Things tagged 'cycle-track'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

11 issues found for 'cycle-track':

  • Cycling and Walking Link - Rickmansworth Station/Colne Valley Trail

    Created by Peter Loader // 1 thread

    The Colne and Crane Green Infrastructure Strategy includes a proposed new walking and cycling link between Rickmansworth Station and the Colne Valley Trail at Rickmansworth Aquadrome. At its meeting on November 4th 2019, Batchworth Community Council set up a project to ensure that this new route was implemented via Rickmansworth Town Centre, in line with two of Rickmansworth Parish Councillors' strategies.

    This would involve designing the preferred route via Bury Lane, Rickmansworth and then part-funding Hertfordshire County Council to create it.

    This shows the course of the preferred route, which is open to a phased implementation as funds permit.

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  • Madison Square Garden (MSG) Sphere Planning Application

    Created by jrothwell // 2 threads

    The Madison Square Garden Company proposes to build a new entertainment venue, "the MSG Sphere", adjacent to Angel Lane and Montfichet Road in the Olympic Park.

    They have proposed a two-way cycle track at pavement level on Montfichet Road past Westfield, and to narrow the carriageway on Angel Lane (removing the current advisory cycle lane.) A small amount of visitor cycle parking is proposed.

    From LLDC's planning page:

    In March 2019, the Planning Policy and Decisions Team received a planning application for a large-scale live music and entertainment venue from The Madison Square Garden Company (MSG). The proposal is for a spherical shaped building next to Stratford Station that would provide an auditorium (capacity for up to 21,500 people), a music venue, nightclub, members lounge, restaurants, bars, and new bridges to create pedestrian connections across the site amongst other things.

    The building is a first for London because externally the spherical building would be composed of a ‘skin’ of LED’s. These LED’s would be programmable and could display images on the surface of the building including adverts.

    Application Documents 

    A detailed planning application and has been submitted which comprises a number of plans, drawings and documents that can be viewed on our website. An advertisement consent has also been submitted which comprises a number of plans and a design statement which is also available on our website.

    Both applications can all be viewed via the Planning Application Register, using the following reference numbers:

    • Full Planning Application: 19/00097/FUL
    • Advertisement Consent Application: 19/00098/ADV

    How can I comment 

    If you have any comments about the MSG Sphere proposal, please write to the Planning Policy and Decisions Team by Friday 28 June 2019. Comments must be submitted in writing via email or post:


    Email:; or

    Post:  Planning Policy and Decisions Team
    London Legacy Development Corporation
    Level 10
    1 Stratford Place
    Montfichet Road
    E20 1EJ


    Public Consultation


    The Planning Policy and Decision Team will be hosting a public consultation event where you can share your thoughts and learn more about the proposal and planning application process.


    The consultation event will take place on 5 June 2019 (4.00PM – 8.30PM) at: ST PAUL AND ST JAMES CHURCH, 65 MARYLAND RD, E15 1JL (Venue details and directions are available via the following link -

    The event will broadly be structured as follows:

    • 4.00PM – 6.00PM – Drop-in and talk to a representative of the LLDC planning team
    • 6.30PM – 8.30PM – Presentation, Question and Answer session followed by Group Discussions

    If you have any questions or special requirements please contact us at:


    Planning Committee


    The planning application will be determined by the LLDC Planning Decision Committee, after the Planning Policy Decisions Team have reviewed the submission and all written responses received during the consultation period. No date is currently set and it is considered that the earliest this could take place is Winter 2019. This page will be updated in due course once the date for Committee is known.

    Planning Documentation 


    Various key documents, which provide an overview of the proposal can be viewed and/or download below. Please be aware some of these documents are quite large and may take sometime to open / download on certain computers:

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  • Newmarket Road, Cringleford contraflow cycle lane

    Created by Richard Jennings // 1 thread

    A cyclist was killed after being hit by a speeding driver that was in the contraflow cycle lane because parked cars were obstructing the with-flow lane. The collision happened on 9 November 2015, died 22 January 2016 (according to Coroner). Press report of inquest:

    The coroner said that "the road currently posed a “significant risk” to cyclists", they were due to contact Norfolk CC to get details of the changes. The proposed changes were, in part, to change from a mandatory cycle lane to an advisory one! Consultation on changes:

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  • Northfield Avenue Crossing

    Created by Martin Gorst // 1 thread

    A new Toucan crossing to link Dean Gardens with Mattock Lane. This will replace the present Toucan crossing. This route is part of the London Cycle Network Route 41. The plan was included in the West Ealing Liveable Neighbourhood Bid, but the council intends to install this as a separate project - probably in the financial year ending March 2019.

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  • Removal of cycle track on Putney Embankment

    Anon // 1 thread

    Wandsworth Council in TMO 1644 propose removing the contra-flow segregated cycle track at the eastern end of Putney Embankment to allow a hoarding to be built around the Thames Tideway tunnel construction site. The track will be re-opened when the work is complete, but this could take at least a year. It is proposed that eastbound cyclists join the Upper Richmond road by the Dukes Head pub and then continue on this road. Wandsworth Cycling Campaign objected to this on the grounds that the Upper Richmond Road is extremely heavily trafficked and the proposed diversion involved cycling past a row pf parking bays . This would be very difficult and hazardous for the mix of cyclists using the Thames Path of which this forms part. We asked that the parking bays be temporarily removed and replaced by a 1.5 to 2 m cycle lane separated from the motor traffic by wands or similar. For west-bound cyclists using the narrow lane left on Putney Embankment past the work site, we asked for the installation of 'Do not overtake cyclists' signs.

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  • Development West of Hall Lane

    Created by MJR // 1 thread

    This area is proposed for development. It is of strategic interest because access will almost certainly cross National Route 1 and it would be good to have very good cycling connectivity to avoid adding unnecessary cars to the roads in this area.

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  • Teddington Railway Bridge

    Created by Paul L // 0 threads

    Tedington railway bridge is the steepest hill in Teddington and the roundabouts make cycling at busy times stop-start. There are sections of off-road track but they pushy you back onto the road at narrow sections. What is needed is a comprehensive scheme with protected crossings of Park Rd and Waldegrave rd parallel to the existing zebras.

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  • Awkward turning onto cycle path, Shincliffe Peth

    Created by Matthew Phillips // 1 thread

    Coming out of Durham down Shincliffe Peth on the A167, there is a pedestrian refuge at the foot of the hill, by the turning to the cycle-track which skirts the bottom of Maiden Castle hill-fort. You are expected to negotiate a 180 degree turn to access this track, at the same time as avoiding speeding cars and the pinch-point of a refuge. In the other direction, cyclists have to be cautious of using the refuge as the width of it is not sufficient to accommodate a tandem or a cycle with trailer or child tag-along attachment. Visibility is poor when crossing the road from north to south.

    Improvements might include moving the 30mph limit to the foot of the hill, introducing speed cushions or a raised junction table. If the speed were reduced, the central refuge would not be needed and some of the difficulties might be avoided, but that may not be the best solution at this site.

    Speed of the traffic is the main issue here, both for cyclists and the pedestrians who use the popular footpaths.

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