Things tagged 'road'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

51 issues found for 'road':

  • Milton road underpass closure

    Created by Cllr Ian Manning // 1 thread

    Separate thread about this to separate from the main rail station thread..

    The pedestrian/cycle underpass on Milton Road will be closed from August - December (currently) to facilitate rebuilding it for the busway extenstion.

    Road works will be in place during this time.

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  • Poor road surface on Stockport Road (Nbound) after Plymouth Grove junction.

    Anon // 0 threads

    There is a very poor road surface on the left hand northbound lane of Stockport Road (A6) after the Plymouth Grove junction.

    This is dangerous as if you bear left it encourages traffic behind you to sneak past you, if you go through it can damage your bicycle or even cause you to come off, if you bear right brings you into direct conflict with traffic which often wants to merge into the right hand lane.

    The solution is very simple, resurface this small section of road.

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  • King's Parade "closed" Monday 7th April

    Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread

    When I popped into the Cambridge Wine Merchants last night, there were signs on all the posts and sheffield stands saying "no cycle parking from 6am, 7th April". I assumed some royal visit. I asked the man in the shop if he thought people not being able to park would affect trade and he said he hoped not. However, by the post where I normally park there's a big "road closed" sign, 6am-6pm (I think).

    He is under the impression that there is filming going on from 7am-10am. It is period filming in the 1950s therefore you can't have sheffield stands (probably not invented) or modern bikes.

    My main question/gripe is, when I see a "road closed" sign, I assume I will be able to get through even if I need to dismount and wheel my cycle. Sometimes, if it's a long walk, it may be quicker to cycle via another route. From the nature of what I've been told is going on, it sounds to me as if actually the road will even be closed to pedestrians, well unless they're wearing authentic 1950s dress.

    Does anyone know any more? Does anyone know anything about the legal status of forcing pedestrians to take a lengthy diversion from what is the public highway? There are various cyclescape threads which have mentioned that although cars only have a permissive right to use the road, pedestrians have some stronger right. Can they force pedestrians and dismounted cyclists to go another route, when it's not an issue of national security?

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  • Cycling on Camden Road

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    TfL officers told us last November that they have a project to improving conditions for cyclists on Camden Road. This would include "investigating the feasibility of a northbound mandatory cycle lane; a wide bus and cycle lane southbound and the removal of two- lane flares at junctions". They assumed a 12m road width, suggesting 6m for a pair of general traffic lanes together with a 2m cycle lane and 4 m bus +cycle lane.

    They are now inviting CCC to a meeting to discuss cycling on the TLRN in Camden, and also take the opportunity to walk along Camden Rd to further discuss the corridor scheme they’re progressing. On further enquiry they said:
    "We would prefer to take the opportunity to engage with CCC as an independent stakeholder, separate from LB Camden, in order to fully understand the campaign’s ambitions for the TLRN."

    1. Let's clarify what we would want on Camden Road (without taking on TfL's assumption that there must be a bus lane. And being realistic as to what might fit in at a junction. The above photo shows a potential left hook situation.

    2. Can I have volunteers to join me on this walk/talk.


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  • City centre - road designations

    Created by Katja Leyendecker // 1 thread

    The (draft / emerging) 1Core Strategy seems to hint at a bus loop (Policy UC7) and a motor vehicle "ring road" (Policy UC9) too. It mentions pedestrian routes but there's no mention of cycle routes. See attached photo. (I didn't mark up the map, as it might become a tad too messy)

    The "ring road" is just like Scott / esde84 described before (in comments)

    The photo in the attachment is from "Newcastle Proposals Map" listed here (not sure how long thi link will stay live, link rot may happen)

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  • Consultation on Kentish Town Area Wide Improvements

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden Council's proposals include the following:

    - Raise junction Bartholomew Road Kentish Town Road

    - Cycle gap in Kelly Street closure at Castlehaven Road

    - Raise junction Anglers Lane/Willies Road/PrinceofWalesRoad

    - Two way cycling in Wolsey Mews

    - Raise the LeightonRoad/Torriano Avenue junction and introduce cycle gap at the central refuge island

    Click here to see the consultation leaflet.

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  • Turning right out of Queens Road into Park Road

    Created by Sarah Wood // 0 threads

    Bike users can turn right and cycle contra flow using a very narrow on road cycle path. Motorised traffic cannot do this, Park Road is one way to motorised traffic. Traveling down Queens Road there is no signage to suggest that bike users can turn right. Once into Park
    Road there is awkward raised 'island' to manoeuvre around. Suggest signage saying right turn for bikes only and reconsider design of Island to make it less of an obstacle.

