Things tagged 'door-zone'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

3 issues found for 'door-zone':

  • cushion speed humps on Lochside Rd & Alloway Road

    Created by Cycling Dumfries // 1 thread

    Received via Facebook: "These bumps are aligned alongside parking bays. i.e. 3 abreast. So as a cyclist I would not think on going over the top of these bumps. I would navigate between bump 1 and 2 from my side of the road. What happens in the instance whereby a parked car in that bay (on one of those humps) the car door is opened. This has narrowed down the road for cyclists and motorcyclists and possible cause for accidents or moves them between hump 2 /3 and into oncoming traffic. Move them further up the road away from parking bays. Please re-think these humps or make some that are fully across the road like at Lochside School."

    We would add that even when the humps aren't by the parking bays, they encourage drivers to close pass cyclists, who move over to the side of the road and can then get squeezed. Converting these cushions to crossings raised to the level of the pavement would benefit pedestrians - even better if they could be zebra crossings.

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  • Cycle lane in car door zone - Warneford Lane

    Created by RichyP // 1 thread

    Cycle lanes on both sides of Warneford Lane between Morrell Avenue and Cheney Lane are narrow and usually encroached by adjacent parked cars. The cycle lane being 120 cm wide, it is located fully within the car door zone.

    It is difficult even for confident cyclists to use the road safely here, due to the likelihood/frequency of aggressive drivers approaching close behind and/or sounding horns.

    One solution would be to locate parking on the outside of the carriageway with cycle lanes on the inside, adjacent to the footway.

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  • Cycle lane situated in dooring zone

    Created by TMiles // 1 thread

    The south-west-bound cycle lane between the roundabout with Headley Way and the second side road mostly runs directly adjacent to parked vehicles, putting cyclists in danger of being seriously injured by an opening door.

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One thread found for 'door-zone':

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