Things tagged 'obstruction'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

125 issues found for 'obstruction':

  • Concrete obstruction at Calverley Bridge

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    Large piece of concrete partially blocking access. If this was put here to stop motorbikes, then it is obviously ineffective due to eroded bank on right hand side.

    Reported to Leeds City Council via online reporting system 26/02/2016

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  • Ice Rink on Parker's Piece

    Created by cobweb // 8 threads

    There have been problems before with unsatisfactory cycle parking and obstruction of the paths across this busy green space. New people are providing the ice rink this year though.

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  • Avenue bus stop obstruction

    Created by Kieren // 10 threads

    Bus stop faces the opposite way to most others on the avenue, causes cyclists to get in the way of pedestrians (and vice versa). Either have to shuffle past people waiting and try to avoid the holly bush or go down the outside with barely any space with a chance of toppling into the road if you make a mistake.

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  • Parking on Canal Road

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    From member P.C.

    As you might know highways has really usefully put more yellow markings to stop parking on this tricky corner

    But the local car repair is using the corner as a salesroom. Its made it an even trickier corner. Can we get this info to highways pls as the double yellows need extending and to stop on pavement parking.

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  • Ranelagh Drive - Isleworth Prom Blocked Crossover

    Created by Paul L // 1 thread

    In order to get from Ranelagh Drive to the shared use Isleworth Prom you need to cross the footway. A dropped kerb has been provided but this is unmarked and is usually obstructed by parked vehicles. At a similar location in LB Hounslow the crossover is marked by bollards in the road encouraging motorists to leave a gap here and the same procedure could and should be used.

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  • Missing Cycling and Walking Link

    Created by Bracken VanRyssen // 1 thread

    The path between Smith's Wood and Water Orton could be a key cycling and walking link and a way to avoid the only other crossing of the A452 and M6, which is the busy and fast Water Orton Road. However the route is blocked off with concrete blocks and is in an extremely poor state of repair with overgrown bushes and an exceedingly unpleasant subway.

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  • Loading motors on Bath Street cycle lane (LCN0)

    Created by ma499 // 1 thread

    I ride through Bath Street daily and am getting cheesed off by the regular occurrence of motor vehicles loading at the southern end of Bath Street. They are a combination of deliveries for the supermarket and other shops on Old Street (north side, east of Bath Street) and mini-cabs waiting to pick-up.

    The motors are invariably parked on the southbound (contraflow) cycle lane despite the presence of both a double yellow line and double yellow flashings (meaning no loading). Because of the proximity of the Old Street junction this is particularly dangerous because when you cycle out into the northbound lane to bypass the motor vehicle, you may run into a vehicle entering from Old Street at speed.

    How do we get London Borough of Islington to properly enforce waiting and loading restrictions here?

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  • Barrier very tight for bikes

    Created by Donald Noble // 0 threads

    This barrier is quite a tight squeeze for a normal bike without panniers, and would be very difficult/impossible to get though with an accessible bike/panniers/trailer etc.

    Presume bollards could be used here to stop vehicles entering the path without causing an obstruction for bikes/wheelchairs etc.

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  • Rope Walk cars park in cycle lane westbound

    Created by Kevin Ablitt // 1 thread

    It is a constant problem that car drivers think it is acceptable to park in this particular spot.
    The single yellow needs upgrading to double yellow lines ( is this enforced anyway ) OR we need hard infrastruture design which prevents such selfish behaviour.

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  • Dangerous tree stump

    Created by Ian Seeley // 0 threads

    There is a tree stump about 3 feet high on the cycle track. It's particularly difficult to see at night when travelling east bound and should be completely removed and the cycle track resurfaced.

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  • Barrier too narrow for some bikes

    Created by Donald Noble // 1 thread

    Access barrier (presumably to stop motorbikes) is too narrow to permit access by some bikes, including mountain bikes with wide bars, plus all sorts of accessible bicycles, as well as pushchairs/wheelchairs/mobility scooters etc.

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  • Chicane installed by Astra Zeneca developers on guided bus track

    Created by James Gilbert // 1 thread

    The Astra Zeneca developers (I assume) have installed a chicane made from two plastic roadwork blocks, plus a little "Chicane Ahead" warning sign on the down slope of the guided busway path as it approaches Francis Crick Avenue.

