Things tagged 'ncn1'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

24 issues found for 'ncn1':

  • Foliage cutback - Fordwich Way

    Created by Owaldron // 0 threads

    Recent FOI confirmed that foliage cutback should occur in ‘Bi-annually’ on the Fordwich Way route in May and September every year. No foliage cutback has taken place on the Fordwich Way in May. The whole path is slowly becoming overgrown and will need cutting back as per Kent County Councils own internal documents. The whole route needs foliage clearance - Fault No. 811012

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  • Flytipping Fordwich Way

    Created by Owaldron // 1 thread

    See Picture, Reported to CCC. However, I have a hunch that it may be the responsibility of 'LandMarc' on behalf of the MOD as I think they would own that land.

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  • Strikes Crossing

    Created by MJR // 1 thread

    The former level crossing near a petrol station and the Strikes bowling alley is a frequent source of conflict between cycling and motoring. As of 2020, this is a toucan crossing just west of the former railway's line, necessitating cyclists to slalom across it. There are short cycleways on the south side of the A148 Lynn Road and Gaywood Road providing access to the main entrance of King Edward School.

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  • Lynnsport Northern Access Road NCN1/EV12/NSCR

    Created by MJR // 4 threads

    The Sandringham Railway Path is the main cycle route from Lynn town centre to the north, as well as part of National Route 1, EuroVelo route 12 and the North Sea Cycle Route. The councils tried to sneak a bit to the Local Pinch Point Fund to turn part of the cycleway into a fast 30mph drag strip of a road, open to all traffic, to serve the sports centre(!!) and some new housing developments to be built on scrub, sports fields and allotments. As far as we can ascertain, this was the only section of the National Cycle Network under threat from such downgrading. To proceed with that scheme would set a precedent which could have national implications. At the time of reporting this issue, it's now only one option of three possibilities.

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  • Joining NCN1 to the West End

    Created by Chris Paton // 0 threads

    City of Edinburgh council have done good work trialling a segregated path for NCN1 on George Street. Although the trial is coming to an end it's clear from their documents and consultations that George Street will remain the primary east-west route for cyclists travelling through the city centre and more investment is planned.

    The problem is that there is very poor access to this route from the West End for any cyclists who have come along Shandwick Place or Rutland Square (including cyclists from the big offices nearby). Heading east, cyclists have to go through the busy West End road junction and then brave cars sweeping into South Charlotte Street as they turn left while simultaneously needing to find a way across two lanes of traffic to the middle of the road to turn right onto George Street -- scary stuff even for a competent cyclist.

    Space is always at a premium but there do seem to be options for improving this with minimal loss of road space. A two-way cycle path could be constructed across the paving to link Hope Street with Rutland Place. With careful design this could be done to minimise impact to the pedestrian space and with reconfigured light timings cyclists could emerge from Hope Street to turn left or right, and likewise cyclists from Shandwick Place and Princes Street could turn into the new path. In addition, a left turn strip at Lothian Road onto Rutland Place would provide access to this new path for cyclists from Rutland Square and Lothian Road.

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  • Extend cycle path parallel to A92 south of Stonehaven to be full distance between junctions

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    The A92 here has some very fast traffic. Considering this is the flagship National Cycle Route 1, and there is already a cycle path of part of the way between these 2 junctions. It would be much better if this cycle path was continued to the next junction, with some crossing aid in the form of traffic lights, bridge or tunnel. This would open this part of the route to a wider range of participants, as it would be significantly safer.

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  • Poor Bourne Park cycle path surface

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    The surface of the cycle path, which is also National Cycle Route 1 through Bourne Park is of an extremely poor quality. This really needs to have a smooth tarmac surface, and potentially widened.

    I would expect kids to be learning to ride a bike along here, however that's not currently possible as its' touch going for an adult to cycle here never mind a child who is just learning to cycle. If this path is upgraded it would be even better if the surfacing was extended to create a circle around the park which is reasonably smooth, so that people can learn to cycle by cycling around this park.

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  • Poor reinstatement left trench across path

    Created by Donald Noble // 1 thread

    A trench has been dug across the cycle path close to the substation, and has not been properly reinstated, leaving a 0.5m wide 5cm deep rut right across the tarmac path,

    This should have been reinstated properly at the time, but would be good if it could be fixed soon

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  • Hardings Way and Connections

    Created by MJR // 4 threads

    Hardings Way is incomplete and frequently under threat. What exists is a fairly good and very popular route from Wisbech Road to Boal Quay, but the route south of Wisbech Road is still not open (2014). Most of the connections are also incomplete: when buses were allowed onto Hardings Way, we were supposed to get improved connecting routes including through the town centre (never happened) and past the Southgates (dangerously botched). Instead, the northern part is under threat of being opened to taxis and minicabs (July 2014 draft Air Quality Action Plan) and there are frequent rumours of it being opened to all traffic, contrary to local and national policies.

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  • King's Lynn Transport Interchange

    Created by MJR // 2 threads

    Some of (the last of?) the s106 money from two out-of-town big box supermarkets is being used to remodel the connections between the bus and rail stations. National Route 1 runs through this area and the bus station may also be Lynn's biggest cycle park, so there's quite a lot of potential for this to do good - or to do harm.

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  • NCN1: Narrow cycle lanes and pinch points on Stoke Park Drive

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    The cycle lane on NCN1 on Stoke Park Drive are rather narrow, thus you cannot cycle within the cycle lane. Having the cycle lane there means drivers often don't give as much space when overtaking. There are also many traffic island pinch point which make it extremely dangerous, as drivers overtake and cut in just before the island.

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  • Dogs Head Street cycle contraflow lane parking/loading bay

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    There is a loading bay in the cycle contraflow cycle lane, which means that the cycle lane is blocked for cyclists as soon as a vehicle is parked there. This means that cyclists have to pull out into the path of oncoming buses, thus making the NCN route unsuitable to young children or inexperienced cyclists.

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  • Flagship NCN1 crossing Clerk Street

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    Is this really the best that Edinburgh can do for the flagship national cycle network route 1 to get it to cross Clerk Street? You have to go through a pile of bins, on to the pavement to get round a barrier and then try and judge it right to cross the road, or use the nearby pedestrian crossing.

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  • Hawthorn path sign pointing wrong way

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 0 threads

    The sign is pointing away from the path rather than towards it. Also the NCN 1 badge/number should have brackets as it is the direction towards NCN 1, and not the actual NCN 1 at that point.

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  • Poor quality NCN1 on entering Ipswich from the South

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    This section of the flagship National Cycle Network Route 1 on entering Ipswich is of particularly poor quality. There are nettles, brambles and other bushes overgrowning the very rough and narrow path. Is this really the quality of cycling that we want to show to Dutch cyclists coming over from the Netherlands who would have expected there to be a tarmaced cycle path that's a couple of metres wide. There is space to here to place a good surface.

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24 threads found for 'ncn1':

No planning applications found for 'ncn1'.

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