Things tagged 'build-out'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

4 issues found for 'build-out':

  • Pinch point created by unnecessary build-out

    Created by TMiles // 1 thread

    There is a risk of conflict between motorists and cyclists due to the narrowing of the carriageway in the vicinity of a pedestrian crossing on Headley Way southbound. As the crossing is signal-controlled, this feature provides no addition safety or comfort to pedestrians, and should be eliminated.

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  • Berkeley Place/Triangle West Pinch-Point, Bristol

    Created by Sam Saunders // 1 thread

    New lights and crossings have been installed and pedestrians have recently been given a much safer way to cross Berkeley Place from west to east. The build-out near the end of Procathedral Lane has narrowed the roadway and made the pedestrian crossing time much shorter than it was. The two traffic lanes heading north east out of Berkeley Place are each now reduced to about 2.9 metres wide, leaving very little, or no space for a vehicle to pass a cyclist or for a cyclist to approach the ASL when traffic is stationary. The upward incline can make this even more awkward for a cyclist who needs to stop and then restart from a position behind or alongside vehicles south west of the build-out.

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