Things tagged 'narrow'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

28 issues found for 'narrow':

  • Cycle path at junction of Trumpington and Brooklands problematic for trikes

    Created by Robert Watson // 1 thread

    On the northeast side of the Trumpington Road and Brooklands Ave junction, there’s a combined cycle and foot path around the corner that suffers two problems that make trike use problematic in peak times:

    1. The path is quite narrow, and in one place there is a sign post. This path is quite narrow for use with a cargo trike even if no one else is on the path -- but if there are cyclists (especially cargo bikes/trikes) going in the other direction, the path is simply too narrow. Most of the time cyclists or pedestrians wait for one another, but this doesn’t always happen.
    2. The camber on the path is extremely steep, especially where there is a cut to allow cycles up off of Brooklands going east. Trikes are at substantial risk of tipping, especially if there isn’t a child or cargo in the trike and the centre of gravity is high.

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  • Huntingdon Road: Girton Corner area improvements needed

    Created by Al Storer // 1 thread

    The A14 project is bringing a cycleway into the city as far as the University farm. Previous County projects have created a decent inbound cycleway from Laurence Weaver Road and an almost OK painted lane outbound to here. There's a section of cycleway from Girton Corner to Eddington Avenue, and at Girton Corner there's a connection to The Ridgeway along Bunker's Hill. There are Cycleways intercepting Huntingdon Road at Whitehouse Lane, both into Eddington and into Darwin Green. 

    But oh dear. Laurence Weaver Road junction is awful. Eddington Avenue junction is awful, and there's a very narrow and much over-run cycle lane to the north of it. Girton Corner junction is poor and serves poorly those who want to go from Girton village and College to the Ridgeway.

    The section of road needs a holistic approach that incorporates the route along and the routes crossing in a coherent manner.

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  • Dangerous Snakey Path trail

    Created by DB // 1 thread

    I am cycling on the snakey trail every day, and there is a high risk that somebody falls into the Cherry Hinton Brook one day. The path and bridge is really too narrow and many people are taking it both ways. 

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  • Buxhall School/Greanleas cycleway

    Tom McKeown // 1 thread

    A new path is being added to the west side of the B1049 to connect the Greanleas estate to the Buxhall farm school.  It is too narrow for shared used.  Can we improve this?

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  • Ravenscroft St footway

    Created by FrenchyF // 0 threads

    The southern footway on Ravenscroft Street is ridiculously narrow in some places, and should be widened.

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  • The Narrow Way proposals

    Created by Harry Fletcher-Wood // 0 threads

    Hackney Council removed southbound buses from the Narrow Way recently. Having made these changes permanent, they are now proposing to redesign and improve the streets.

    They propose 'removing the existing conventional road layout and replace it with a new, accessible pedestrian friendly street.

    'Simplifying the street by removing the current clutter and providing new seating and cycle parking.

    'Creating a new public spaces that are flexible and adaptable, and will allow for events and other activities to be hosted.'

    The proposals shown here do not address difficulties people cycling have accessing the Narrow Way from the south.

    Please let us know your thoughts - all contributions will help us formulate Hackney Cycling Campaign's formal response to the council on the issue.

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  • Railway bridge at Ockford Road

    Created by Chris Peck // 0 threads

    The railway bridge over Ockford Ridge results in a narrowing, just as the road bends. The footway here is left narrow, sightlines are poor and the surface is in a poor state.

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  • Cob Lane - Bournville Lane Link

    Created by Dawes Jaguar // 1 thread

    This path is supposed to be a shared use path, part of the Merritts Brook Greenway. Unfortunately it is the same width as a bicycle and completely unlit. It emerges at an informal crossing upon which cyclists are instructed to dismount. Cyclists are then expected to pedal along the pavement. It's completely useless and unnecessary, as there is a better route via Charfield Close.

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  • Cob Lane - Bristol Road Link

    Created by Dawes Jaguar // 0 threads

    This path has been built recently as part of the Merritts Brook Greenway walking and cycling route. It would be quite useful were it not narrow, twisty, and covered in loose chippings. As it is, it is all but useless for cycling, so it needs to be rebuilt properly.

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  • Link to Spital

    Created by Simon Redding // 0 threads

    Spital is an area of high cycle ownership. To cycle to town, Spital residents have to currently either traverse a dangerous junction & road bridge to join the Hasland Road cycle route, cycle on the A632 under a dangerous bridge, or cycle a long diversion around the back of the station. With this short spur from the proposed station link, Spital residents would be able to access the town cycling hub at the Spire Business Park and easily cross into town in a number of ways.

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  • Underpass unfit for cycle use

    Created by litwardle // 0 threads

    The most frustrating part of the journey is when I get to the square. To get to Castle Street you either have to cycle under the bridge. This underpass is far to narrow and has blind entry..It makes a heart racing cycle when someone comes in the opposite direction narrowly avoiding collision! The surface is also very slippery in the wet. The only way to avoid this is by continuing to the T junction at the square and turning left... Ooops No left turn!! Of course, even if you could there is no way to get to castle street without going over the bridge and doubling back! Any improvement here would make a huge difference!

