Things tagged 'epping-forest-cycling-action-plan'

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20 issues found for 'epping-forest-cycling-action-plan':

  • Sun Street and Quaker Lane (CAP2018 schemes 1 and 2)

    Created by George Lund // 1 thread

    Sun Street is currently a pedestrian zone in Waltham Abbey town centre.

    Epping Forest Cycling Action Plan scheme 1 proposes:

    Allowing cycling could improve accessibility. An Experimental TRO may be useful to try allowing cycling only in
    peak periods as a trial before potentially making access permanent.

    Scheme 2 proposes:

    Provide a new advisory cycle lane along Quaker Lane from Leverton Way to Sewardstone Road, connecting potential scheme 1 to potential scheme 15. May require removal of centre-line and signage. In addition, further investigation required to connect existing two way cycle track at eastern end of Quaker Lane with new provision.

    EFTAG comment: Scheme 2 would not work without a 20mph speed limit and parking restrictions. Hybrid cycle tracks might be more appropriate. Routes via Sun Street (scheme 1) would be preferred in terms of signage/wayfinding.

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  • NCN Route 1 link to Sewardstone Road

    Created by George Lund // 1 thread

    Existing routes between NCN Route 1 and Sewardstone Road through Gunpowder park are poorly signed. The southernmost route is prone to flooding. Some routes shown on OS maps do not actually seem to exist (there is a travellers site in the middle?).

    Connects NCR1 (Sustrans NCN1) with Epping Forest and Loughton via Mott Street and High Beech (High Beach).

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  • Brooker Road to Rochford Avenue and Roundhills (CAP2018 scheme 5)

    Created by George Lund // 1 thread

    Epping Forest Cycling Action Plan 2018 scheme 5 proposes:

    New signed quietway route between Abbey Mead Industrial Park, passing Tesco, to Honey Lane via residential roads. Quietway route follows residential roads of Brooker Road (giving access to Abbey Mead Industrial Park), Greenfield street, King George Road, Sewardstone Road (giving access to supermarket) and Denny Avenue. At its eastern extent, consideration should be given to converting* the existing footpath (PROW 211_109) between Denny Avenue and Elm Close to shared cycle use if possible (as a desk based study potential width issues would need to be addressed, both at Elm Close (land ownership issues) and at Denny Avenue (possibility to route through existing garage if property could be obtained), otherwise for this section, cyclists must dismount and continue on foot. Quietway route then continues along Elm Close, Larsen Drive, Rochford Avenue and Roundhills to Honey Lane. Consideration must be given to providing or upgrading to cycle friendly crossings outside of Tesco at Sewardstone Road.

    This seems to be a crucial route connecting homes, employment, shopping and schools. The crossings are crucial to making it useful and safe, but if the footpath could not be incorporated then an alternative route would be necessary.

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  • NCN Route 1 to Sun Street (CAP2018 scheme 9)

    Created by George Lund // 0 threads

    Epping Forest Cycling Action Plan (2018) scheme 9 proposes:

    Create a new segregated 5m wide shared use route for pedestrians and cyclists, E-W across Townmead Recreation Area, between Meridian Way (NCR1) and Orchard Gardens. Route continues along new signed quietway along Orchard Gardens, Town Mead Road and Fountain Place. Consider either a two way working of Silver Street for cyclists, with a new northbound cycle contraflow which would enable access to town centre at Leverton Way via an upgrade of the Zebra crossing to a Tiger crossing, or a route along Sewardstone Street, connecting with Quaker Lane. There could be an opportunity for this section of Quaker Lane/Leverton Way to become an improved public realm exercise.

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  • Honey Lane - Leverton Schools to Roundhills (CAP2018 scheme 8)

    Created by George Lund // 0 threads

    Epping Forest Cycling Action Plan 2018 scheme 8 proposes:

    New on-road advisory cycle lane (may involve removing centre line and kerbside parking) between Roundhills and Leverton Schools, enabling potential scheme 5 to be connected to potential schemes 6 and 18. As Sustrans recommends physical segregation in this section due to high speeds traffic management will need to be implemented to reduce traffic speeds in order for an advisory lane to be satisfactory. There could be an option to cut the corner of Farm Hill Road and Honey Lane through the current access for the Play Area which would require a new bridge over Cobbin’s Brook and a new off-road cycle track alongside the War Memorial.

    EFTAG is skeptical that speed reduction will be enough to make an unsegregated scheme feel safe. Mandatory lanes with wands would take up the same road space as the proposed advisory lanes.

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  • Meridian Way (NCN1) to Abbey View (CAP2018 scheme 10)

    Created by George Lund // 1 thread

    Epping Forest Cycling Action Plan (2018) scheme 10 proposes:

    Extend existing cycle route that currently terminates at Leaview with a new on-road signed quietway along Leaview and Powdermill Lane. Continue route with a new off-road cycle track parallel with and to the north of Abbeyview. New toucan crossing of Abbeyview to be provided to enable link to potential scheme 13.

    This seems like a particularly important link and would connect with Scheme 20, which proposes to upgrade existing pelican crossings
    to toucans at A121/ Beaulieu Drive junction and upgrade existing zebra crossing to a tiger crossing west of Abbeyview Roundabout.

