Things tagged 'policy'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

7 issues found for 'policy':

  • Harrow draft LIP

    Created by Anoop // 1 thread

    Harrow's draft Local Implementation Plan sets out the transport strategy for the next 3 years.

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  • DfT Policy Paper - Inclusive Transport Strategy

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Lots of interesting stuff about inclusive transport regarding trains, buses, cars, public realm, streets and yes a bit about cycling too. Quotes:

    Shared Space:

    8.11 While we consider CIHT and DPTAC’s recommendations and how to take them
    forward, we are requesting that local authorities pause any shared space schemes
    incorporating a level surface they are considering, and which are at the design stage.
    We are also temporarily suspending Local Transport Note 1/11. This pause will allow
    us to carry out research and produce updated guidance.

    Objectives regarding Cycling:

    • Update Local Transport Note 2/08, which sets out the Department’s guidance to
    local authorities on designing safe and inclusive infrastructure for cyclists, to take
    account of developments in cycling infrastructure since its publication in 2008 and
    the responses to the draft AAP consultation and publish a revised version by early
    • By 2020, explore the feasibility of amending legislation to recognise the use of
    cycles as a mobility aid71 in order to increase the number of disabled people

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  • Street Cycle Parking

    Created by Simon Nuttall // 4 threads

    Motion for Camcycle AGM 2016: Street Cycle Parking

    Providing secure places to park bicycles is a simple and effective way to encourage cycling by making people on bikes feel welcome. In some areas of Cambridge residents have got used to all the spare street space being allocated to the storage of motor vehicles and very little for bikes. The result has been badly parked bikes cluttering hallways, clinging to drainpipes and other street furniture. The experience on Thoday Street where some on-carriageway racks have been installed is a good example of how the problem can be addressed.

    Camcycle resolves to:
    1. Champion the replacement of on street car parking with cycle parking where it is clearly needed
    2. Identify streets where this should and can be achieved
    3. Work with local councillors to survey demand
    4. Where there is sufficient local support work with local councillors to prepare proposals for funding. For example, from the Local Highways Improvement fund.

    This motion was passed by 46 to one.

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  • Briefing papers

    Created by Monica Frisch // 8 threads

    This is an administrative issue to help Cambridge Cycling Campaign keep track of the briefing papers it is producing

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  • Access Only

    Created by // 1 thread

    On tool for reducing cut-through traffic is "Access Only" signage. What is the potential of this sign. Where is it used? How is it being enforced? Are there opportunities to

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4 threads found for 'policy':

No planning applications found for 'policy'.

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