Things tagged 'junction'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

112 issues found for 'junction':

  • Long Rd/Adrian Way junction modification

    Richard G // 1 thread

    At a recent BUG-WAG* meeting, the Trust reported that the council will be modifying the Long Road/Adrian way junction.

    Those of you that know the area will know that the exit from Addenbrooke's is 'no right turn' with a small shaped island to direct traffic westbound onto Long Rd

    plans were shown to create a cutout in the small island for bikes to exit eastbound. Presuamably with signs to indicate this too

    The trust said that suggestions to the junction would be welcome in the planning of further changes to Long Rd


    *BUG-WAG - the Bicycle User Group, Walking Action Group of interested parties on the Addenbrooke's campus

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  • Golders Green Gyratory

    Created by Charles Harvey // 1 thread

    Fluid Design (consultants) are seeking views on making Golders Green gyratory more accessible to cyclists as part of a wider consultation on the future of Golders Green.

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  • Cambridge South West Travel Hub

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    GCP project:

    Junction 11 of the M11 is a key entry point into Cambridge. With significant growth in housing and employment in the area, upgrading the existing transport infrastructure in this area is vital to reduce congestion and improve access into the city.

    Congestion impacts on current bus journey times making journeys unreliable, unattractive and longer than necessary, as well as affecting the convenience and comfort of cycling trips on the corridor.

    By expanding the existing Travel Hub in Trumpington and creating more Travel Hub provision (either by creating multi-storey parking at the Trumpington site or a new Travel Hub to the west of Junction 11), car drivers can be encouraged to complete their journeys by bus. More Travel Hub use would help the flow of traffic and make employment sites such as the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, West and North Cambridge easier to reach.

    A consultation on increasing Travel Hub spaces to the south west of Cambridge ran until 21 December 2018. Thank you to those who attended our events and responded to the consultation. We will now collate the responses and publish a report in the Spring of 2019.

    The Cambridge South West Travel Hub Project is a component of the West of Cambridge package, which includes review and development options for Travel Hub facilities, creation of new Travel Hub locations, and enhancement or upgrade of existing facilities.

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  • Cottenham road

    Tom McKeown // 1 thread

    The mouth of Cotteham Road is wide and fast. How do we get this improved? Especially in the context of the new school.

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  • Very difficult junction

    Created by Kevin Ablitt // 1 thread

    Approaching from Foundation St, heading for the docks is difficult as traffic swings in at high speed rendering crossing unsafe to access.

    Especially frustrating as the straightthrough option would have been so easy to use and achieve.

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  • Furness Road Junction Improvement Scheme

    Created by Sylvia Gauthereau // 1 thread

    Furness Road Junction Improvement Scheme

    Who is consulting?

    Highways & Infrastructure

    Why are we consulting?

    Each year we identify roads in Brent which have the highest numbers of recorded Personal Injury Accidents (PIA’s). We then consider the introduction of road safety measures to help reduce the number of accidents.

    The junction of Furness Road with Harlesden High Street and Harrow Road has been identified as a location with a high number of accidents. Over the last 3 years there have been 9 traffic accidents recorded at the junction. 1 accident resulted in serious injury and 8 accidents resulted in slight injury. 3 accidents involved a pedestrian, 2 involved a pedal cyclist and 2 involved motorcyclists.

    The existing pedestrian facilities at this junction are also inadequate. The only protected pedestrian phase is across the southern arm of High Street Harlesden, with no formal crossings across all other approach arms to this very busy junction. Also most pedestrians tend to cross the junction on the north side of High Street Harlesden, which is not a protected and formal crossing.

    The other problem with this junction is the Furness Road approach. This is only a single lane approach with a free flowing, uncontrolled traffic movement for left-turning traffic. The right turning traffic obstructs the free flowing left-turning traffic even though it is uncontrolled. This is mainly due to the single lane approach to the junction holding the left-turning traffic which then causes long tail backs on Furness Road on daily basis, particularly during the peak hour periods. We are therefore proposing to introduce a comprehensive set of measures to reduce the number of traffic accidents and also improve junction capacity.

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  • Wrythe Lane / Tweeddale Road / Thornton Road - proposed changes to junction

    Created by Charles Martin // 1 thread

    • Removing the existing access into Tweeddale Road from Wrythe Lane. It is proposed to create new access from Thornton Road across the green space. This will help to reduce vehicle conflicts and provide better pedestrian routes.
    • Converting the closed section of Tweeddale Road to grassed area as shown on the plan in green hatch lines.
    • A raised table is proposed at the new entry into Tweeddale Road to provide a level crossing for pedestrians and to help with slowing down traffic speeds.

