Things tagged 'access'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

39 issues found for 'access':

  • 12/0794/REM | Reserved matters for 231 dwellings, Clay Farm

    Created by Rohan Wilson // 2 threads

    Parcels either side of Spine Road's junction with Long Road, and one along eastern edge of housing, west side of proposed secondary school site. Official deadline 19 July

    12/0794/REM | Reserved matters for 231 dwellings (outline approval 07/0620/OUT) Parcels 1B, 2 And 5 Clay Farm, near Long Road

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  • No safe Access to the Cycle Network

    Created by Mike Comerford // 1 thread

    Those of us living in the area marked have no safe access to the cycle network in order to cycle in and out of Dumfries. There are many keen cyclists in this area (as evidenced by the Toirthorwald Cycle Sportive for example).

    I live with my family in a cluster of houses close to the A75 (Mouswald Banks) end of Linns Road. There are a number of cyclists at this location and we wish to cycle to Dumfries for work and for social / leisure reasons.

    Our Options are:
    - the A75 - definitely not safe
    - to Torthorwald then along the A709 - narrow, full of heavy trucks, no pavement and very unsafe
    - through Torthorwald, across the A709, onwards to Tinwald and then onto the A701 towards Dumfries until able to join the Caledonian Cycleway at Locharbriiggs. This stretch of the A701 is narrow and full of heavy trucks. Where there is a pavement it is too narrow to cycle along it. This is also a long way round to get to Dumfries.

    The best solution would be to create a cycle path from Torthorwald along the A709 and through Heathhall woods to connect with the cycle network. This would serve Torthowald, Collin and surrounding hamlets. There is land along the side of the A709 to allow space to make a cycle path.

    The shortest in terms of building new infrastructure, would be to make a cycle path along the A701 from the Tinwald road end to Locharbriggs. However space at the roadside along the A701 is very limited, and the route is a long way round for the communities from Torthorwald and Collin.

    Building a cycle path along the A75 is an unlikely and unattractive proposition and would cause disruption along a major Trunk road.

    Active travel is a priority for the Scottish Government to increase physical activity and reduce traffic emissions. Funding is available through Sustrans.

    'Sustrans Scotland's Community Links programme provides funding for the creation of infrastructure that makes it easier for people to walk and cycle for everyday journeys. The programme is funded by Transport Scotland and has funded hundreds of projects across Scotland since 2010.

    Through the Scottish Government's Programme for Government 2017-18, the active travel budget has been doubled to £80 million per year, from 2018-19. Community Links will help deliver a key action from this by supporting projects that make our towns and cities friendlier and safer places for people to walk and cycle.'

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  • Difficulties in joining the Water End Orbital

    Anon // 1 thread

    I've never approached from this way before but I came along the path up the left side of the river last week to join Water End Road. However on getting to the junction of the path and Water End I found that there wasn't anything to allow me to join or cross the road easily, only a full height kerb on each side.
    This meant I had to wait for a sizeable break in the traffic in order to be safe to lower my bike over the kerb - my bike is a large utility bike that doesn't take kindly to just jumping off kerbs. Fortunately even though it was 6pm on a Friday the traffic was light so a suitable break came along.
    Worse the is not dropped kerb on the opposite side to join the kerb segregated cycle path, that forms part of the city's orbital route. This meant I found myself having to cycle a third of a km on the road alongside a perfectly good cycle path, as it was too busy heading in the other direction to stop and lift my bike up the kerb without causing an obstruction or being unsafe.

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  • Big Sainsbury's on Brooks Road - lack of easy cycle access

    Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread

    If you are cycling from Addenbrooke's to Big Sainsburys on Coldham's Lane/Brooks Road, there is no legal way to go there without going around the Big Frightening Roundabout. As well as the obvious hazards, this must also add several hundred yards to the journey.

    Since Sainsbury's now have wonderful cycle parking which is actually near the door (I'd not been there for several years but it's the only place in Cambridge that sell one particular grocery I use regularly so I have to), should we be campaigning to get this fixed. It needs fixing. The whole road layout to get to and from the shop is entirely car-centric, despite the fact that they've now got better bike parking than any other retailer with a similarly sized car park.

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  • Planning application : 16/1002/FUL (Outspoken site) Erection of a residential development containing eight units (one 2xbed flat, five 1xbed flats and two studio units) following the demolition of the existing buildings on the site

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Erection of a residential development containing eight units (one 2xbed flat, five 1xbed flats and two studio units) following the demolition of the existing buildings on the site

    19 - 21 Godesdone Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB5 8HR


    Application reference : 16/1002/FUL

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  • 16/0821/FUL Day Nursery and 40 self-contained 1x bed student rooms, with a vehicle drop-off zone, cycle parking

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Mixed used development comprising a Day Nursery at ground floor and 40 self-contained 1xbed student rooms at the rear and on the upper floors along with a vehicle drop-off zone, cycle parking and associated landscaping.

    Romsey Labour Club Mill Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3NL


    Application reference : 16/0821/FUL

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  • No safe cycle access to Brewers Fayre / Premier Inn at Freebridge Farm, West Lynn

    Created by Rob Archer // 1 thread

    There is no cycle (or foot) access to Freebridge Farm from Wisbech Road. Cyclists have to negotiate a series of difficult junctions and unpleasant service roads to access thus popular pub, hotel and restaurant. To leave the site and head into King's Lynn cyclists are faced with a choice of turning left and negotiating the very busy roundabout and returning towards West Lynn, or making an illegal right turn onto the busy Clenchwarton road. Many of the staff at the site cycle and several more would like to if there was safe cycle access. The service road is less than 50m from Wisbech Road with it's reasonable quality cycleway and there are existing gaps in the hedge that could be used. Ideally a controlled (toucan) crossing should be provided.