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  • Cemetery Lane layout creates conflict

    Created by Kevin Ablitt // 0 threads

    To carry on towards Colchester Road or bear right into Belvedere Road is OK but if you are approaching the junction from Belvedere Road and wish to turn into Cemetery Lane northbound you must come right up to a blind corner and make a sharp turn into a narrow kerb edged cycle facility. This is quite a dangerous manouevre to carry out. It would have been better to have a lane entering the wide oad marked with stop lines and no-entry as it is further back from the blind turn. In fact some people may be tempted to do this, but it is both dangerous and illegal. Both the danger and the temptation to carry out an illegal manouevre could have been excluded at the design stage.

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  • HGV and LGV traffic on Nuffield Road

    Created by Klaas Brümann // 1 thread

    Campaign for a 300m section of the unguided busway between Milton Road and the pedestrian and cyclists access at the end of Nuffield Close to be built as a road, providing a more direct access for lorries and cars to the trading estate.

    Nuffield Road’s residential section should then be cut-off for motorised through traffic just past Discovery Way, turning the first part of Nuffield Road into a residential close.

    Picture Gallery:

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  • Countess Crescent / Countess Road open again

    Created by dan // 1 thread

    Just wondering if a decision has been made about the future of the junction.

    If you look on Crash map there is a pattern of accidents on Countess Crescent pre-closure near the school. In fact it looks like an accident hotspot!

    During the closure I was happy for my children to cycle up to the co-op to access the high street to go shopping, meet friends, etc. Not now! We live south of the railway line. When the closure was in place Countess Crescent became by accident a Cycling Boulevard. You can see from the dates on crashmap that it worked perfectly well as a Cycling Boulevard and was extremely safe (no accidents), so no trial would be required to determine if it is safer as a Cycling Boulevard as it has already taken place.

    The junction would be the ideal place to be part of a Cycling Boulevard type infrastructure to gain access to the high street and perhaps up to the swimming pool via Parsonspool. Cars would still have easy routes to the high street and swimming pool with a cycling boulevard system in place and cyclists/pedestrians would also have a safe and enjoyable route. That would be a safe and fair compromise for all road users, as all users would have safe and suitable routes.

    Currently it is not safe for adults or children by bike. Bit of a time bomb going on the crashmap site data. A positive change made for cyclists/pedestrians will benefit people locally in a safe and healthy way.

    To make restrictions only during school hours would be very short sighted, as this route is a main artery for all south of the railway to access all the clubs/shops/swimming north of the railway and vice versa for the children visiting hallhill or friends south of the railway. Basically children use this route at all hours not just in school hours. We should not compromise on child safety. The swimming pool is free all summer to the kids...what then?

    As a byproduct of a cycling boulevard, perhaps safe access for cyclists from the south of the railway line would encourage more people to visit the high street and shop, enhancing the local economy.

    Please can you let me know of any developments.

    For your info, a Bicycle Boulevard in Holland is a 'Woonerf', a living street:

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  • Carter Cycle Bridge Western Access Improvements

    Created by Edward Leigh // 2 threads

    Hidden away in the planning application for the Skanska development around the new Northern Access Road to Cambridge station are detailed proposals for the redesigned cycle access to the western end of Carter Bridge:

    My concern is that the new junction with the bridge on-ramp will be difficult and dangerous to negotiate for cyclists and pedestrians. With 450 cycle movements towards the city at peak time, this will be a busy junction where cyclists are moving rapidly as they descend the slope. Those cyclists heading for the station will have to break hard before turning across the path of oncoming cyclists and across the footway in order to join the new link path.

    This is undoubtedly an improvement on the existing arrangement (which involves crossing Devonshire Road twice to access the station), but two options that seem to have been considered in the past but rejected would be safer and more convenient:

    1) Opening a route via Ravensworth Gardens through the existing wall at the boundary of the station car park.

    2) Adding a cycle-only ramp joining the south side of the bridge opposite the stairway.

    Any thoughts?

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  • Route St Albans to Hemel using Hogg End Lane

    Created by John Metcalf // 0 threads

    The road between Hogg End Lane and Three Cherry Trees Lane is closed to all traffic. It should be opened to cyclists to provide a convenient route to the Maylands industrial estate and NE Hemel from the Redbourn Road.

