Things tagged 'to'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

33 issues found for 'to':

  • King Harry Lane - Shared footway Consultation

    Created by John Metcalf // 1 thread

    "Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) has recently undertaken a feasibility report to investigate cycle links to the new Verulamium Park (Ver Park) Route link to NCN 6 from the King Harry Lane area. We have looked at ways to improve the cycling and walking environment; particularly where this would improve the continuity of cycle routes and the movement of people via active modes around your area. A section of shared use cycle route has been recently provided by the developer Linden Homes and the intention is to extend this facility to Abbey Avenue and northwards towards The Ramparts via an upgraded traffic signal crossing point into Verulamium Park.

    The proposals include the following:

    · Upgrade the existing traffic signal controlled crossing near Verulamium Park access to a Toucan Crossing,

    · To provide improvements to the footway areas on both sides of the traffic signal controlled crossing to make it both suitable for pedestrians and cyclists, and linking into the new section of shared use footway/ cycleway that the developer has recently provided.

    · To the south of the new roundabout, on the western side, the existing footway will be widened from 0.9-1.1m to 2.5m to continue the shared use route towards Abbey Avenue.

    To upgrade the existing uncontrolled crossing at King Harry Lane jw Abbey Avenue by increasing the widths of the existing pedestrian refuge to widths that can accommodate both cyclists and pedestrians.

    This option has been carefully evaluated and full consideration has been given to the likely effects that it may have on residents.

    Please find attached a plan which shows details of the proposed scheme for Ver Park Highway Link (Cycleway/ Footway).

    At this stage we are intending to implement the proposals during the next financial year, 2014/15.

    As such we are now finalising the design and we are interested in hearing your views or any comments you may have regarding the proposals"

    Initial comments by John Metcalf

    Overall to be welcomed as better than what is there already. But, it could be improved?
    1. Traffic entering Abbey Avenue is likely to be going too fast for a safe crossing for those walking or cycling. This is a rat-run to avoid the King Harry roundabouts. Therefore tighten the radii of the junction and make a raised crossing (on a hump). Do we want a Tiger (Zebra for walkers and cyclists) crossing?
    2. The crossing of the new roundabout exit into King Harry Park is hazardous. It needs to be upgraded with a humped crossing (and a Tiger?). Is this sufficient or should there also be measures to slow down the traffic entering and leaving King Harry Park.
    3. The best solution would be to upgrade the ROW footpath from the toucan crossing of King Harry Lane to Rowlatt Drive

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  • Route St Albans to Hemel using Hogg End Lane

    Created by John Metcalf // 0 threads

    The road between Hogg End Lane and Three Cherry Trees Lane is closed to all traffic. It should be opened to cyclists to provide a convenient route to the Maylands industrial estate and NE Hemel from the Redbourn Road.

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  • Roehampton lane between Danebury Avenue & the A3

    Created by MB // 0 threads

    Roehampton Lane is unsafe for cyclists with two or 3 lanes of fast, heavy traffic. Drivers jostle for position, change lanes, brake for the few meters of speed camera markings, undertake right turning vehicles & manoeuvre to accommodate or block (yes, block) buses. Cyclists present yet another hazard to motorists. It would be safer for both if cyclists were not on the road.

    Many cyclists use the pavement here, despite the signs specifically indicating that it is not allowed & I don't blame them. The road is simply too unsafe and is an ideal candidate for a common sense approach to allowing cycling on the pavement or, in an ideal world, a segregated cycle path.

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  • Westbury Hill: Bristol. New Tesco's Express

    Created by David Wilcox // 0 threads

    The Foresters Arms in Westbury on Trym in Bristol is being converted to a Tesco Express.

    The Council want to change the waiting restrictions by a whole one metre!

    "It is proposed that the current prohibition of waiting at any time (indicated by double yellow lines) on the south west side of Westbury Hill, which currently terminates in line with the common boundary line of numbers 73 and 75 Westbury Hill, should be extended by one metre in a south easterly direction. Delivery vehicles are permitted to wait on yellow lines while goods are being loaded or unloaded and the proposal is intended to provide vehicles being used to make deliveries to the new supermarket with sufficient space to pull in close to the kerb, to minimise interference with the movement of other traffic."

    Since this will have a minimal effect on the ease of delivery to the Tesco's - remember most Articulated Lorries are 13- 16 Metres in length
    Why bother changing anything?

    Looking at the google street view pic attached, parking an Artic on this road will cause major disruption and be a safety issue for the pedestrian crossing on the mini roundabout.

    I wonder what the cost of raising a TRO for one metre change in parking restrictions is?

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  • Hassell Drive Open Space Formalised Path

    Created by David Wilcox // 0 threads

    To widen the path that links Trinity Street/West Street with the Bristol Bath Railway Path.

    The Railway Path is one of the City's busiest parks, with an estimated 5,000 sustainable transport journeys made along the St. Philips end of the path each day either by foot or by bike. Many of these journeys access the railway path via a narrow path from Trinity street. The path is 1m wide, which is unsuitable for the volume of cyclists and pedestrians that use it.

    Part of the 2013 Bristol City Council LSTF proposals.

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  • Bicycle Access to Crematorium

    Created by // 2 threads

    Access to and return journey from the Crematorium is a real challenge for the cyclist. Indeed, chances are you may end up in it if you try to ride your bike there.

    Here we have a essential public service which is accessible by car only. Is this acceptable ?

    These issues arise also if a convoy of bicycles was to accompany a coffin.

    What is to be done?

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