Things tagged 'general'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

3 issues found for 'general':

  • Calorie counter (reliable)?

    Created by Skippy62 // 1 thread

    Hi all again!... i would like to find out how many calories i am burning... anyone know of a reliable calorie counter?...
    I recently did a cycle of 13 miles, in 70 mins (ave 12.2 mph).. how do i work out my cals? one of my wifes reckoner says 745 cals, my bike computer says 260 cals "my fitness pal" (calorie counter app) says 725 cals. I was just wondering?
    Any help would be appreciated!

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  • City Centre Infrastructure - General

    Created by esde84 // 1 thread

    On the 5th September NewCycling will be holding a city centre infrastructure safari at 10am looking at infrastructure within the area.

    Full details are here:…ari-cycle-ride/

    If there are any specific issues you are aware of please discuss them below, if discussed before the event, they will be considered for discussion during the safari.

    This can also be used to discuss city centre infrastructure for those who cannot attend the event.

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One thread found for 'general':

No library items found for 'general'.

No planning applications found for 'general'.

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