Things tagged 'on'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

7 issues found for 'on':

  • Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council Draft Cycling Strategy consultation

    Created by jpennycook // 1 thread

    "Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council has commissioned Sustrans, a leading UK charity that aims to encourage people to travel by foot, bicycle or public transport for more of their local journeys to help create a ‘cycling strategy’ and new cycle network map in consultation with the people who live in, work in or visit the borough."

    The strategy ignores most of the Borough, has low aims (lowest common denominator rather than facilities suitable for all riders), and is being made irrelevant by new housing developments.

    Responses to the consultation should be in by 11th December.

    Here is a map showing the Borough Council's boundaries:

    By zooming in to this map, you can see the proposed corridors as dashed blue highlights:

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  • Parking in cycle lane is excessive

    Created by Eli Appleby-Donald // 1 thread

    I use this route twice every day and the cycle lane is always blocked by cars parked to use the shops or hotels on this street.

    It makes the cycle lane pointless as I can't use it.

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  • ramp for pedestrian bridge over Manor Rd level crossing.

    Created by MB // 1 thread

    A cycle ramp on the pedestrian bridge over the Manor Rd level crossing would be a great idea. Cyclists could continue their journey by crossing the bridge and ensure they were out of the way of drivers impatient to set off when the barriers rise. If done correctly, ramps would ensure that parents with buggies could also cross the bridge - getting them & their youngsters on their way & out of the pollution generated by the drivers who rarely switch off engines while waiting for the barriers to rise.

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  • Land Purchase – VOSA, Bristol Bath Railway Path

    Created by David Wilcox // 0 threads

    To investigate the purchase of land of the Car Park of the VOSA building adjacent to the Bristol Bath Railway Path (BBRP).

    The BBRP is one of Britain’s busiest off-road pedestrian and cycle paths with over 5000 people using it daily. The path narrows at its approach (inbound) to the Lawrence Hill underpass, resulting in an uncomfortable experience for path users. Purchase of the VOSA car park would allow the path to be widened through this section.

    Part of the 2013 Bristol City Council LSTF proposals.

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  • LSTF Proposal Easton Way, Bristol

    Created by David Wilcox // 1 thread

    Provide a continuous, uninterrupted route with pedestrian and cyclist priority over side junctions, adjacent to Easton Way on both the East and West side. Utilise existing roads, footpaths and the verge, including the bunds.
    Investigate options to improve legibility at the Lawrence Hill Roundabout and provide links to West Street/Old Market.

    Easton Way is a barrier for both pedestrians and cyclists. These proposals would seek to reverse some of the community severance that results from a road of this nature. The route will provide for variety of journeys such as; Stapleton Road to the new Library development at junction 3; and from Lawrence Hill to Old Market and the City Centre. It will also link existing routes such as the Concorde Way, Frome Greenway and BBRP to the Spine Road, providing a good North/South route.

    Research has identified three key perceptions that deter people from taking up cycling: lack of personal safety; inconvenience; poor image. Experience from countries in northern Europe shows conclusively that in order for cycling to become a mass activity attracting all ages and abilities these perceptions have to be tackled and potential cyclists must believe they will feel safe, valued and normal. Facilities are needed that form a coherent network, separate cyclists from fast, high volume traffic and offer them a high degree of priority and convenience both on main routes and local roads. The purpose of Bristol's 'Design Cycling' work programme is to create a network and that is convenient, safe and provides speedy access all over the city. A network which a 12 year old would feel comfortable using.

    Part of the 2013 Bristol City Council LSTF proposals.

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  • Bishopthorpe Road Proposed improvement of pedestrian facilities.

    Created by David Wilcox // 0 threads

    This is a busy rat run and a bus route! As evidenced by the google street view, a pedestrian desire line runs through from Butterfield Road to Bishop Manor Road. The consultation is at:

    Pavement Parking is the issue here, blocking sight lines. The proposed road markings and build outs will help. If they are enforced.

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8 threads found for 'on':

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