Things tagged 'reporting'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

One issue found for 'reporting':

  • Police refusing to take details of an accident over the phone

    Created by Heather Coleman // 2 threads

    A colleague has just come off the phone to the police, after being knocked off his bike on Hills Road. The Police are refusing to log this incident despite him being minorly injured and his bike being expensively damaged unless he comes into the Police Station in person to report it (he was cycling down Hills Road, person pulled out of side road without looking, in daylight and good visibility). As he works and lives near Addenbrooke's, this will take a great deal of his time, especially as he now has no transport, and he's just going "I can't be faffed, I've got work to do". This will also lead to him having to pay for the repairs to his bike, as, without an incident number, he cannot make an insurance claim.

    I note on our website the following advice: "If anyone is injured, the incident must be reported to the police. For minor injuries there may be little that they will do. However, they are obliged to record the incident so that it appears in statistics, and you will need an incident number from the police if any insurance claim is involved."

    I cannot believe that in the 21st Century, when I think we've had the telephone for over a hundred years, that people are required to physically visit the police station (of which there are fewer and fewer, and in many towns, hidden out of sight - my parents' nearest police station is now about 20 miles from where they live, despite living in a town of about 20000 people) to get an incident number.

    Is this true? If not, what can he/we do about the misinformation being peddled by the Police? If true, what can we do to drag our public servants (as a taxpayer, I help pay their wages, thus they are in effect my servants) into the 21st Century?

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One thread found for 'reporting':

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