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  • Off-road Route between Ham and Richmond

    Created by Kate // 1 thread

    In order to avoid the muddy and sometimes flooded route along the riverside path it is possible to use a tarmac path across Petersham Field. However, at both ends of the field there are kissing gates which mean that larger bikes, bikes with child seats, cargo bikes, double buggies or larger prams as well as wheelchairs are either unable or struggle to get through the gate. The gates create an unappealing obstruction for "normal" bikes too.

    I have been told by councillors and council officials that the gates are to keep in the cows which graze for half the year in the field. In Cambridge all the cows grazing on common land are kept in using cattle grids. Why can't this solution be used here?

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  • NCN1: Narrow cycle lanes and pinch points on Stoke Park Drive

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    The cycle lane on NCN1 on Stoke Park Drive are rather narrow, thus you cannot cycle within the cycle lane. Having the cycle lane there means drivers often don't give as much space when overtaking. There are also many traffic island pinch point which make it extremely dangerous, as drivers overtake and cut in just before the island.

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  • Norwich Road from Highfield Rd to Whitehouse Ln

    Created by Kevin Ablitt // 0 threads

    The west bound ( out of town ) on-road cycle lane is extremely narrow. As are the motor vehicle lanes to accomodate eastbound bus lane. There is plenty of space on verges etc to improve this facility but may mean moving lampposts etc.

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  • Belvedere Road near Tuddenham Road

    Created by Kevin Ablitt // 1 thread

    Very narrow carriageway and very narrow footpath on one side only ( I have seen a woman struck on the shoulder by a bus mirror on this route).
    High number of pedestrians and cyclists at peak times, poor visibility and abrupt hill make this a very dangerous route.

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  • Burgess Road 80cm cycle lane

    Created by Dan Doherty // 0 threads

    Very narrow cycle lane between University Road and Violet Road and Broadlands Road. Encourages very close passes when cycling in the lane (with 10cm of your handlebars), or aggressive impatient driving if you cycle outside of the lane. Additionally to cycle within this cycle lane it is necessary to cycle closer to the kerb than the recommended 50cm from kerb (
    Lane markings are extremely faded. Lane contains several drains.

    No cycle lane would be better than the current cycle lane.

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  • A316 Twickenham Road surface and cycleway width

    Created by Paul James // 1 thread

    The surface of the shared use pavement is very bumpy and too narrow for cycles to easily pass pedestrians safely.

    There is plenty of room for a separate cycleway here alongside the pavement by taking some room from the car park and grass verge.

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  • Narrow Approach To Clifton Suspension Bridge With Unsuitable Cycle Lane

    Created by Sam Saunders // 2 threads

    On the eastern approach to Clifton Suspension Bridge the narrow road curves past a pedestrian refuge next to a toilet block. The short cycle lane that had started as approximately 1.2 metres wide narrows to approximately 0.9 metres at the refuge. More than half of the cycle lane at that point is paved with uneven cobbles unsuitable for cycling, especially on a bend. The traffic lane (approx 3.2 metres) is too narrow for a car and a bicycle to pass together. The cycle lane, in effect, is encouraging inexperienced cyclists to adopt a vulnerable road position and to cycle on an unsuitable surface.

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  • Frome Valley Greenway (Eastville Park)

    Created by christhebull // 1 thread

    Alright folks, if we're going to get the whole "Freeways and Greenways" network off the ground than we need to make sure we know what the existing routes are like (as some of us know certain parts of the city better than others). Here is my take on this section of the Frome Greenway:

    1) The route is fairly direct and a lot flatter than the road through Stapleton past Colston's School, it is also free of motor traffic

    2) Part of the route twists and turns *right next to* a lake and is shared by dog walkers. Whilst I recognise that this is meant to be a relatively leisurely route through a park, we don't want anybody taking an unexpected swim. The path also floods after heavy rainfall.

    3) The lakeside stretch is particularly hazardous at light. To cut down on energy costs, movement activated lights could be installed on an ideally re-aligned path.

    4) The route loses cohesiveness near the M32 junction. Improvements to the path and to signage are needed to direct cyclists to the Stapleton Road shared use section.

    5) One of the bridges is exceptionally narrow (haven't measured, but can't be more than 1 metre) and is only fit for single track use

    6) At the gated access off Wickham Glen, there is a passage to the side which is filled with loose gravel which gives poor traction on cycles as well as an open drainage channel which is a trip hazard on foot and bike

    Overall the route already has strong potential to form a quality part of the greenway network, but these issues should be addressed as part of the overall network creation.

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  • Why no cycle lanes on A65 in Rawdon?

    Created by WillC // 0 threads

    A65 in Rawdon is wide with few side roads. It needs cycle lanes. Southbound in morning staggered queuing traffic makes if hard to wiggle down to the ring road roundabout. There is ample width and no reason not to add cycle lanes. Ther are however 3 pinch points associated with middle pestrian refuges that are dangerous. There are cut-outs into pavement area to apparenlty widen the road here but the cut-outs are very poorly surfaced and unusable. Vehicles passing cyclists at the pinch-points regularly cause danger (personally experienced several times a week, one very nearly fatally).

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