Things tagged 'merton'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

5 issues found for 'merton':

  • Merton Local Plan 2020 Consultation

    Created by Merton Cycling Campaign (MCC) // 2 threads

    Merton Council are consulting on their new Local Plan 2020, which will be used as the basis for planning decisions in the future. Planning decisions are one of the ways in which cycling policies are put into practice, so it's really important that the Local Plan incorporates strong commitments to cycling and active transport.

    Merton Cycle Campaign will use the comments and discussion here to incorporate into our response to the Merton Consultation which closes 6 January; however to give us time to incorporate your comments please submit them here by noon on Sunday 30 December.

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  • Sutton Tram Link

    Created by Marcus Howarth // 1 thread


    Here's the overview from TFL:

    We are consulting on proposals for a new, direct and quicker transport link between Sutton and Merton. We have called this the Sutton Link.

    The Sutton Link would create a high-capacity route for people travelling between Sutton town centre and Merton using zero-emission vehicles. It would connect with other major transport services into central London and across south London, including National Rail, London Underground, existing tram and bus services. It would make journeys by public transport quicker and more attractive, and reduce the need for trips by private car.

    Many of the neighbourhoods along the proposed routes have limited public transport options. The Sutton Link would support new homes being built and would improve access to jobs, services, major transport hubs and leisure opportunities across both boroughs and beyond.

    Our work is at a stage where we would like to know your views about three potential routes. We are considering a tram or ‘bus rapid transit’ (BRT) for the Sutton Link and would also like to know your views on this.

    BRT is similar to a tram but runs on road segregated from traffic where possible, not on rails, and carries fewer people in each vehicle. A full explanation is included below in the section titled ‘About trams and bus rapid transit’.

    From LCC -

    general principles would be ensure this doesn’t negatively impact cycle routes, that there are good routes to the stations/stops, that any places where cyclists will be crossing tracks are designed carefully with latest materials to avoid tramlining incidents, that the space comes from private car lanes.

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  • Parkside parallel cyclepath in Wandsworth & Merton

    Created by MB // 1 thread

    There is an opportunity to have a cycle path, between Tibbets Corner & Wimbledon Village, off the road, parallel to Parkside. A pedestrian path already exists. Parkside is a dangerous road to cycle down at the best of times.

    Interestingly, a few intrepid cyclists do use Parkside, and I expect there is a hidden cycling population (including me) that would leave their cars behind & use bikes for their commute along this road if it were a safer journey.

    A real opportunity here I think to increase cycling, decrease traffic congestion and move towards the 'Go Dutch' vision that the Mayor of London outlined earlier this year.

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6 threads found for 'merton':

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