, Environment and Infrastructure Department

    Hertfordshire County Council  I  County Hall  I  Pegs Lane, Hertford  I  SG13 8DN  I  Postal Point: CHN101

    ( 01992 555173 (Comnet 25173)  Email:

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  • Pudsey Greenside Cutting / Tunnel Infill proposal

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    Message from member DD.

    There is an application by the developer EP Homes to in fill the above cutting ( first application is a part infill , to be followed by full Infill and then probably housing application) .

    There is an issue of Bats roosts in the tunnel and under Carlisle Road Bridge. I'm forwarding this as there is also an issue of ever using this disused rail line as a cycle /walking route.

    There are quite a few objections to this and some residents mention the possibilities of a future cycle route Pudsey Greenside Greenway . There are also plans by Bradford Council for large housing developments new link road around Tong /Sholebrook/ Raikes Lane area, not far from the Western end of the railway tunnel.

    Leeds City Council Travel Wise Team also replied ,saying they had no comment on this development ,but state that Leeds cycling Officer Vicky Franks should be consulted. Is it worth Leeds Cycle Campaign contacting her on this item, and also our organisation objecting to this development ?

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  • Northern Access to the Canal Road Greenway

    Created by James Craig // 1 thread

    There is no safe route from the northern (unadopted) end of the Canal Road Greenway, to the NCN Aire Valley Towpath route. At present, Carnegie Drive dumps cyclists onto A657 Briggate (commonly referred to incorrectly at this point as Leeds Road), and one needs to turn right and then left across some very busy traffic in order to find refuge on Dock Lane. Dock Lane itself, although 'quiet' for most of the day (busy during rush hour) has a hazardous, narrow, blind kink in the middle, at a railway bridge. There are no warning signs.

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3 threads found for 'greenway':

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No planning applications found for 'greenway'.

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