Things tagged 'park'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

20 issues found for 'park':

  • Quietway 7 (Cycleway 43) in Westminster - east section

    Created by Colin Wing // 4 threads

    This is the proposed route of the east section of Quietway 7 (Cycleway 43) in Westminster. At the western end, it has two branches: off Quietway 2 (Cycleway 27) at Norfolk Crescent and to/from Hyde Park via Connaught Square and Stanhope Place. It was not possible to show both of those on the map.

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    1. Cambridge Great Park

      Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

      Proposals for a Cambridge Great Park have been made through the local plan process. 

      Taking in the Gog Magog hills, the banks of the River Cam and Midsummer Common, the park would encircle the city and it is hoped could be enjoyed by generations to come.

      The group behind these proposals (BCR Infinity Architects) would like to know our thoughts about the park and cycling connectivity to and through the park. 

      You can learn more about the proposals in a recent Cambridge Independent Article:

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    2. Cambridge North railway station

      Created by Robin Heydon // 15 threads

      New station that will serve the northern part of Cambridge, specifically the Science Park - but also by extension through the guided bus, villages to Northstowe.

      This provides a good opportunity to construct another section of the Chisholm Trail (especially a link over the river and on to Newmarket Road). We must also ensure that any footbridge provides facilities for those with bikes AND that there is adequate cycle parking.

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    3. Lack of cycle routes to Cambridge Business Park, Waterbeach

      Created by David Green // 1 thread

      My employer is planning to relocate from central cambridge to the Cambridge Business Park (near Waterbeach). There is currently no decent cycle (or footpath!) access to this business park which avoids riding along the A10. I am a confident cyclist but I am not looking forward to riding to work along sections of the A10.

      Are there any plans for cycle route construction which the campaign can, perhaps, help accelerate?

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    4. Firth Park Space for Cycling request

      Created by Dexter Johnstone // 1 thread

      Create a safe cycle route for students at Longley College by installing protected space for cycling along the A6135 Barnsley Road between Deerlands Avenue and Herries Road. This would allow students living in Parson Cross, Longley and Firth Park to travel to college by bike on a safe and pleasant route, and would also provide a cycle link to the Northern General Hospital, a huge employer.

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    5. Poor Bourne Park cycle path surface

      Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

      The surface of the cycle path, which is also National Cycle Route 1 through Bourne Park is of an extremely poor quality. This really needs to have a smooth tarmac surface, and potentially widened.

      I would expect kids to be learning to ride a bike along here, however that's not currently possible as its' touch going for an adult to cycle here never mind a child who is just learning to cycle. If this path is upgraded it would be even better if the surfacing was extended to create a circle around the park which is reasonably smooth, so that people can learn to cycle by cycling around this park.

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    6. New path in Inch Park

      Created by Stephan Matthiesen // 2 threads

      Have a new shared path on the Est side of Inch Park, connecting Glenallan Drive, Old Dalkeith Road and Cameron Toll.

      This would be a very useful connection that allows cyclists (and pedestrians) to avoid parts of busy Old Dalkeith Road.

      There is no real reason why a proper path can't be built there; dog walkers walk along the suggested route all the time (on the grass).

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    7. Parking in Inch Park

      Created by Stephan Matthiesen // 1 thread

      Often a lot of parking on the grass, in laybys etc., especially during sports event, but also other days.

      There is a small parking area in front of the Sports Centre, mainly disabled bays, and a large car park in front of Inch House.

      The council has over time added more and more grasscrete areas on the eastern part of the road for about 12 cars, I've been told they were not in the original planning permission.

      The provision of parking attracted more and more drivers into the park as there is now an expectation that one can park close to the sports centre, this has become the norm rather than the exception (for people with disabilities, deliveries etc).

      Needed are
      - bollards along the road to protect the grass
      - clear signage
      - reduce the parking spaces within the park to the minimum to discourage drivers.

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    8. Access to Cambridge station from north and east

      Created by Oscar Hughes // 2 threads

      Large numbers of cyclists and pedestrians access Cambridge station from Devonshire Road and from the pedestrian and cycle bridge through the car park. This is unsafe, unpleasant and dangerous. How could we develop alternatives? A better route along Station Road and Tenison Road? Direct access to the station from the east doesn't really seem feasible.

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    9. Lyme Park

      Created by David Butler // 1 thread

      Consultation about cycling in Lyme Park, carried out by the National Turst

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    10. King Harry Lane - Shared footway Consultation

      Created by John Metcalf // 1 thread

      "Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) has recently undertaken a feasibility report to investigate cycle links to the new Verulamium Park (Ver Park) Route link to NCN 6 from the King Harry Lane area. We have looked at ways to improve the cycling and walking environment; particularly where this would improve the continuity of cycle routes and the movement of people via active modes around your area. A section of shared use cycle route has been recently provided by the developer Linden Homes and the intention is to extend this facility to Abbey Avenue and northwards towards The Ramparts via an upgraded traffic signal crossing point into Verulamium Park.

      The proposals include the following:

      · Upgrade the existing traffic signal controlled crossing near Verulamium Park access to a Toucan Crossing,

      · To provide improvements to the footway areas on both sides of the traffic signal controlled crossing to make it both suitable for pedestrians and cyclists, and linking into the new section of shared use footway/ cycleway that the developer has recently provided.

