Things tagged 'permissive-path'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

2 issues found for 'permissive-path':

  • Magrath Ave / Castle Hill permissive route

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    The permissive route between Shire Hall and Magrath Avenue has issues (not the least of which being there are steps) however it does cut through the middle of what is otherwise an overly large block between Victoria Road and Chesterton Lane. There is also some irony in the fact that it appears to be the last remnants of a way that was once a Roman Road from Castle Hill heading due north.

    Naturally, it is under threat from the sale of Shire Hall. We received the following e-mail:

    Can you help ? As you may be aware the County Council has leased the
    Shire hall and some of the surrounding buildings to a development
    company. At present the situation regarding public access to the
    permissive path that runs between the top of McGrath Avenue and Castle
    Hill  remains unclear. There is to be a public meeting sometime in
    December or early January where Suffolk County Council as arbitrator
    will take submissions.

    Some neighbours and I are collecting data on the numbers of pedestrians
    and cyclists that use the cut through during rush hours - at present the
    number of journeys made per hour range from 116 (49 cyclists) to 149 (69
    cyclists)which is just over 2 journeys per minute.

    Thus as you can see closing  this path would be a tremendous loss to the
    local community forcing many people into taking busier routes along
    Victoria Road and other major routes increasing the risk of accidents.

    We would be very  grateful for your support. There is to be a link on
    the County Council website for submissions but alternatively you can
    send statements to Jocelynne Scutt , copying in Claire Richards ( both
    County Councillors). These statements will then be  forwarded to Suffolk
    County Council in batches rather than  receiving them
    individually.Please see above for Jocelynne's and Claire's  email

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  • Cycling near Babraham

    Created by JohnP // 3 threads

    A permissive path agreement has been drawn up between Cambridgeshire County Council, The Babraham Institute and BBSRC to allow the construction of a path through the parkland in front of Babraham Hall. At the same time the planning application by the County Council for the path to be constructed has been approved.

    The path will run parallel to the perimeter of the campus and have a hedge and fence barrier along its length to separate the public route from the campus grounds. All sections of the path will be 2.5 metre wide with a tarmac top.

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