Things tagged 'lip3'

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11 issues found for 'lip3':

  • Redbridge LIP

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    The Local Implementation Plan (LIP) sits underneath the Local Plan and sets out our commitments to make the changes outlined in the Local Plan a reality.

    This LIP also identifies how the London Borough of Redbridge will work with Transport for London (TfL) towards achieving the Mayor's Transport Strategy goals of:

    • Healthy Streets and healthy people
    • A good public transport experience
    • New homes and jobs

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  • Merton LIP 3

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    In March 2018 the Mayor of London released his vision for the future of transport in the capital called the Mayor’s Transport Strategy it sets out three priority areas for delivery; these are:-

    • Heathy Streets and heathy people
    • A good public transport experience
    • New Homes and Jobs

    It also set an ambitious target for 80% of all trips in London to be made on foot, by cycle or using public transport by 2041.

    The LIP is a statutory requirement under the Greater London Authority Act 1999 and all London boroughs are required to develop a document setting out how it is going to deliver the Mayors Transport Strategy, its priorities and objectives at a local level.

    The LIP3 contains an overview of the challenges and opportunities in delivering the Mayor’s Transport Strategy within Merton, a set of borough transport objectives, a short and longer term delivery plan and a series of targets set by Transport for London that we are working towards achieving.

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  • Kensington & Chelsea LIP

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    The Mayor of London published his Transport Strategy (MTS) in March 2018. The aim is for 80 per cent of all trips in London to be made on foot, by cycle or using public transport by 2041 (compared with 63 per cent in 2015).

    Our Third LIP sets out how we plan to implement the MTS locally as well as our other local transport-related priorities. LIPs are statutory documents and all London boroughs must prepare and submit their LIPs to Transport for London (TfL) for Mayor of London approval. See the MTS on the website.

    There are four main elements of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea's LIP:

    • A set of Borough Transport Objectives covering the 2019/20 to 2021/22 three-year LIP period and beyond.
    • The transport challenges and opportunities that we face in the borough.
    • A Delivery Plan of schemes, initiatives and policies covering the period 2019/20 to 2021/22.
    • LIP targets and delivery indicators.
    The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Commonplace survey

    To help shape the themes of our LIP we ran an online map-based ‘Commonplace’ survey during the summer of 2018, inviting people to tell us the kind of transport improvements they would like to see in their local area. See the online map.

    407 people responded to the question ‘What is your biggest concern about getting around on Kensington and Chelsea's streets? Amongst all respondents the top five concerns in descending order were:

    • cycling doesn’t feel safe
    • pollution
    • speed of traffic
    • too much rat-running
    • congestion for cars

    Amongst those who stated that they lived in the borough the top five concerns were:

    • pollution
    • speed of traffic
    • congestion for cars
    • too much rat-running
    • cycling doesn’t feel safe
    Key projects, policies and initiatives proposed in our LIP include:
    • considering pedestrians’ wish for ‘green man’ facilities at busy junctions, which will reduce traffic capacity and increase queues, even if these would not have the traditional road casualty based justification
    • consulting on introducing pilot 20 mph limits in some streets and areas
    • examining TfL's proposals to improve conditions for walking and cycling along the Holland Park Avenue/Notting Hill Gate/Bayswater Road corridor
    • introducing one or more ‘floating’ car clubs, which allow customers to make one-way trips, paying by the minute, without having to return the car to a dedicated bay
    • reviewing the case for taking on powers to enforce moving traffic offences, such as yellow box junctions and banned turns, to make sure road users observe traffic restrictions
    • a trial of part-time ‘school streets’ in which motor vehicle access is limited at school drop-off and pick-up times to encourage children to walk to school and improve safety
    • considering opportunities to introduce restrictions to move traffic away from residential roads in some circumstances
    • working with TfL to find sites for rapid electric vehicle chargers
    Send us your comments on our Draft LIP

    We welcome your views on our draft LIP and the Environmental Report. If you have any comments please complete the survey online or Alternatively  you can email them to or send them by post to:

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  • Havering LIP

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    Not clear that there is an explicit consultation for this.
    LIP link attached.
    Discussion thread added. level. This is known as a Local Implementation Plan. A Local Implementation Plan (LIP) is a statutory document prepared under Section 145 of the GLA Act. It represents a borough’s own transport strategy and is reviewed on an annual basis.

    This is the third LIP prepared by Havering and it aligns with the MTS published in March 2018 for the period up to 2041. The draft LIP explains how the borough will implement the transport elements of the draft London Plan, the Mayor’s Transport Strategy and other relevant Mayoral strategies. The draft LIP also takes into account Havering’s own plans and strategies, particularly the Havering Local Plan submitted in March 2018, and sets out the long term vision for transport in Havering up to 2041.

    The Council is undertaking a consultation exercise to seek the views of the public, local businesses and other interested parties. Responses will be taken into account when drafting the final LIP3 document to be submitted to TfL in early 2019.

    please email the Transportation Planning team: or write to:

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  • Hammersmith and Fulham LIP

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    We’re planning what improvements we’d like to make to transport in the borough for future decades and would like your views.

    We’ve recently published our draft ‘Local Implementation Plan’ which sets out our ambitions and plans for improving the transport network and making it more environmentally friendly.

