Things tagged 'regeneration'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

3 issues found for 'regeneration':

  • Access to Minster Quarter (Townscape Heritage Initiative)

    Created by MJR // 2 threads

    There was a Heritage Lottery Fund stage 1 project hoping to progress to stage 2 and work for 5 years from June 2014 to regenerate the "old town" around the Saturday Market Place. The initial draft contains no cycle measures but does mention cycle access policy, so may be persuaded to reinstate lost public cycle parking in places like opposite the old Post Office and might even be a way to fill in the missing link in National Cycle Network Route 1. The consultation papers are online at and open until 16 December.

    The key cycling problem in this area is the difficulty of accessing Saturday Market Place without passing through the poor junction at its east end and the lack of signs telling cyclists to use Priory Lane to reach SMP.

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  • Bonamy and Bramcote Liveable Neighbourhood

    Anon // 1 thread

    Transport for London has awarded Southwark funding to improve streets in South Bermondsey to make this a more “Liveable Neighbourhood”.  The council wants to hear your ideas on how to spend £30,000 this year to improve the look and feel of your streets and make it easier to walk and cycle. 

    Improvements could include new crossing points and other safety features, new green spaces, cycle routes or cycle parking.

    The council also plans to bid for more money for the next year three years to provide more street improvements and to make this area  even more pleasant and healthy for you and your family. 

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3 threads found for 'regeneration':

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