Improved towpath in Barnes
Raising and re-surfacing path that we have been complaing about since forever. Pity it isn't wider, doesn't go all the way to Mortlake Brewery and the White Hart has obstructive seating but still worth celebrating.
limited to the area of Cyclenation:
2 issues found for 'rcc_deferred':
Created by Paul L // 1 thread
Raising and re-surfacing path that we have been complaing about since forever. Pity it isn't wider, doesn't go all the way to Mortlake Brewery and the White Hart has obstructive seating but still worth celebrating.
Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread
This short section of The Vineyard is one way street. Opening this up to 2 way for cyclists - through signage and a 20mph limit - would improve permeability for cyclists in Richmond centre.
One thread found for 'rcc_deferred':
Richmond Cycling Campaign
A discussion on issue
Improved towpath in Barnes
Andrew Woodward
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