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  • Monkswood Avenue (scheme 16)

    Created by George Lund // 0 threads

    Epping Forest Cycling Action Plan (2018) scheme 16 proposes:

    New signed on-road quietway along Monkswood Avenue, between Crooked Mile and Windsor Wood. Create a new off-road link between Monkswood Avenue and Broomstick Hall Road, possibly utilising existing footpath* (PROW 211_104) and Windsor Wood. Note change of level here makes a new link difficult. Alternatively, could consider implementation of cycle wheeling ramps along edge of existing staircase. Feasibility study required to determine provision. The junction at Monkswood Avenue/Sewardstone Road is large and problematic in terms of previous collisions, a workshop will be required with relevant teams (including Network Assurance, and Traffic Signals Team) to identify potential improvements. Provision of ASLs and advance pre-green for cyclists would be beneficial, although width of Monkswood Avenue carriageway is problematic for cyclists at this junction).

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  • Broomstick Hall Road (scheme 17)

    Created by George Lund // 0 threads

    Epping Forest Cycling Action Plan (2018) scheme 17 proposes:

    New signed on-road quietway along Broomstick Hall Road, between Windsor Wood (to connect with potential scheme 16) and Ninefields.

    This is a fairly busy road and would need a 20mph speed limit and street scene interventions in order to feel safe.

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  • Honey Lane (scheme 18)

    Created by George Lund // 0 threads

    Epping Forest Cycling Action (2018) scheme 18 proposes:

    Creation of new mandatory cycle lanes in both directions along Honey Lane, from Old Shire Lane to Shernbrook Road (North). Existing carriage way is 9m width in places but not for whole extent, reducing to 5.5m in other locations, so potential width issues. Some potential to increase width at eastern end of Honey Lane, although this will create lane ownership issues. Extends potential scheme 8 (advisory cycle lanes) and links to potential scheme 7.

    EFTAG is not in favour of mandatory cycle lanes without segregation, as these are widely abused, are not enforced, and do not afford safety to users. Only schemes that separate a cycle track with kerbs (where possible), wands or using the 'hybrid cycle track' approach will attract our support on busy urban roads such as this.

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  • Sewardstone Road (scheme 15)

    Created by George Lund // 0 threads

    Epping Forest Cycling Action Plan Scheme 15 proposes:

    Provide new on-road advisory cycle lanes, from Meridian Way/ Dowding Way roundabout along Sewardstone Road to The Market Square Surgery/ Health Centre by removing central hatching/centrelines and reallocating roadspace. Route continues along Rue de St. Lawrence, and along existing two way cycle track on Quaker Lane until Sun Street.

    Previous proposals included an off-road unsegregated shared-use route for pedestrians and cyclists, from Sewardstone to Waltham Abbey Cemetery, replacing the existing footway. Routes via Gunpowder Park could also be signed.

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  • Parklands shared-use path (scheme 12)

    Created by George Lund // 0 threads

    Epping Forest Cycling Action Plan 2018 scheme 12) proposes:

    New off road segregated cycle track to meet minimum width requirements for pedestrians and cyclists along either side of Parklands, replacing the existing remote footway between Parklands roundabout and Ninefields. In the Epping Forest District Local Plan there is an area allocated for development called “Waltham Abbey North Masterplan Area” which could be a primarily residential development with an element of employment north of Parklands. Therefore a potential route along this road would be beneficial to any future development.

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  • Quietway network north of Honey Lane (schemes 6 and 7)

    Created by George Lund // 1 thread

    Schemes 6 and 7 from the Epping Forest Cycling Action Plan. Quietway network north of Honey Lane and south of Abbotts Drive.

    6 - New signed quietway network on Abbotts Drive/Winters Way/Skarnings Court, linking to an existing surfaced lit route which then runs down along the southern side of the watercourse along to where it Links to potential scheme 9 at Hillhouse.

    7 - New E-W on-road signed quietway along length of Farthingale Lane residential area from Stoney Bridge Drive, and Mason Way (linking to potential route 6).

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  • Hillhouse to Amwell Court (scheme 19)

    Created by George Lund // 1 thread

    Provide direct links between three residential areas and the King Harold Business and Enterprise Academy School. This would be a direct cycling and walking route linking Schemes 4 and 7 and east Waltham Abbey with the north of the town, currently it is not possible to access these locations via direct links.

    * Provide a direct cycle route link between potential scheme 7.1, residential areas and the King Harold Business and Enterprise Academy School.
    * On-road section from Hillhouse to Cullings Court.
    * Off-road section through to Brickenden Court.
    * On-road section along Mason Way.
    * Off-road route through to Stonyshotts.
    * Short on-road section along Stonyshotts.
    * Off-road section through to Amwell Court.

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  • Abbeyview shared-use path (scheme 13)

    Created by George Lund // 1 thread

    Provide improvements to the existing footways alongside Abbeyview and Parklands, to create an unsegregated shared-use route for pedestrians and cyclists, to improve Non-Motorised User accessibility and connectivity for residents to the eastern part of the River Lee Country Park and the eastern side of Waltham Abbey.

