Things tagged 'national-cycle-network'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

3 issues found for 'national-cycle-network':

  • NCN Route 1 to Sun Street (CAP2018 scheme 9)

    Created by George Lund // 0 threads

    Epping Forest Cycling Action Plan (2018) scheme 9 proposes:

    Create a new segregated 5m wide shared use route for pedestrians and cyclists, E-W across Townmead Recreation Area, between Meridian Way (NCR1) and Orchard Gardens. Route continues along new signed quietway along Orchard Gardens, Town Mead Road and Fountain Place. Consider either a two way working of Silver Street for cyclists, with a new northbound cycle contraflow which would enable access to town centre at Leverton Way via an upgrade of the Zebra crossing to a Tiger crossing, or a route along Sewardstone Street, connecting with Quaker Lane. There could be an opportunity for this section of Quaker Lane/Leverton Way to become an improved public realm exercise.

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  • Segregated/shared lane needed for cyclists on road out of Dunnington Village

    Anon // 1 thread

    This road to Dunnington Village, from the railway bridge to the traffic lights, approx 0.5 mile, is on the NCN 66, but has 60 mph limit and no path for walkers or cyclists!!! Cycling the route is quickest, but would-be cyclists don't cycle because they feel unsafe on this route where buses, lorries and cars thunder past at 60 mph. it's en route to two high schools, and consequently several children cycle on this route.Quite simply, this road needs a segregated cycleway, for which there is plenty of space.

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One thread found for 'national-cycle-network':

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