    “We want to make this the greenest borough in Britain,” said Cllr Wesley Harcourt, H&F Cabinet Member for Environment.

    “This plan sets out ways we hope to improve air quality, reduce congestion, encourage more walking and cycling and promote the use of public transport and electric vehicles.

    “It also sets out how we can make our transport grow and be more efficient in the future.”

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  • Brent LIP

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    Statutory and public consultation on their draft documents is a requirement for Boroughs preparing their Local Implementation Plans. The draft London Borough of Brent Local Implementation Transport Plan (LIP3) sets out how the Borough Council proposes to implement the Mayor of London’s Transport Strategy at a local level in Brent. The plan uses the Borough’s Long Term Transport Strategy objectives and sets out how the future of transport for Brent will be provided up to 2041. It proposes a three-year programme of investment for the period 2019/20 - 2021/22. Under the Mayor’s Transport Strategy a further three year programme will be consulted on in the future. The full draft plan is available in the document section below. We would welcome your views on the draft LIP3 using this online questionnaire.

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  • Bromley Local Implementation Plan 3

    Created by Simon Munk // 2 threads

    Bromley says:

    The Local Implementation Plan (LIP) is a statutory document, required by the Greater London Authority Act 1999, which sets out how we intend to implement the Mayor's Transport Strategy (MTS) within the borough.
    Each borough has to produce a Local Implementation Plan which must be approved by the Mayor.
    We are consulting on our third Local Implementation Plan for Transport (LIP3). This sets out the borough's approach to transport, including our ambition to improve road safety and reduce road danger, and investment priorities for both the next three years as well as in the longer term to 2041 at a more strategic level.
    Bromley's LIP3 sets out how the council will deliver and work with partners such as rail operators to deliver an efficient and high quality transport network that safely supports borough residents, visitors to the borough for work and leisure and the borough's economy.
    Bromley's population is expected to increase, with the level of population growth presenting challenges for the borough's transport networks. If this growth in demand for travel were to be accompanied by an equal growth in car use, congestion would get worse, with slower journeys for residents and businesses and a probable deterioration in air quality. To accommodate the projected increase in demand for travel, we need to make the most efficient use of the capacity we have on our transport networks. Given this, the LIP3 outlines the borough's priorities, which include improving road safety by reducing collisions and casualties on the roads, making it easier to walk and choose to cycle, reducing congestion and working with partner organisations to deliver new public transport connectivity such as between the borough's main centres and for example Canary Wharf.

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  • Barnet LIP

    Created by Simon Still // 2 threads

    The third Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS) was published in March 2018 and sets out a new strategic direction for transport in London. It aims to change the way people choose to travel with an overarching vision for 80% of all trips in London to be made on foot, cycle or using public transport by 2041.

    Each London Borough has to prepare a Local Implementation Plan (LIP) containing proposals for the implementation of the MTS in its area.

    Barnet’s draft LIP includes Barnet’s transport objectives and identifies key local issues, challenges and opportunities to achieving the overarching mode share aim and nine MTS outcomes. It includes a delivery plan that sets out, in broad terms, the proposals and resources that will deliver the LIP objectives and targets associated with indicators related to the MTS outcomes.

    A number of statutory consultees will be specifically invited to comment on the draft LIP, but we want everyone who lives in or visits the borough to have an opportunity to comment too.

    Give us your views

    A copy of the draft LIP is provided here. We would particularly like your views on:

    have the main challenges and opportunities to delivering the MTS vision and outcomes been identified (pages 24-60);
    are the borough transport objectives identified in the document (pages 26-29) suitable for addressing the challenges;
    should the LIP include other major proposals or general areas of work (pages 62-74 & 80-81);
    should any other targets be identified (pages 103-110)
    Please provide your comments by email to link) including LIP3 in the title

    ,or by post FAO Jane Shipman, Re, Floor 11, Barnet House, 1255 High Road, London, N20 0EJ.

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  • Bexley LIP3

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    This Consultation Draft Third Local Implementation Plan (Draft LIP) for Bexley sets out the proposed strategies that will form the basis for improvements to the local transport system until 2041, and how the Council will work towards achieving the Mayor’s Transport Strategy goals of:

    Healthy Streets and healthy people
    A good public transport experience
    New homes and jobs.
    The Draft LIP also includes transport-related objectives, a three-year Delivery Plan and Programme of Investment covering 2019/20 to 2021/22, and monitoring arrangements.

    The Council is undertaking a consultation exercise to seek the views of the public, local businesses and other interested parties and responses will be taken into account when drafting the final LIP document to be submitted to TfL early in 2019.

    A copy of the Draft LIP can be viewed or downloaded - Consultation Draft Third Local Implementation Plan (PDF, 8.7MB)

    Views or comments should be sent to the Transportation Planning team by emailing

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  • Sutton Local Implementation Plan 3

    Created by Charles Martin // 1 thread

    The council is undertaking a public consultation on its draft third Local Implementation Plan (LIP). This is a statutory document that outlines how Sutton will contribute to meeting the outcomes and objectives in the new Mayor of London’s Transport Strategy, published earlier this year. It also outlines key proposals for transport schemes in the borough for the next three years (to 2021) and longer term ambitions to 2041.

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