Things tagged 'serious-injury'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

One issue found for 'serious-injury':

  • Head-on crash highlights problem with Genome (DNA) Trail

    Created by Mark Troll // 1 thread

      A friend of mine had a head-on collision with an invisible , un-lit cyclist on the DNA trail about 2 months ago.  The end of his handlebar went through his face, breaking his jaw and many facial bones, and he also had serious damage to his hip and leg.  He was in hospital for about 2 months, and was very nearly paralyzed.  As many of you know, the trail is narrow and very dark at night, when many people are coming home from the Adenbrookes campus.  I am trying to persuade the County Council to make the path wider (there is a total of 17 feet on either side) and have it lighted with overhead lighting (solar powered ones are commercially available).  Please let your County Council person know, and also please consider signing the petition at:

    I really want to reduce the chances that others will be injured on this heavily used path

    Please sign in to vote.

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