Things tagged 'cycle-lane'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

55 issues found for 'cycle-lane':

  • Mapping out Cycling Infrastructure Proposals for Hammersmith and Fulham

    Created by Casey // 1 thread

    In order to create a safe cycling and active transport environment we need to point out what we need, where.

    In line with the policy announcement from Grant Shapps MP changes should be urgent and immediate so this is a space to plan, map them out and look at detail. We have the benefit of this being a forum where we have access to a lot of expertise in technical detail so feel free to suggest, upload photos, discuss, wish.

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  • Brooms Road

    Created by Cycling Dumfries // 1 thread

    There is a breakdown in cycle paths through the town. One that springs to mind is Brooms Road. After coming past Lidl going towards St. Michael’s Church you lose the cycle lane that was there at the fire station

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  • Kingsbury Town Centre Proposed Public Realm Improvement Scheme

    Henry Lancashire // 1 thread

    Brent Cyclists are preparing a response to this consultation and are seeking comments.

    Brent Council State:
    "In March 2017 Brent Council consulted on Kingsbury Town Centre improvement scheme. Although the proposed improvements were supported, during the consultation period we have received a number of comments and suggestions from local businesses, residents, Ward Councillors, as well as other stakeholders such as London Buses and Brent Cyclists. Based on these comments and suggestions I am pleased to inform you that we have managed to secure additional funding to develop an alternative scheme which addresses these comments and concerns. We are therefore consulting again on the below revised proposals. These proposals align with the aspirations of the Imagine Kingsbury study which set out the community’s vision for improving Kingsbury Town Centre over the next 5 -15 years."

    Previous Consultation on CycleScape:

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  • Cycle lane in car door zone - Warneford Lane

    Created by RichyP // 1 thread

    Cycle lanes on both sides of Warneford Lane between Morrell Avenue and Cheney Lane are narrow and usually encroached by adjacent parked cars. The cycle lane being 120 cm wide, it is located fully within the car door zone.

    It is difficult even for confident cyclists to use the road safely here, due to the likelihood/frequency of aggressive drivers approaching close behind and/or sounding horns.

    One solution would be to locate parking on the outside of the carriageway with cycle lanes on the inside, adjacent to the footway.

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  • Blocked Cycle lane

    Jecyll // 1 thread

    There is a fantastic cycle lane in both directions on Leith Walk, often these are used as additional parking for cars so that they can double park. It's common for shops and their vehicles to use these are parking spots. This forces cyclists out to the other lanes and causes frustration for all.

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  • TFGM Cycle Design Guide.

    Created by AndyF // 0 threads

    For comments and suggestions regarding the TFGM Cycle Design Guide new revision.
    Please put comments suggestions with Page No.

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  • Carton Vale proposed cycling and pedestrian improvements

    Created by David Arditti // 1 thread

    The consultation on this is now out: see

    This is a scheme for which Brent Cyclists has been campaigning for some years. See also here for campaign context

    While this scheme does not do all we would like here it is a major step forward for the borough, which has no effective cycle infrastructure to speak of and lags behind adjacent LAs in cycling. Hence we would like to see it go through.

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  • Chapeltown Rd Leeds

    Created by dpattinson // 1 thread

    Although cycle lanes are marked in parts along Chapeltown Rd going out of town, it is quite dangerous, especially where there is parking for the shops along the west side of Chapeltown Rd. A particular concern is just after the pedestrian crossing lights past Mexborough St, opposite Costcutters. The vehicle lane narrows for the pedestrian island in the middle of the road, but straight after it are car parking spaces which protrude out into the road, creating a bottleneck so cyclists have to go into the middle of the vehicle lane to get around cars parked there. I've had a few close calls there as impatient vehicles try to push past where there is no room.

    It is almost normal during peak hour to have to negotiate cars parked on double yellow lines across the cycle lane.

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  • cars parked in cycle lane

    Created by TonyBeaumont // 1 thread

    Out side the royal orthopaedic hospital up top 30 cars are parked in the cycle lane every day. Cyclists are forced out into the traffic lane of the A38 over a distance of about 1/4 mile.

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  • St Helens Street cycle lane dangerous

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 0 threads

    Comment at Cycle Ipswich meeting on 2014-10-09:

    "not at all nice - cycle "lane" too narrow, not visible in dark, potholed, conflict with turning traffic etc. better to have only 1 lane motors and thus proper [cycle] lane??? (still left turn problem)"

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  • Royal College Street Southern Extension (Pancras Road)

    Created by John Chamberlain // 3 threads

    Camden are consulting on their plans to extend the Royal College Street cycle tracks to the south, down Pancras Road towards Kings Cross. Unfortunately, the plans for the junctions at St Pancras and contra-flow up Midland Road are not ready yet, so it will remain difficult to get to and from the south and east until these are finalised, but this is another link in the planned North-South route through the borough as part of the London Cycle Grid.

    Details of the proposals can be found on Camden’s website at:

    For cyclists, the main proposals are as follows:
    - Protected cycle lanes from Royal College Street to just south of Chenies Place.
    - Removal of two bus-stops to make the cycle lanes continuous
    - North-bound bus-stop converted to 'island' style.
    - Southbound bus-stop uses Royal College Street style due to lack of road width.
    - Additional protection for cyclists crossing Crowndale Road from Royal College Street.

    You can reply to the consultation via Camden's website. Please also add your comments to the threads on this issue, or by email to john AT . We have already had suggestions for improvements to the lane behind the bus-stop at Chenies Place. We will be saying that cyclists heading north to Royal College Street should use Goldington Crescent to avoid one set of traffic lights and the need to cross lanes. What else?

    Our response needs to be in by 14th November so we'll take comments on board until the 7th.

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  • Kew Rd Puffin Crossing Proposal

    Created by Paul L // 3 threads

    Richmond Council say
    "a signalised PUFFIN crossing with pedestrian countdown outside number 182 Kew Road (previously outside 180) Footway widening both sides of Kew Road. We have attempted to minimise the impact on the cycle lanes by introducing long tapers and following existing extended footways where possible. The kerb widening is essential to ensure sightlines to the signal heads past the many street trees."
    We suggested cranked supports for the signals to avoid the loss of cycle lanes but they claim TFL disapproval.

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  • Proposed Cycle Lanes on Kingsmead

    Created by Charlie Halliday // 1 thread

    Proposal by HCC to add advisory cycle lanes on both sides of Kingsmead between the SUP near the junction with Victoria Road to the entrance of Pinehurst car park.
    The cycle lanes would have a contrasting red surface at the entrances to Sainsburys and the Kingsmead and Sainsburys car parks.

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  • Close Lower Castle Street to cars

    Created by Fraser Stephens // 0 threads


    A radical idea maybe, but why not close the narrow, one-way, Lower Castle Street to cars and make it two-way for bikes and pedestrians? It would

    1) solve the problem of the confusing junction at the bottom end.
    2) remove the very complex routing of routes 42&46
    3) avoid cyclists cutting though the pedestrian zone and one-way part of cross street when travelling east across town.

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30 threads found for 'cycle-lane':

No planning applications found for 'cycle-lane'.

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