Things tagged 'road'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

51 issues found for 'road':

  • Zoo

    Created by catch // 1 thread

    Insufficient active travel access to the zoo.

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  • CC/TEN/94/20/SPO EIA Scoping Opinion Request for new A120 and A133 link road

    Created by Steven Moseley // 0 threads

    EIA Scoping Opinion Request for a new link road between the A120 and A133 comprising dual two-lane carriageway; at grade junction connecting the proposed link road to the A133; two potential intermediate roundabout locations giving access between Allen’s Farm and the Garden Community development, and Tye Road (NW) and the Garden Community development; an underpass for future proposed Rapid Transit System and a diverted public right of way (PRoW); one grade separated dumbbell junction (two roundabouts linked by a single bridge) connecting the link road to the A120; new access road to Colchester Waste Transfer Station north west of the proposed A120 junction; and new two-way access to an existing petrol station west of the proposed A120 junction

    Land between the A120 and A133, to the east of Colchester and west of Elmstead Market


    Application reference : CC/TEN/94/20/SPO

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  • Mill Road Congestion

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 5 threads

    The Mill Road traders are planning a meeting (2016) to discuss congestion on Mill Road and have asked us to send a representative. What ideas do we have to for Mill Road?

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  • A120 to A133 Link Road and Rapid Transit System

    Created by Steven Moseley // 1 thread

    "Linking the A120 and A133 with a new road will unlock land to provide housing and business space, improving connectivity locally and within the wider region. It will serve a new Park and Choose site and manage traffic congestion going to Colchester Town Centre, the University of Essex and its Knowledge Gateway Technology and Research Park.

    A Rapid Transit System that will prioritise public transport on a key route through Colchester. It will enable housing and business growth, allowing new and existing residents to benefit from frequent, high-quality, reliable transport connecting to the key destinations within the town. These types of system have proved successful in other towns and cities, helping create a shift away from car travel. A recently implemented example of this is the Belfast Rapid Transit Glider.

    The system will service a new Park and Choose site on the proposed new community east of Colchester and help to better connect future growth areas with the rest of the town."

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  • Harmston Rise failure to stop

    Created by Trothben // 1 thread

    As discussed at pedals meetings I confidently step out onto pedestrian crossings...
    I keep it in mind that the car may not stop...

    Really need to challenge powers that be over this one.
    Either its enforceable and the driver needs to be cautioned by NP suggest Driving with due care and attention.
    NCC need to get their act together with the level side road treatments.

    Be that rumble strips better approach warnings plastic wands to tighten the space.

    silver lining: video shows the driver is riding the brakes around the whole corner through the crossing. He is already braking when I enter the challenge. shows the feeder speed of 40mph is too high.

    Suggested action: enter formal notice (for legal purposes) to NCC regarding inherent danger to vulnerable road users at side road treatments suggest it will apply to all 42 prosed and actual sites.

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  • Heatherly Drive

    Created by Trothben // 1 thread

    see youtube video.

    No threat to me in this instance but shows poor driving and worse engineering to allow a car to take the corner in 3rd gear and slink onto the wrong side. See similar issue with parking transit van. need for some bollards/ traffic management.

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  • Poor drainage Harmston Rise

    Created by Trothben // 1 thread

    Harmston Rise.
    Inadequate drainage.

    Any other side road treatments failing already? do they need to be laying drainage kerbing?

    Ranty Highwayman has a note on them. Given the flooding that is prone on the ring road probably need to be pushing this with KM for the side roads that will be built to get them spec'd up to include the drainage.

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  • Right turn into Scotland Road

    Created by Trothben // 1 thread

    I use Scotland road as a lower NOx route. and its easier to join than going on the ring road side of Heathfield primary.

    Problem arises from vehicles waiting for the Nottingham Rd & ring road junction at the futurist blocking visibility of the junction. Makes it harder to turn and increases the threat.

    Suggested solution: Keep clear markings across the junction.

    If agreeable will email KM about it.

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  • Consultation - Chatsworth Road and Brooksby's Walk

    Created by Harry Fletcher-Wood // 1 thread

    Hackney Council are consulting on a series of proposed improvements to this area. The key features of this proposal are:
    - Raised pedestrian crossings (one new)
    - Widened pavements
    - Raised table entry treatments
    - Four new cycle contraflows on existing one-way streets.

    The council is also considering area-wide modal filtering, and canvassing views, subject to further consultation later.

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  • Seven Sisters Road Consultation

    Created by Harry Fletcher-Wood // 1 thread

    The Woodberry Down Development Team (Hackney Council, Berkeley Homes and supported by Transport for London) are consulting on "changes to Seven Sisters Road, from Green Lanes to the west and Amhurst Park to the east, as part of the on‑going regeneration of the area".

