Things tagged 'attenborough'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

2 issues found for 'attenborough':

  • Attenborough Station - lack of secure cycle parking

    Created by BrianInBeeston // 0 threads

    There has been a surge in use of the station during tram works. Some new users may continue using the station after completion. There is no car park so the village is full of cars. The cycle racks aren't heavily utilised, might be more cycle usage if secure cycle parking were provided.

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  • Barton Ferry Cottages - right of way conflict

    Created by BrianInBeeston // 1 thread

    There have been tacks thrown on the path in this area which cause punctures. Residents have put up signs saying 'no cycling'. This is a defacto bridleway & has been used as such as long as anyone can remember. A local resident has made a witness statement to this effect which is being dealt with by Nottinghamshire County Council rights of way officers.

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One thread found for 'attenborough':

No library items found for 'attenborough'.

No planning applications found for 'attenborough'.

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