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  • Awkward Junction For Cyclists in 20 mph Zone

    Created by Sam Saunders // 1 thread

    Busy Ashton Road (a 20 mph road from the A3029) bends eastward into the commercial area of North Street, close to a well-used park. On the bend, immediately adjacent to a park entrance, Frayne Street brings one-way traffic from the north west, and allows cycles to travel in the opposite direction towards Cumberland Basin. Coronation Road has two way traffic on the north east side.

    A recently installed calming measure has narrowed the road on the bend, as shown in the picture. The irregular shape of the road that results has made the turn into Coronation Road awkward for cyclists and, as can be seen from the lower half of the picture, some cyclists take ad hoc routes to avoid the complication. Buses and large lorries also use the route into North Street and most vehicles take the bend at about 30 mph, despite the speed restriction.

    As a route for cyclists, there could be a continuous segregated lane alongside the park (perhaps shaving a metre from the park itself, crossing Frayne Road with priority and following Coronation Road eastbound. A large number of school children use the route along the park every day but only a very few use a bicycle.

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  • Impermeable junction

    Created by James Avery // 1 thread

    Cyclists prohibited in either direction continuing on Barras Lane. Classic case of high profile £2m bridge nearby (Hill St), but no follow on for nearby streets.

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  • New Road Layout Wade St & Lamb St Junction Old Market

    Created by David Wilcox // 1 thread

    The junction of Wade Street and Lamb Street used to have a dedicated segregated cycle lane to enable cyclists to turn right (against the traffic on the one way Lamb Street) via a pedestrian Pelican crossing to get to the Park opposite. This park has connections to the Bristol 2 Bath Railway Path and Temple Meads.

    Speaking to the Council Officer at the cycle forum on 17/01/2013, It seems that this road layout is changing. Cyclists will be able to join the widened pavement much earlier on Wade Street to cross at the Pelican Crossing. This will cut down on collisions with cyclists having to cross the traffic at the junction.

    The work was not subject to a normal Council Consultation as much of the work is being done by Wessex Water who are laying some pipes in the area. Changing this junction would of cost in the of £150k and the council are only being charged £5k for the work.

    No final details are available for the junction layout, so we need to keep an eye on this junction

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  • Westerleigh - Yate Spur Cycle Path - Westerleigh Road Crossing

    Created by David Wilcox // 0 threads

    South Glos Council have published a consultation for extending the cyclepath from Emersons Green to Yate - the Yate Spur

    Funding has been secured through the Local Sustainable Transport Fund to deliver elements of the Yate Spur cycle path. When complete, the route will connect the Bristol to Bath Railway path with Yate.

    The proposed road crossing will provide an informal crossing facility at Westerleigh Road for cyclists, walkers and horse riders using the Yate Spur Cycle Path and Fishing Lakes Link.

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  • Bishopthorpe Road Proposed improvement of pedestrian facilities.

    Created by David Wilcox // 0 threads

    This is a busy rat run and a bus route! As evidenced by the google street view, a pedestrian desire line runs through from Butterfield Road to Bishop Manor Road. The consultation is at:

    Pavement Parking is the issue here, blocking sight lines. The proposed road markings and build outs will help. If they are enforced.

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  • Satchfield Close parking improvements

    Created by David Wilcox // 0 threads

    As specified in the website below there is a consultation on Satchfield Close in Henbury Bristol.

    Looks like parking is a problem for the locals as they can't seem to drive a car onto their driveways.

    The council is keeping the large tree in the scheme and hopefully it will stop the inhabitant's from parking on the pavement.

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  • Cable street cell 1

    Created by Gerhard Weiss // 0 threads

    Superhighway 3 on cable street is also a rat run. Cell 1 marks the area bounded by 'logical' cell boundary streets. There should be no through motor traffic within this area

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  • Tower Bridge road surface problem

    Created by londoncycler // 1 thread

    Six inch high ridge near left side of north bound lane on the south side of the bridge forces cyclists too close to the kerb or into the path of motor vehicles. Issue reported via CTC pothole reporting site. Resurfacing required.

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  • Temporary road closures due to races

    Created by Heather Coleman // 2 threads


    A report in the Cambridge News

    The car-centric paper talks about motorists, but there is of course no information for cyclists and pedestrians. These are roads that are closed. To all traffic including cyclists and pedestrians? Will routes across the Commons also be closed to cyclists?

    How should those of us who have to work that day in the centre of town get to work? Will it paradoxically be easier for me to drive along the A14 and M11, down the Barton Road, and park my car on West Road, and walk through King's, than cycle through Chesterton and Midsummer Common and through town and try to park my bike on King's Parade?

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28 threads found for 'road':

No planning applications found for 'road'.

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