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  • Trumpington / Chaucer Road Junction

    Created by Robert Sansom // 1 thread

    Proposed new signallng for Trumpington Road / Chaucer Road junction.

    Issues with this:

    1. There is no details as to whether there are toucan crossing signals for the shared use path across the Chaucer Road Arm.

    2. It does not improve safety for city-bound cyclists/pedestrians who still have to avoid vehicles turning left into Chaucer Road.

    2. There remains a major problem with the on road cycle lane on the outbound side where the rear ends of large vehicles, especially coaches and busses, enter into the cycle lane as the vehicles make the slight right turn after the existing island.

    Work is meant to be starting 14th January! Can I write a letter on behalf of the cycling campaign pointing out these issues?

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  • Awkward right turn on to NCR76/ NCR1

    Created by Pierhead // 1 thread

    Travelling from North Queensferry the entrance to NCR76 / NCR1 involves a right turn while moving downhill at the very point in the road where the double white lines on the road change to dashed lines (to allow overtaking).

    The double white lines prevent overtaking for several hundred yards before this (though drivers do not always comply).

    Often by the time a cyclist reaches this junction from North Queensferry there following vehicles which are trying to overtake just at the very point where the cyclist must indicate right with one hand while braking with the other hand before making a right turn into a narrow bike lane at a tight angle.

    This often feels dangerous, especially when several cars are trying to overtake. The "no overtaking" zone (solid double white lines in centre of road) should be extended beyond this turning point and warning signage provided for drivers. The entrance to the bike lane needs widened and the angle of entry from the road relaxed.

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  • Crossroads at Pyrles Lane, Hillyfields and Chester Road (CAP App. I.13.2)

    Created by Chris Lord // 1 thread

    At the crossroads at Pyrles Lane, Hillyfields and Chester Road: two slight collisions occurring due to driver error and also cyclist error by pulling in front of vehicles causing them to swerve and hit other vehicles.
    * At the crossroads at Pyrles Lane, Hillyfields and Chester Road, there is the potential to create an improved public space regeneration scheme.
    * Potentially provide a 'TfL Quietway-style' cycle-friendly, low-traffic feel at the crossroads (e.g. via a speed table to slow traffic).
    * Dedicated space for cycling on the approaches to the crossroads via either on-road cycle lanes or off-road paths.
    * New crossing facilities to replace existing examples.
    Medium Term

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  • Hillyfields, Goldings Hill & Stony Path Improvements (CAP App.I 12.3)

    Created by Chris Lord // 1 thread

    Junction should be improved to facilitate cyclists who are currently not catered for west of Hillyfields.
    * Junction should be improved to facilitate cyclists who are currently not catered for west of Hillyfields.
    * Potentially upgrade the existing zebra crossing west of Hillyfields to a toucan crossing, and moving it closer to the end of the existing cycle route.
    * Widen the existing footway alongside the westbound Rectory Lane (potentially using some of the grass area behind the footway) to enable it to become a shared use facility.
    * Potentially upgrade the existing zebra crossings and mini-roundabouts to a signalised junction and crossings.
    * This could get cyclists on to the western side of Church Hill.
    * Provision of an approx. 150 metre long segregated footway/cycleway (if possible) along the route of the existing footway on the western side of Church Hill and Golding’s Lane.
    * Improvement of the PROW footpath surface and signage for cyclists from Golding’s Lane to Stony Path Lane
    * Signage and road markings along Stony Path Lane up the hill to Baldwin’s Hill.
    Longer Term
    £500,000 (includes provision of signage along Stony Path section)

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  • Love Lane/Cycle Track Junction

    Created by MartinG // 1 thread

    There is no proper transition between the road (Love Lane) and the Cycle Track. Teh track turn the corner and terminates at the junction of Ronsons Close, but many users (most?) are accessing it from the part of Love Lane that runs east-west. At very least there should be a flush kerb here, but ideally a bit of junction remodelling to give greater emphasis to cycling.

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  • dangerous junction - no visibility

    Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread

    A few years back, the university reopened the Fitzwilliam Gate off the Downing Site, which had been locked and closed for many years. This was to facilitate a one-way system on the site so that vehicles enter via Botany, but leave via Fitzwilliam.

    There is a wall which obstructs visibility of drivers exiting - it is very hard to see traffic coming from the Lensfield Road (southern) end of Tennis Court Road. I spent a few minutes chatting to a friend on that corner and we saw several near-misses.

