Things tagged 'off-road'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

20 issues found for 'off-road':

  • Scout Hut Path - Corrie Road / Rustat Road link

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Scout Hut Path is an important link between the Carter Bridge and the Corrie Road neighbourhood. It is narrow and marred by a sharp blind bend in the middle, making it difficult to use for many people especially at night due to personal security and collision concerns.

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  • Barnstaple town centre - five years plan

    Created by North Devon Cycling Forum // 0 threads

    New Cycle Routes linking current dead end Rolle Quay path infrastructure with ramps in/out of Pilton Park to Pilton High Street AND Yeo Vale Road. Note the Rolle Quay path infrastructure from the south across River Yeo has already been built, leading onto the tarmac path "rounding" Pilton Park on the north side (near playground). What is missing are the ramps to Pilton High Street and Yeo Vale Road.

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  • Barnstaple town centre - five years plan

    Created by North Devon Cycling Forum // 0 threads

    Upgrade footpath and widening to shared path on north side of Ashleigh Road Approach Road (requiring NEW lay out of one-way Approach Road, moving parking bays to disused opposite south side of Approach Road). Current vegetation can be replanted as buffer between new shared path and main carriageway, so nice look of road won't be affected.

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  • New Wheelsports Facility - Trumpington Recreation/King George V Playing Fields

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    The City Council is consulting on a new wheelsports facility at Trumpington Recreation Ground / King George V Playing Fields. 

    More information:

    "We are proposing to install exciting new wheelsports tracks on Chesterton recreation ground and Trumpington recreation ground.

    The tracks will offer more inclusive and dynamic play and sport opportunities for 4 to 12-year-olds.

    We’d like to know what you think about the plans. Your comments will help us finalise the designs and carry the proposals forward to implementation."


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  • Here lies a new shared path off-limits to disabled cyclists

    Anon // 1 thread

    Last year a new path was built by Sustrans linking an existing bridleway to Rufforth. Great, right? Sure, *unless you dare to cycle on a non-conventional bike and/or have a physical disability*! Because what's this we have here? It's a barrier that makes it impossible for people with a physical disability and/or on a non-conventional bike to get past! Sustrans claim that the Council is responsible for this barrier, and the Council have said that those responsible "have been informed". Will action be taken? Will the 15-20% of York residents who have a physical disability be able to use this new path funded with their taxpayers' money? We shall see.

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  • Opportunity for funding for Frodsham Marsh cyclle path

    Created by Chris Neston // 1 thread

    The NCN 5 route over Frodsham Marshes is very badly surfaced such that can only be used by proficient cyclists with MTBs. As a result most people use the unpleasant main road alternative on the A56.
    An opportunity exists to get funding to surface this as a result of community funding from the Marshes Windfarm development. Closing date Feb 28.

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  • Valley walk surface unsuitable for most bike types 5 months a year

    Created by Techno Tim // 1 thread

    The surface of Valley Walk is only suitable for Mountain bikes or bikes with Mountain bike tyres from October to April each year. The surface is mostly hogging with some remnants of the tarmacadum surface laid in 2000. Since this route represents an ideal route between Long Melford and Sudbury it requires a new surface, ideally 2 to 2.5m wide and segregated in parts.

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  • Towpath Potholed

    Created by Cook // 1 thread

    The Grand Union canal towpath from Lincoln Road, Olton to Catherine de Barnes is full of potholes and becomes full of mud and puddles when it rains. The alternative is the busy Warwick Rd or Coventry Rd. This is the only off road route from Solihull to Birmingham so is suitable for families and young children.

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  • Christchurch Park Bridleway route improvement

    Created by Jon_B // 1 thread

    This route is the current North-South route through Christchurch Park, but fails to realise its full potential for cyclists as it is not properly lit and is perceived as dangerous to use at night as it is secluded.

    It also suffers from a poor surface and can be dangerously slippy due to fallen leaves, leaf mould etc.

    The route needs to be upgraded by cutting back foliage to improve sight lines and reduce the "seclusion", resurfacing and proper lighting along with regular sweeping and maintenance. CCTV coverage would also improve the perception of safety.

    The junctions at either end also need to be revised to ensure that cyclists can safely and easily access the route from Park Road and Foneraux Road.

    We would also suggest that a new link to the main Park entrance on Park Road could be created inside the existing perimeter of the park, but fenced off so that it could be available for 24 hour access whilst the park is closed.

    This would link with the Avenue which, when adopted and resurfaced, could provide a useful continuation, particularly if closed to through motor traffic.

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  • Fleet-Farnborough Cycle Link

    Created by Charlie Halliday // 1 thread

    Proposed off-road cycle path following the A323, Norris Hill Road, to link Fleet with the existing cycle-path from Norris Bridge towards the centre of Farnborough.
    It would enable cyclists to avoid Norris Hill Road, an unlit road with speed limit of 60 mph. Once built it would be possible to cycle from Fleet to Farnborough without cycling on roads.
    This is in the Fleet Town Access Plan ref. PC9

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  • Sharp, uneven bend at bottom of Madley Brook cycle path

    Created by jp.stacey // 1 thread

    At the lower end of the cycle path that runs from Church Lane, up Madley Brook to Madley Park, is a bridge set at a weirdly sharp angle to everything else.

    Coming from Church Lane, it is immediately after a blind corner, requiring a sharp right turn; then the bridge requires a sharp left turn. At this very point, before the wood of the bridge, the road surface is uneven and has collapsed.

    While the cycle path apparently has to briefly join the footpath - no permission given for a way through on the south side of Madley Brook? - it does so in a very dangerous way, which is difficult even for experienced cyclists to negotiate, and provides no visibility of other route users including pedestrians.

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  • Proposed Cycle Route Sidmouth, Tipton, Ottery, Feniton

    Created by kirbyjames // 1 thread

    Pupils at The King’s School. Ottery are proposing a new cycleway follow the old railway track starting at Feniton, through Ottery and Tipton St John and finishing at Sidmouth.

    Summary from the Sidmouth Herald:-

    "A campaign for a cycleway to link Sidmouth with Ottery St Mary and Feniton will shift up a gear next month with an exhibition to show
    off its potential benefits.

    Pupils at The King’s School are spearheading the project with help from teachers and councillors.

    It is proposed the cycleway follows the old railway track starting at Feniton, through Ottery and Tipton St John and finishing at Sidmouth.

    An open evening at the The King’s School on Thursday, October 18, at 7pm will demonstrate the benefits of such schemes to the local economy and to residents’ health.

    Councillor Claire Wright, said the Tarka Trail in North Devon has given a huge boost to tourism there. She hopes volunteers will join a committee which will work towards making the scheme a reality, but funding will be the biggest issue."

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