Tea wagon opposite Cambridge North station - dangerous obstruction
I cycle commute to the Science Park every day, riding Northbound on new cycle path past Cambridge North station. Over the past few weeks I've noticed a mobile tea wagon set up on the grass beside the new cycle/foot path directly opposite the station. I have no idea whether this has been sanctioned by the station authorities, or is just a trader using his initiative.
I'm concerned that the position of this mobile wagon is making my commute less safe:
- location obscures the view for cyclists as they ride towards the station. Location is on a curve in the path and it obstructs the otherwise clear view in both directions for cyclists, obstructing the view of cycle traffic approaching from opposite direction.
- location restricts the path width, particularly when pedestrians are buying refreshment. There are a couple of 'bar stools' set up and the wagon itself encourages pedestrians to cross the a busy cycle path.
- the fold-up roof of the wagon protrudes out over the path. It is a thin flat roof hard to see even in daylight. (As mornings get darker it will be invisible.). Tall cyclists, or any cyclists standing up on the pedals, could easily collide with this roof. There is a danger of serious injury/decapitation.
Last week I stopped and politely mentioned these matters to the owner. I have asked him to instead set up in the wide lay-by 50 m further up the path but he has not moved yet.
The roadway has double yellow lines. I believe this means that Please note that yellow lines apply from the centre of the road to the edge of the highway. This means that you cannot park on the pavement or verge either.
Does the CCyC have any contacts at Cambridge North station who we can take this up with on safety grounds? If not, how can we get this waggon moved? It is only a matter of time that a Science Park cycle commuter has a serious accident here.