    I assume that the idea is to slow down cyclists, but I don't see why this is any more necessary than it was before their building site was created. I think it will make collisions between cyclists, or between cyclists and pedestrians, more likely.

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  • Access blocked from Bramshot Lane to MoD Lands

    Created by Charlie Halliday // 0 threads

    Bramshot Lane was a MoD Road which went from Summit Avenue to the entrance of the National Gas Turbine Establishment at Pyestock. The Pyestock site and road have been sold to developers and the site renamed Hartland Park.
    The developers have now erected fencing on both sides of the road which comes up to the locked gates used by the MoD to access their land.
    Previously there was a gap at the side of the MoD gates to allow access for cyclists and pedestrians.
    For cyclists the main issue is the SUP crossing at the northern end which provides a valuable link between Farnborough and Fleet.
    The last remaining alternative is a staggered crossing on the A327 near the bridge over the railway and Fleet Road. This has poor sightlines and is unsafe.
    About 200m to south access to the Military Lands has been blocked on both sided of the road. It was previously possible to walk or cycle between the two sections of the Lands divided by Bramshot Lane.
    Note that paragraph 2 of the Aldershot and District Military Lands Byelaws 1976 allows public assess to the Military Lands when not being used for military purposes.

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  • Barrier across cycle lane - DANGEROUS!

    Created by Simon Redding // 0 threads

    The barrier in the photo blocks the route where NCN67 joins Storforth Road at the end of the Rother Washlands in Chesterfield.
    Perhaps the council was trying to be safe here, but since it's not a well lit area, a cyclist travelling this way at night might well have a nasty accident flying over this barrier.

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  • Gate on North Sea Cycle Route in Harwich

    Created by Gary // 0 threads

    Why would you put a gate across an official cycle route through the "Hangings" in Harwich, on the North Sea Cycle Route from Harwich International to Harwich Town? I've seen visitors from Europe try and cycle through this obstruction with trailers.

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  • New Hinxton ford flood barrier will block road to cyclists between Duxford and Hinxton

    Created by James Gilbert // 1 thread

    New barriers will be used to prevent cars driving into the ford when the river is too high. Almost all of the time when the ford is in flood it is still passable by cyclists and pedestrians on the footbridge. On the Duxford side (pictured), cyclists will have to squeeze past on the verge next to a ditch to get round. This will be hard for cyclists with trailers, children in seats etc...

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  • Gresham Road Resurfacing - No Diversion

    Created by MJR // 0 threads

    For a change, I tried following the route signs for the station today. As well as a mystery tour near the Grafton centre where the signs simply stop, my route was blocked at Gresham Road by "WET TAR" and a sign proclaiming it. No diversion was signed and there were no advance warning signs that would have let me pick a better route earlier. Plenty of people were riding along the footways - enough that it was too crowded for me to feel safe doing so. I performed a U-turn, waited a second time at the crossroad traffic lights and rode along the very busy Gonville Place and Hills Road instead.

    I've tweeted at Cambridgeshire County Council and Cambridge City Council in because I don't think that is legal - a cycle route suddenly being blocked by wet tar does not comply with the code of practice on safety at streetworks, which is required by law. I'm disappointed to encounter this in Cambridge.

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  • Illegal blocking of contraflow cycle lane

    Created by Jon_B // 1 thread

    The contra-flow cycle lane leading West on Dogs Head St was (once again) obstructed by illegally parked vehicles this morning.

    I have reported the specific incident, but this seems to be to be a more general problem of lack of enforcement and commercial vehicles believing that it is acceptable for them to use these lanes for short (or not so short) stops.

    In this case there were a large lorry and a van parked one behind each other forcing cyclists to pull out around them into potential oncoming traffic (including buses as can be clearly seen in the photo).

    If these lanes are to form part of the planning scheme then they need to either by physically segregated so as to prevent vehicles parking on them or at the very least there needs to be a zero tolerance approach to enforcement.

    If commercial vehicles do need to use them for emergency purposes (I think they may have been investigating the traffic lights which were out of order) then they should be obliged to put in place some kind of stop / go scheme to avoid conflict between cyclists and oncoming vehicles.

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63 threads found for 'obstruction':

One library item found for 'obstruction':

No planning applications found for 'obstruction'.

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