      · To the south of the new roundabout, on the western side, the existing footway will be widened from 0.9-1.1m to 2.5m to continue the shared use route towards Abbey Avenue.

      To upgrade the existing uncontrolled crossing at King Harry Lane jw Abbey Avenue by increasing the widths of the existing pedestrian refuge to widths that can accommodate both cyclists and pedestrians.

      This option has been carefully evaluated and full consideration has been given to the likely effects that it may have on residents.

      Please find attached a plan which shows details of the proposed scheme for Ver Park Highway Link (Cycleway/ Footway).

      At this stage we are intending to implement the proposals during the next financial year, 2014/15.

      As such we are now finalising the design and we are interested in hearing your views or any comments you may have regarding the proposals"

      Initial comments by John Metcalf

      Overall to be welcomed as better than what is there already. But, it could be improved?
      1. Traffic entering Abbey Avenue is likely to be going too fast for a safe crossing for those walking or cycling. This is a rat-run to avoid the King Harry roundabouts. Therefore tighten the radii of the junction and make a raised crossing (on a hump). Do we want a Tiger (Zebra for walkers and cyclists) crossing?
      2. The crossing of the new roundabout exit into King Harry Park is hazardous. It needs to be upgraded with a humped crossing (and a Tiger?). Is this sufficient or should there also be measures to slow down the traffic entering and leaving King Harry Park.
      3. The best solution would be to upgrade the ROW footpath from the toucan crossing of King Harry Lane to Rowlatt Drive

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    11. Turning right out of Queens Road into Park Road

      Created by Sarah Wood // 0 threads

      Bike users can turn right and cycle contra flow using a very narrow on road cycle path. Motorised traffic cannot do this, Park Road is one way to motorised traffic. Traveling down Queens Road there is no signage to suggest that bike users can turn right. Once into Park
      Road there is awkward raised 'island' to manoeuvre around. Suggest signage saying right turn for bikes only and reconsider design of Island to make it less of an obstacle.

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    12. Holywells Park Cycle Route

      Created by Ned Harrison // 1 thread

      Holywells Park has a section of cycle route 51 running through it, linking South East Ipswich to the centre with a pleasant and safe route down to the waterfront.

      During Winter, the park is closed at dusk, sometimes as early as 4, meaning that just when the roads are most dangerous (dark and wet) cyclists are forced onto steep and busy routes either along Cliff Lane or up Bishops Hill.

      The closures are largely at the request of the Park Friends group. I've spoken to them, and their concerns seem to be largely about what might go on after dark. It's not clear that there is any evidence for this, nor that the current situation of locking the main gates but leaving others would do anything to deter misbehaviour.

      Keeping it open as a cycle route would ensure a legitimate presence in the park, and help provide less confident cyclists in the area with a safe route to and from town.

      I'd propose either locking later, or for a trial period leaving the park unlocked.

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    13. HGV and LGV traffic on Nuffield Road

      Created by Klaas Brümann // 1 thread

      Campaign for a 300m section of the unguided busway between Milton Road and the pedestrian and cyclists access at the end of Nuffield Close to be built as a road, providing a more direct access for lorries and cars to the trading estate.

      Nuffield Road’s residential section should then be cut-off for motorised through traffic just past Discovery Way, turning the first part of Nuffield Road into a residential close.

      Picture Gallery:

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    14. Pampisford to Granta Park proposed cycleway

      Created by David Earl // 1 thread

      The County Council has sent Cambridge Cycling Campaign an outline consultation on a proposed cycleway to Granta Park (the PDF will be attached to this issue in a thread). There's not a lot of detail about e.g. junctions, and nothing about how this relates to any extension of the cycleway between Wandlebury and Brabraham. It appears they have abandoned attempts to use the bridleway between Baraham and Abington and chosen a route along the A5050 instead.

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    15. Orchard Park audit

      Created by Klaas Brümann // 2 threads

      Gallagher Estate, master planners of Orchard Park will soon hand over the highways for adoption by the County Council.

      We won't be able to fix this car centric development, but within it there are many pavement cycleways, "cyclists dismount" signs, cul-de-sac signs and others which are wrong or don't apply. There are also issues with dropped kerbs etc.

      I am looking for volunteers to audit Orchard Park, making a list of corrections we require before Gallaghers hands this project over.

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    16. Arena Park Restaurants

      Created by James Avery // 0 threads

      As freeholders of the site, Tesco have applied for planning permission for two new restaurants between the roundabout shown and the railway tracks / A444 (above the dual carriageway).

      Two core issues:

      1) This is an extremely dangerous, uncontrolled crossing - traffic leaves the A444 at 50mph, and is still 30 as it reaches the roundabout. As the map shows, there are Belisha crossings both north and south of this roundabout, so why not to the west, where traffic is still fast and undivided?

      2) Cycle parking on the rest of the site is still grossly inadequate. 18 cycle parking spaces are proposed with the restaurant - the same number as the rest of the site combined - although these are actually all in one place at the south of the site.

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