    * An off-road segregated route for pedestrians and cyclists, replacing the existing footway, extending the Parklands scheme (2.1 ) westwards to link with scheme 1.3 .

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  • Buckhurst Hill (from Loughton)

    Created by George Lund // 1 thread

    Approaching Buckhurst Hill along the High Road A121 from Loughton is a significant hill. Being on a fast (40 mph) road, this is a major barrier to potential cyclists - the speed differential is approximately 40mph and close passes are not uncommon. Recent accidents have led to the painting of "cycle" signs on the main carriageway: this is a useful reminder for motorists regarding cyclists descending the hill, but is of little benefit for cyclists trying to go uphill.

    My suggestion is that the footway on the SE side of the road could quite easily be converted to Shared Use, and cyclists heading SW would be encouraged to use this. There is in fact plenty of width available to provide a wider footway, and narrowing the carriageway would help to keep general traffic to the 40mph speed limit.

    Through Buckhurst Hill itself there's room for on-carriageway cycle lanes in both directions, if the centre hatchings are removed. Existing pedestrian crossing points could be converted to zebra crossings in order to allow cycle lanes to continue uninterrupted.

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  • North Loughton to Loughton Town Centre (Church Hill)

    Created by George Lund // 0 threads

    The CAP currently lacks any good connection for cyclists between North Loughton / Debden, and Loughton Town Centre.

    I think there is the potential for improvements on Church Hill (for example, Hybrid Cycle Tracks on the uphill section in each direction) that could fill this gap.

    Other routes (e.g. Stony Path / Baldwin’s Hill / York Hill, or Wellfields / Traps Hill) are simply too steep in comparison to Church Hill (or too indirect) to be of value for utility cycling such as to/from shops.

    A major feature of this scheme would need to be adjustment of the corner geometry at the Church Lane junction, which currently encourages excess speed (pedestrians find it unnecessarily hard to cross Church Lane, and I've frequently seen cyclists travelling southbound cut up by left-turning cars).

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  • Rectory Lane to Debden Station via Brickclamps Path

    Created by George Lund // 0 threads

    (This is proposal for a route that I'd potentially like to include in along with our response to the Epping Forest Cycling Action Plan. I use this route myself, but it currently includes sections where cycling may not currently be allowed.)

    Purpose: this signed "Quietway" route is intended to allow access to the shops at Debden (Loughton Broadway) and to the Tube station, without having to use the Rectory Lane / Broadway junction itself, which is not at all cycling-friendly. It would reduce traffic on the Broadway by providing clear encouragement that cycling to these shops is an easy option, bringing highly-visible cycling infrastructure right into the heart of the shopping area.

    * From the Rectory Lane / Westall Road junction, a signed route to Debden Station and the Broadway Shopping area would lead down Ibbetson Path (which is actually a highway leading to Barrington Road);

    * the entire area including Ibbetson Path, Barrington Green, Barrington Road and Doubleday Road is residential, including sheltered accomodation, and should have a 20mph speed limit;

    * from Barrington Road, the route would turn onto Brickclamps Path which would be a Segregated Shared Use path. There is plenty of width so conflict between cyclists and pedestrians seems extremely unlikely, indeed the existing central barrier suggests that at some point explicit cycle/pedestrian segregation was intended but never signed;

    * the railings at the junction of Brickclamps Path with Vere Road are an obstruction to both cyclists and pedestrians and should be replaced with bollards, which would be perfectly adequate to prevent cars using the path;

    * the area around the cycle parking where Brickclamps Path meets the Broadway should probably be shared space for cycling and pedestrians: very low speeds would be expected here;

    * turns across the central reservation would be permitted for cyclists, so that the route could continue south-west along the Broadway;

    * an unsegragated shared-use footway alongside Torrington Drive would allow cyclists a direct route to the station from the Broadway (and vice-versa). Pedestrian volumes next to the former post office are not high, and the main carriageway is not wide enough for two-way cycling because of the bus stop;

    * where Torrington Drive becomes two-way after it meets Burton Road, cyclists would rejoin the carriageway;

    * access for cyclists from Torrington Drive to the station would be made easier by installing drop kerbs and clear route signs;

    * the railings where the footpath meets Station Approach would (by agreement with Transport for London) be modified or removed - they are already a serious obstruction to pedestrian flows at peak times (e.g. students arriving in the morning for Epping Forest College). A single railing or bollard would be sufficient to discourage motor vehicles.

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  • On-road route & shared-use path-Roding Lane to/from B.Hill (CAP App. I.5.1/5.2)

    Created by Chris Lord // 1 thread

    Would encourage cycling uptake and reduce car parking pressure on the gym and college.
    * Provide on-road cycling route in both directions and consider parking restrictions / TRO to improve available road space to enable this
    * East of Rous Road, provide a 3m wide off-road shared-use unsegregated cycleway/footway alongside the eastbound carriageway of the B170 Roding Lane, would require verge and vegetation clearance.
    * Provide Cyclists Dismount Signs on both sides of River Roding Bridge.
    * Investigate the potential for widening of the existing footway along the entrance road to the David Lloyd Gym.

    Medium Term

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