Things tagged 'buses'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

14 issues found for 'buses':

  • Wealdstone Town Centre Redevelopment

    Created by Anoop // 1 thread

    Harrow council is proposing to reroute buses in Wealdstone town centre in order to improve bus reliability. They are also proposing expensive re-modelling of junctions and repaving of the high street, but without any changes to the car circulation plan or new cycle routes.

    There will be a short section of cycle path along a short section of the high street (part of the TfL Quietway), but another section of the high street is becoming one-way with no cycling contraflow. Cycle desire lines to and from the station or Harrow Leisure centre are not catered for at all. Many of the pedestrian desire lines lack formal crossings.

    There are no measures to reduce car traffic or restrict cars from certain roads, beyond the restrictions that exist already. Overall this scheme will do little to increase walking or cycling in Wealdstone.

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  • Cambridge South West Travel Hub

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    GCP project:

    Junction 11 of the M11 is a key entry point into Cambridge. With significant growth in housing and employment in the area, upgrading the existing transport infrastructure in this area is vital to reduce congestion and improve access into the city.

    Congestion impacts on current bus journey times making journeys unreliable, unattractive and longer than necessary, as well as affecting the convenience and comfort of cycling trips on the corridor.

    By expanding the existing Travel Hub in Trumpington and creating more Travel Hub provision (either by creating multi-storey parking at the Trumpington site or a new Travel Hub to the west of Junction 11), car drivers can be encouraged to complete their journeys by bus. More Travel Hub use would help the flow of traffic and make employment sites such as the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, West and North Cambridge easier to reach.

    A consultation on increasing Travel Hub spaces to the south west of Cambridge ran until 21 December 2018. Thank you to those who attended our events and responded to the consultation. We will now collate the responses and publish a report in the Spring of 2019.

    The Cambridge South West Travel Hub Project is a component of the West of Cambridge package, which includes review and development options for Travel Hub facilities, creation of new Travel Hub locations, and enhancement or upgrade of existing facilities.

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  • Demand Responsive Bus Trial

    Created by Marcus Howarth // 1 thread

    Two phases firstly to the West of Manor Road / London (Wallington), the second to the East.


    It looks like an Uber fleet of 6-8 economical 14 seater buses.

    Following consultation:

    We will then report on the outcome ahead of the launch of the 12 month trial.

    It should be noted that as a research trial, collecting feedback from users as well as other groups to understand feedback from non-users too will continue throughout the 12 month trial.  

     Check the TFL site for more

    Key points:

    What are we proposing?

    This is a trial service that does not have a fixed route or schedule, but ‘responds’ to the request to be picked up by the customer. It can be booked at the desired time of travel, primarily through an app, and provide real time updates to customers of vehicle arrival time and guarantees a seat for confirmed bookings.  


    The service will run using up to eight Mercedes Cityline Low floor Sprinter 14 seater vehicles. The vehicles will be Euro VI compliant bringing them in line with the Ultra Low Emission Zone vehicle standards, and will be fully wheelchair accessible.

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  • Lawnswood Roundabout and Bus Lanes

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    As part of the connecting Leeds programme of public transport improvement works, the Adel to Leeds route will be improved with bus lanes, cycle lanes, and pedestrian improvements.

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  • New bus stop(s) on Addenbrookes site

    Created by Sam Webster // 1 thread

    A new bus stop has been created on Francis Crick Avenue just south of the junction with the busway on the east side. The problem is that there's a mandatory cycle lane there. Currently buses park in the cycle lane. It's also only 10m from the toucan crossing.

    According to there might also be another stop outside the MRC on the west side, also with a mandatory cycle lane.

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  • London Assembly Transport Committee Bus network design, safety

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    London Assembly said:
    "Buses are the busiest form of public transport in London. The city has 675 bus routes, with around 9,000 buses in operation and over 19,000 bus stops. Approximately 2.5 billion bus passenger trips are made every year, around double the number made on London Underground.
    "TfL commissions private operators to run bus services in London, awarding seven-year contracts to operate bus routes. Although bus safety (in terms of casualty numbers) has improved over recent years, there was a spike in bus collision fatalities in 2015.
    "The London Assembly Transport Committee is investigating two aspects of bus services in London: Network Design and Safety."

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  • Upper Brook Street - Buses

    Created by Leigh P // 1 thread

    It's becoming even more frequent that I am pushed off the road by accelerating buses along this road.
    Buses travelling north can clearly see cycles on the contraflow cycle lane, but continue at speed, even if they are overtaking other vehicles and there is not space they just charge on into the cycle lane. The last 3 times I cycled south along this road I have had to jump off my bike when buses do not in slow down and cut into the cycle lane.
    ALSO, I had a bus accelerate past me traveling north in the same direction as me last week and it brushed against my sleve. EXCEPTIONALLY DANGEROUS.

