Things tagged 'mortlake'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

11 issues found for 'mortlake':

  • South Worple Way - new banned left turn - needs "Except Cycles" exemption

    Created by Tom B // 1 thread

    Following a consultation ( ), Richmond Council has now put up 'No Left Turn' signs at the eastern end of South Worple Way, just before the junction with White Hart Lane, to try and prevent dangerous driving and motor vehicles blocking this very tight junction by trying to use it to get across the railway crossing.

    Cycles do not cause the same issues in relation to endangering pedestrians waiting on the very narrow pavements, or blocking the road (as cycles take up less room and, if it is necessary while waiting at the railway crossing, they can easily be moved aside by riders).

    North and South Worple ways are important through routes for cyclists as they allow people to avoid the much busier Mortlake High Street and Upper Richmond Road. However, motorists can use these routes for rat-running (and can do so aggressively, in my experience, particularly on North Worple Way), and therefore it is important to show that cyclists have equal if not greater priority on these quiet routes.

    It would be good to make it clear that the banned left turn from South Worple Way onto White Hart Lane is not intended to apply to cyclists by adding an "Except Cycles" sign to the new signage. This would help avoid any potential misunderstanding by (and consequent conflict with) drivers and other road users.

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  • Make Sheen Lane, from Park Gate to Mortlake Railway station, a safe route for cycling to school

    Created by timlennon // 0 threads

    Sheen Lane provides access to a number of schools, yet is a busy route with no space allocated for cycling. It should be safe for children to make their way to the numerous local schools by bicycle, and it would open up access to Richmond Park for visitors who wanted to cycle from Mortlake Station. Measures such as 20mph and traffic calming are needed here, along with re-alignment of parking..

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  • Vine Road (NCN 4)

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread

    This issue is with the part of National Cycle Route 4 between the junction of Vine Road with Upper Richmond Road to the south and the combined cycle/pedestrian path from Vine Road just north of the northerly level-crossing (over the Hounslow Line) to Barnes Station. This road is narrow, poorly surfaced (potholes, cracks, etc) and heavily trafficked during the rush hours; moreover, the approach to the Upper Richmond Road is pretty steep, meaning that all but strong and expert cyclists have to dismount and cross on foot past the lines of cars going up and down to reach the Toucan crossing of Upper Richmond Road which leads to the dedicated cycle path on the west side of Priory Lane en route to Richmond Park.

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  • Improved towpath in Barnes

    Created by Paul L // 1 thread

    Raising and re-surfacing path that we have been complaing about since forever. Pity it isn't wider, doesn't go all the way to Mortlake Brewery and the White Hart has obstructive seating but still worth celebrating.

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  • Barnes Green - shared use path

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads

    Opportunity to allow shared use path with pedestrian priority across the southern end of Barnes Green to link from Station Road to the Crescent and avoid the busy Barnes High Street / Station Road junction.

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  • Shared Path to Vine Rd Rec

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads

    The path from Westfields Avenue to Vine Road rec is by and large wide enough to be converted to a shared use path; and would provide another route to the play area; nursery and on to Barnes Station. Plenty of people already cycle on it.

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  • Rosslyn Ave Footbridge - Obstruction

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads

    The bridge between Rosslyn Ave and Woodlands Road has barriers on each end which force a dismount; yet this is part of LCN 37. Suggest these are removed and the bridge is signposted as a shared path with pedestrian priority.

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  • South Worple Way - obstruction

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread

    South Worple Way is signposted as part of LCN 37; but the western end of it is blocked off with this obstruction; which leaves only a very narrow gap for bikes to get through. Could you get a cargo bike or a trailer through there?

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  • Bike parking - White Hart Lane

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads

    There's plenty of shops on White Hart Lane but the only bike parking is right at the northern end. There is room for more bike stands near the shops at the southern end opposite Westfields Avenue.

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  • Create quiet route to Barnes Station

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread

    Create a shared use path (or even better a dedicated cycle track) from the junction of Woodlands Road / Vine Road to Barnes Railway station - this would join LCN37 and providing a quiet route to Barnes Railway station for many residents of Sheen / Mortlake, avoiding the busy A205. This route is currently a footpath.

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  • Mortlake Station footbridge

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread

    Footbridges at Mortlake railway station should be fitted with troughs to enable cyclists to easily wheel bicycles to the other platform. Cyclists frequently carry bicycles over the footbridge, as per the photo - one going in each direction!

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5 threads found for 'mortlake':

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