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  • 15/1522/FUL Demolition of Daedalus House and construction of a new 7 storey office building - Station Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 2RE

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Demolition of Daedalus House and construction of a new 7 storey office building comprising of 9026 sqm (GEA) of office floorspace (class B1); cycle parking spaces; associated plant; hard and soft landscaping; a basement with 51 car parking spaces and 7 motorcycle bays; infrastructure works. | Daedalus House Station Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 2RE

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  • City centre access strategy

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 3 threads

    The City Council has been working on a City Centre Access Strategy to deal with the problem of obstructions, including inconsiderately-parked bikes. This is to be considered formally by a City Council Committee.

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  • Proposed extra pedestrian and cycle access points to Cambridge Business Park.

    Created by Richard Taylor // 1 thread

    Proposal for three new pedestrian and cycle access points to Cambridge Business Park. The proposals are being made in light of the plans for an new station nearby.

    Representations from companies with premises on the business park - Redgate and Autonomy - have expressed concerns about security and the potential for people to try and park on the business park and then get on a train.

    The proposals are for the new accesses to be gated to restrict general public access.

    The proposals include a connection to the potential cycleway along the line of the disused railway.

    Cambridge Business Park Cowley Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 0WZ

    Application reference: 15/0919/FUL

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  • Barrier too narrow for some bikes

    Created by Donald Noble // 1 thread

    Access barrier (presumably to stop motorbikes) is too narrow to permit access by some bikes, including mountain bikes with wide bars, plus all sorts of accessible bicycles, as well as pushchairs/wheelchairs/mobility scooters etc.

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  • St Anthony's cycle route access issues

    Created by Jon_B // 0 threads

    The off-road cycle route between Woodbridge Road and Spring Road leads from the end of St Anthony's Crescent through to Trafalgar Close and could potentially be a useful link between these two roads, which are short of pleasant and safe link routes for cyclists.

    However, the route is beset by at least 4 sets of barriers which are two narrow to ride through with a cargo bike, tricycle, bakfiets, hand-bike or similar. They do have a higher barrier which you can push a bike under, but this requires 4 dismounts which makes this totally impracticable as a cycle route and the barriers are still too low to pass under with a child in a bike seat.

    It is clear from parallel tracks through the woods that a lot of cyclists simply bypass these barriers, but I can't see any possible reason why these are needed and why access control can't be provided by a set of sensibly spaced bollards. I presume the intention is to keep motor cycles off the route, but this seems like total overkill and in any event they could simply bypass the barriers if determined to do so.

    There is no justification whatever for having 4 sets - surely if there is an effective barrier at each end then the middle ones are entirely pointless.

    It appears to me that whichever authority is responsible for this route have failed to consider their duty to disabled users of the route (including disabled cyclists) as well as ignoring cargo bike users and cyclists with children.

    These barriers should be removed and replaced with more conventional bollards to prevent vehicle access (and could then presumably be lifted out to allow vehicles which are required for maintenance etc.).

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  • Fore Street access from Lower Orwell Street

    Created by Jon_B // 0 threads

    There seems to be no sensible or convenient cycle route to access Fore Street pools cycle parking from the North as Fore Street appears to be one way for vehicles and cycles and the only other route from Lower Orwell Street is a circuit of the whole Star Lane / Fore Street Gyratory.

    This section of Fore Street should be made two way for cycles. As it is only a short stretch and there is plenty of pavement space this might be an appropriate application for shared use on the pavement provided it is properly signed and marked.

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  • Cambridge Northern Fringe East

    Created by Jim Chisholm // 4 threads

    There is now an Area Action Plan for the Northern Fringe East
    This is a huge area, and if the Anglia Water Works site is also redeveloped it brings big oportunities and associated risks
    The Campaign needs to be involved

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  • Teddington Station cycle parking

    Created by timlennon // 1 thread

    Cycle parking at Teddington station can only be accessed by bridge from the Bushy Park side. The absence of a gutter on the bridge makes access very difficult, because the bike needs to be lifted all the way.

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  • No easy access to Castle street from Taw Vale

    Created by litwardle // 0 threads

    The most frustrating part of the journey is when I get to the square. To get to Castle Street you either have to cycle under the bridge. This underpass is far to narrow and has blind entry..It makes a heart racing cycle when someone comes in the opposite direction narrowly avoiding collision! The surface is also very slippery in the wet. The only way to avoid this is by continuing to the T junction at the square and turning left... Ooops No left turn!! Of course, even if you could there is no way to get to castle street without going over the bridge and doubling back! Any improvement here would make a huge difference!

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  • Safe access to school for children cycling

    Created by timlennon // 0 threads

    Facilities to cycle to school are extremely limited, mostly involving sharing pavements which are busy in the morning. Lots of dropping of by car in a very restricted area, and disjointed, incomplete routes, especially around the South Circular, where no-one really wants to cycle, least of all with children.

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14 threads found for 'access':

No planning applications found for 'access'.

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