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  • Barnsley Road widening - "Better Buses"

    Created by Dexter Johnstone // 1 thread

    It can take vehicles more than 8 minutes to travel the 600m of Barnsley Road between Earl Marshall Road and Orphanage Road. See the proposed changes below. Let us know what you think by Friday 13th May 2016.
    There will be a new lay-by at the Orphanage Road bus stop (on Barnsley Road) so buses using it don't block the road.
    We will widen Barnsley Road and provide right-turn lanes in the middle at the junctions with Scott Road and Firshill Avenue. This will allow traffic to pass by right-turners. Buses will also be able to turn into Scott Road more easily and safely.
    We will alter the pedestrian crossing point, speed cushions and bus stops on Scott Road to allow for the Barnsley Road changes. There will be some additional double yellow lines to help traffic there to keep moving.
    Some parking would be removed on Scott Road, but our surveys indicate that there will be enough parking between Passhouses Road and Barnsley Road for the number of vehicles that are usually parked.

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  • Trixi mirrors needed to see around the corner

    Created by Anna Langley // 1 thread

    This bend where Hobson Street and St Andrew's Street meet, is quite a blind one. Buses and taxis go around it at speed, unaware of bikes coming the other way in the contraflow, and frequently take a line which could knock a cyclist off their bike. Likewise bike riders can't see what's coming.

    It needs something like a couple of trixi mirrors so that drivers and riders alike can see around the corner and know what's coming.

    Such a solution should be simple and cheap, and as far as I know, not need too much bureaucracy.

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  • West End Project consultation

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 6 threads

    This scheme proposes to restore two way working in Tottenham Court Road (TCR) and in the Gower Street alignment which includes Bloomsbury Street and Shaftesbury Avenue. All the bus routes will be on TCR.

    The consultation is on Camden's website at:

    In TCR, Camden proposes a "bus and cycle street" from 8 am to 7pm (Monday to Saturday) with local access for cars, taxis and loading on short sections of Tottenham Court Road via side roads.

    TCR will have a pair of 4.5m wide carriageways to be shared by cycles and buses (90 buses per hour in each direction) and by the additional local traffic.

    In the Gower Street alignment, Camden proposes two-way access for private motor vehicles (no buses) and that these roads will have a pair of 4.5m wide carriageways, each including a lightly segregated 1.5m wide cycle track.

    Other measures proposed:
    - in both TCR and the Gower Street alignment Camden proposes raised sections of road to reduce motor speeds
    - two-way cycling in all the side streets (except for Maple Street, University Street and Howland Street)
    - new public spaces including a new park on Alfred Place and a ladder of calm side streets.

    These changes to roads and to cycle permeability are shown in the diagram at:

    Details of the road layout for TCR are at:

    Details of the road layout for the Gower Street alignment are at:

    Exhibitions are to be held at the Building Centre, Store Street on 19th June (10 am to 5pm) and 7th July (5pm to 8pm),

    Camden Cyclists are holding a public meeting for cyclists to discuss this project.
    On 30th June 7pm - 9pm
    at the YMCA Indian Student Hostel, 41 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 6AQ.

    We will finalise our response to the consultation early in July.

    The public consultation will run until Friday 18 July 2014.

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  • Bus doing three point turn in Station Place/Brookgate junction

    Created by Sam Webster // 1 thread

    Today, I came across a bus doing a three point turn here. He was coming from the direction of the station and ended up going back that way. I was trying to turn right from Brookgate into the Busway and had to get off the road and onto the pavement so he could complete the maneuver. He was pretty rude about it as well - 'You going to move or what?'

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  • King's Lynn Transport Interchange

    Created by MJR // 2 threads

    Some of (the last of?) the s106 money from two out-of-town big box supermarkets is being used to remodel the connections between the bus and rail stations. National Route 1 runs through this area and the bus station may also be Lynn's biggest cycle park, so there's quite a lot of potential for this to do good - or to do harm.

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  • Woodbridge Road Cycle Lanes and Bus Stops

    Created by Jon_B // 2 threads

    The marked cycle lane at the beginning of Woodbridge Road (heading East) is interrupted by two bus stops (seen in the photo - photo is actually taken looking west).

    Unsurprisingly, buses pull in there regularly, leaving cyclists to either wait behind them or to overtake, which involves moving into the right hand lane. This is also at a point where traffic coming from St Helen's Street is merging into this right hand lane from the right, which is basically a recipe for disaster.

    My view is that the bus stops should be repainted outside the cycle lane, and the cycle lane then interrupted with a give way marking requiring cyclists to give priority to pedestrians crossing the lane to board or alight from buses.

    There would be no additional inconvenience to cars (as the buses block the lane anyway) and risk of bus passenger / cycle conflict could be minimised by the give way markings.

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  • Dangerous cycle lanes in Ipswich Town Centre

    Created by Andrea // 3 threads

    In Museum Street and Upper Brook Street/Northgate Street it is very dangerous to cycle. Both roads are very narrow, have lots of buses pass through and there are contraflow cycle paths. On those you are very close to the buses (both directions) even if you wait on the pavements to let them through because you are worried about accidents. Can cyclepaths go through Elm Street, Tower Street or Tower Rampart instead?

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18 threads found for 'buses':

No planning applications found for 'buses'.

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