CC/TEN/94/20/SPO EIA Scoping Opinion Request for new A120 and A133 link road
EIA Scoping Opinion Request for a new link road between the A120 and A133 comprising dual two-lane carriageway; at grade junction connecting the proposed link road to the A133; two potential intermediate roundabout locations giving access between Allen’s Farm and the Garden Community development, and Tye Road (NW) and the Garden Community development; an underpass for future proposed Rapid Transit System and a diverted public right of way (PRoW); one grade separated dumbbell junction (two roundabouts linked by a single bridge) connecting the link road to the A120; new access road to Colchester Waste Transfer Station north west of the proposed A120 junction; and new two-way access to an existing petrol station west of the proposed A120 junction
Land between the A120 and A133, to the east of Colchester and west of Elmstead Market
Application reference : CC/TEN/94/20/SPO