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  • M2/A249 Stockbury Roundabout

    Created by maidstoneonbike // 1 thread

    Highways England are spending up to £100 million on changes to this roundabout. The following is from their website:

    Traffic using the M2 junction 5/A249 Stockbury roundabout suffers delay and the junction has a poor safety record. The approach to the junction from the north and east, in particular, experiences high levels of delay and the junction is identified in the list of the top 50 national casualty locations on the trunk and motorway network.

    An increase in capacity is necessary to accommodate traffic from planned new developments and the capacity problems are also inhibiting economic investment plans.

    Improvement of the junction was proposed in Swale Borough Council’s Draft Transportation Strategy 2014 and in Kent County Council’s framework for regeneration in 2010 (Growth without Gridlock). It is also proposed within the South East Local Economic Partnership’s Growth Deal and Economic Plan 2014.

    The scheme was included in the March 2015 Roads Investment Strategy (RIS) and in our Delivery Plan 2015.

    The objectives of this scheme are to:

    reduce travel time and improving journey time reliability in the hotspot areas
    reconnect communities
    reduce and the impacts of pollution
    enable local planning authorities to manage the impact of planned growth and in doing so support the wider economy
    provide safer roads with fewer delays which can adequately cater for the impacts of adverse weather
    minimise impacts on the natural environment and optimising environmental opportunities and mitigation
    provide opportunities for improved accessibility for all users


    There is an opportunity for cycling and walking provision, and Highways England have suggested that Maidstone Cycle Campaign propose such provision to them so they can make arrangements to sort funding for it.

    Any suggestions for cycling and walking provision would be beneficial

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  • Camberwell Green junction

    Created by Elizabeth E. // 1 thread

    TfL are making changes to junction because of safety issues.

    For Cyclists:

    Two-stage right turns at the junction in the west to south and east to north directions
    An early release at the traffic lights on all four arms of the junction
    Deeper Advanced Stop Lines (ASLs)
    Mandatory cycle lane on Camberwell Church Street westbound approach to operate at all times
    St Giles bus stop moved further west from the Vicarage Grove junction to improve safety of left turning cyclists on the LCN 23 cycle route
    Resurfacing throughout the junction.
    Retention of the 20mph speed limit at the junction and on all the approaches.

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  • Fixing none optimal lanes

    Phil Wigglesworth // 1 thread

    I cycle past this junction a lot, and sometimes the lights are red so I wait and look at the lanes and wonder why they're like this.

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  • Maybury Pedestrian Island too small

    Created by acsimpson // 1 thread

    The traffic island on Maybury Road at the Maybury Junction is too small to accommodate cyclists (especially those pulling child trailers, etc) other than at it's extreme southern end. As this is a two stage crossing it can lead to either the need to cross when red or wait partly blocking the carriageway.
    The light timings need changed to allow a full crossing at once or the island needs to be extended.

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  • Fatal RTI - 2nd June

    Ian S // 1 thread

    Tim Atkins' death 2nd June 2017

    Since accident, four other serious and unreported incidents have been brought to attention of PCF at same location

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  • Path from Riverside to Newmarket Road next to Tesco

    Created by Matthew // 3 threads

    Umbrella 'Issue' for several issues facing the path alongside Tesco:

    1. Poor junction design at Riverside
    2. #AbsoluteBollards along the way
    3. Wacky chicanes at Cheddars Lane rendering the path unusable by many people

    and anything else.

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  • Brookgate / Brooklands Ave / Hills Road junction

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Two issues, really:

    (1) It has puzzled me for some time that there is no way to cycle from Brookgate onto Brooklands Avenue. The traffic signal only shows a left green arrow from Brookgate onto Hills Road, which serves the buses, but Brooklands is a major cycle route and would make sense to access it directly from the station (there is a long way around via Clarendon & the busway otherwise).

    As it happens, when the left green arrow is showing, I have never seen any other conflicting traffic movement (although presumably Hills Road left onto Brooklands Ave is green at this time? I haven't checked). So it seems like it would be very simple to fix this problem: just convert the green left arrow into a green ball & cut any conflicting movements.

    (2) Regardless of that change, there should also be an advanced-stop-line on Brookgate, which there currently is not, so that buses do not sneak up and left-hook people. Even when making a left turn from Brookgate you can be left-hooked by a left-turning bus if they are not careful. So the lack of ASL here is rather strange.

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45 threads found for 'junction':

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