    They have offered six 'ideas':
    1) Reduce road to two lanes in either direction (one general traffic lane, one bus lane)
    2) Reduce road to two lanes (one general traffic, one bus) in either direction, but widen to three lanes at junctions
    3) Increase the number of pedestrian crossings
    4a) Add a 'pedestrian island slip' between the two carriageways
    4b) Add a wide 'pedestrian island slip' with planting and trees
    5) Segregated cycle lanes
    6) Widen bus lanes

    Different combinations are possible. For example, 1 (change traffic lanes) would be necessary for 4 (pedestrian island slip) and 5 (segregated cycle lanes). 1 (change traffic lanes), 4a (pedestrian island slip) and 5 (segregated cycle lanes) would work together, whereas 2 (change traffic lanes but keep three lanes at junction) would make pavement widening and segregated cycle lanes impossible.

    Please respond by Sunday 15th February so that Natalie and Harry can draft a response representing Hackney Cycling Campaign's position.

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  • Arbury Road changes - City Deal project

    Created by Joe Adam // 4 threads

    Arbury Road is proposed to be upgraded under the City Deal scheme.

    In 2014 there was a consultation running on improving the Arbury Road near St Laurence Primary School.

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  • Dellfield Road link Hatfield

    Created by Adam Edwards // 1 thread

    Just two (2!) metres of tarmac would legally connect Dellfield Road to the Woods Ave cycle path. With no other work than this it would allow cyclists heading west to avoid the nasty on road cycle path along Queensway parallel to this route.

    Ideally works would also be done to allow cyclists heading east to use this route and then continue along the planned Queensway cycle path (see other entry) to avoid Queensway entirely.

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  • Bridge Road

    Created by Chris Peck // 1 thread

    With the welcome completion of the cycle path linking Marshall Road to Bridge Road, the weaknesses of links on either side of the route become more apparent.

    Bridge Road is a busy, narrow main road. Traffic mostly has to wait behind cyclists, creating uncomfortable conditions for all but the brave. Both roundabouts (at the Chalk Road/Meadrow and the Bridge Street/Wharf Street junctions) are difficult for cyclists (and pedestrians).

    An alternative route, either running parallel to the road (a widened shared use footway?) or a raised boardwalk across the Lammas Lands, are alternatives, but both are expensive, challenging options, which require new or wider bridges over Hell Ditch and the River Wey.

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  • Dangerous T junction

    Created by Kevin Ablitt // 1 thread

    Twice in the past week I have been cycling up St Johns to make a rh turn onto Cauldwell Hall and nearly been taken out by a driver taking the corner too fast as they travel north bound along Cauldwell Hall and turn down St Johns Rd.
    The problems are too fast traffic on Cauldwell Hall and poor design at that junction , need an island to separate traffic.

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  • Dangerous T junction

    Created by Kevin Ablitt // 0 threads

    Recently a cyclist was knocked off here while trying to turn right out of Constantine Road . The car driver took the corner without obeying the white line markers. Needs hard infrastructure changes .

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  • Consultation - Netley Primary School, Camden

    Created by Angela Hobsbaum // 1 thread

    Camden Council are consulting on proposals to improve road safety around the newly-rebuilt Netley Primary Schools, Stanhope Street NW1 3EX.

    Full details can be found here:

    Deadline Friday 12 December.
    I will collate comments and write a response from Camden Cyclists on Wed. 10th December.

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  • Consultation on Improvements to the Leather Lane Market area

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Leather Lane has a well established market that trades on the street throughout the week

    To stop vehicles using Leather Lane when the market is on, Camden proposes to close access to Leather Lane and other roads leading directly to Leather Lane with some consequent changes in parking provision.

    Camden Council's proposals can be seen at:

    They include the following:

    Option A

    - close Leather Lane

    - close Hatton Wall, between Leather Lane and Hatton Garden

    - close St Cross Street, between Leather Lane and Hatton Garden

    - close Portpool Lane and Baldwin’s Gardens where they meet Leather Lane

    Option B

    - same as Option A but keeps St Cross Street open


    The proposal consistently refers to stopping "vehicles" using Leather Lane. It should refer to "motor vehicles" so that cycles still have access.

    Reply due 5 December 2014.

    Please add your comments by 1st December

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  • Cycle Path not safe design

    Created by Smudger // 0 threads

    Where the cyclepath merges onto the road outside the Mercedes garage going to Huddersfield . The white lining disappears and the kerbs rises out of the ground causing a hazard.

    I recently came off at speed here causing injury and damage .

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  • Cobbles on NCN 11

    Created by MJR // 0 threads

    There are three strips of cobbles across NCN11 here, or maybe they're setts. It seems bad to have these on a cycle route because they are unpleasant for cycling and especially bad to put them so near a junction because rider attention should be on the junction and other road users, rather than man-made problems with the road surface.

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28 threads found for 'road':

No planning applications found for 'road'.

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