Things tagged 'school'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

28 issues found for 'school':

  • Difficult crossing on Airport Way (near the school)

    Created by Jacob Bramley // 1 thread

    This appears to be a busy crossing, and is used by parents and children heading to and from the school, both by cycle and on foot.

    The chicane barriers make it difficult to cross here with a standard bicycle, let alone a cargo bike or trailer. The cross-hatched area is much more practical to use than the island, but leaves users exposed on a fast road, especially considering that primary-school children are likely to be using this facility.

    On the western side, there is nowhere to wait to cross, so riders with large cycles an trailers have to block the path for other users whilst they wait to cross.

    This is outside the area of the Cherry Hinton North development, but both motor and cycle traffic through here is likely to increase when that is completed, so it is somewhat related.

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  • Moreland Street traffic calming

    Created by k9 // 1 thread

    Islington is proposing a small chicane and the removal of some parking in front of the Moreland Street Primary School. We were informed that they were looking at changes to this street in 2017, but they have asked us for a response to plans in 24 hours.

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  • Healthy School Streets: Acland Burghley School; Proposed Walking, Cycling and Ro

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Students of Acland Burghley use the gate on Burghley Road in the morning; a majority of these who walk to school arrive from Dartmouth Park Hill and Tufnell Park junction. In the afternoon, students leave by a gate on Ingestre Road, from where most of them make their way through Burghley Road to Dartmouth Park Hill and Tufnell Park junction.

    This set of proposals is related to creating a Healthy School Street outside Acland Burghley School. This will prohibit motor vehicles from entering the section of Burghley Road between Dartmouth Park Hill and Oakford Road during school term time, Monday – Friday between 8:00-9:00am and 3:00-4:00pm.

    The restriction will be enforced through the provision of signs and by ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) cameras located at each end of the restricted area. (So there's no need to have a one-way street)

    The following other supporting measures are proposed:

    • Widen the eastern footway on the north side of Ingestre Road by the school gate – moving four parking bays to the other side of the road. (See Plan C)

    • Move a Car Club bay from the restricted area in Burghley Road into a location in Oakford Road. (See Plan A and B)

    • Retain the existing width restriction in Burghley Road and raise the road to footway level. (See Plan C)

    • widen the footway on both sides by the school gate, paint double yellow lines; and resite the cycle strands the width restriction Burghley Road.

    See the consultation on Camden’s website:

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  • Roding Cycle Hub Route: Loughton & Chigwell Greenway & Quietway (CAP App. I.10)

    Created by Chris Lord // 1 thread

    Currently there is no safe cycle route between South Loughton / West Debden and Chigwell School. This safer off-road route could be popular with school children and their parents. At Highwood Lane end the route could connect with Debden via Oakwood Hill and Loughton (Traps Hill) via Alderton Hall Lane north.
    * Approx. 1 mile length part on-road and part off-road scheme from London Square (Chigwell) via Grange Farm Lane.
    * Section 1: Approx. 1 mile length part on- road (via provision of signage and road markings) and part off-road scheme (a new unlit 3m wide shared cycle route facility) from London Square (Chigwell) via Grange Farm Lane, crossing the River Roding via an existing bridge and on to Highwood Lane.
    * Section 2: Provision of an on-road cycling route in both directions along Oakwood Hill, made possible through parking restrictions and removal of the central hatching/wide centrelines.
    * Section 3: Provision of an on-road cycling route in both directions along Alderton Hall Lane and Traps Hill, via signage and road markings, and parking restrictions/formalisation where required.
    Medium Term
    £500,000 (Assumes route is not a PROW and excludes stats diversions)

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  • Perse school head harassing children who cycle

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    The Perse school headmaster is attacking families who don't subscribe to the cult of hiviz and helmets. There's national implications. I think Camcycle is going to have to respond, in correspondence with affected parents. Do we have any as members?

    Quote from

    “Everyone who cycles to school must wear high-visibility clothing, correctly fitted cycle helmets, they must have working front and rear lights, brakes and pedal reflectors,” Elliott told the Times.

    From the Times:

    A leading school is getting tough on pupils who cycle dangerously — and urging others to follow its lead

    Ed Elliott, headmaster at the £17,000-a-year Perse School in Cambridge, has drawn up strict rules specifying what pupils must wear while cycling, as well as the condition in which they need to keep their bikes to ensure they are roadworthy.

    Breaking the regulations means a stiff letter home to parents and — for a repeat offence — a one-hour detention.

    Teachers report pupils’ reckless cycling, and Elliott and his staff carry out spot checks on the bikes and clothing.

    Cycling UK has already put out a statement:

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  • Closure of Netherhall school off road cyclepath

    Created by Phillip Barnett // 1 thread

    (Originally sent to Camb cyclist mailing list)
    Does anyone know why the off-road cyclepath from Cherry Hinton park to Netherhall school has been closed all week? The northern half of this is locked by gates at both ends, (private land, belonging to school) and is open daily just before school, and just at end of school, half hour at a time, for children to get to school off road. Apparently, the primary school at the south end of the path has objected (don't know why? Maybe worried about possible accidents with their children?)
    So for the first time in decades, it's been closed.
    And so now my children are being forced onto longer routes, on busy schoolrun roads, when they had a perfect off-road route, door to door offroad cyclepath all the way!
    I'm sure it's a backwards step in terms of child safety. I will take it up with the school but wondered if anyone knew what's going on?

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  • Hatch Warren Infant School: improve for parking for children, parents, residents

    Created by jpennycook // 1 thread

    Hatch Warren Infant School sent a letter and booklet to local residents, and hopefully parents to encourage parents to get their children to walk, scoot, or cycle to school (at least from a local car park).
    It begins "The School Council have been working this half term to help try to improve parking for the children, parents and residents around school." The booklet has a picture of bicycle on the front, and quotes from children like:-
    "Cars go really fast on the road and it can be scary!"
    "People park on the pavements and in the bus stop."
    "It is difficult to cross... you have to walk on the road... it is not safe... I might get hurt."
    "It is always busy.. lots of cars go very fast. I don't like it."

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  • Cycle path behind Dumfries High School

    Created by JohnSch // 1 thread

    At certain high usage times for the games area, such as on a Sunday morning, despite there two large car parks adjacent to the High school and a very large amount of on-road parking, the cycle itself becomes a car park. Also cars park across the dropped kerbs and along side the path, meaning that access is almost impossible for bicycles, prams and motobility scooters to squeeze through. Parking on the cycle path also blocks the path for users and also damages the surface.
    Also surrounding pavements are blocked making it very difficult for the local community to use them and this causes road safety issues.

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  • Fort Hill Community School closure - opportunity for signed route to CBEC?

    Created by jpennycook // 1 thread

    HCC have proposed the closure of the Fort Hill Community School site in Winklebury, Basingstoke, with the pupils attending CBEC instead. The Ringway A340 and Winchester Road A30 will provide barriers to cycling between the two sites. Could this be an opportunity to provide a signed cycle route between the sites, to include something suitable along the A30 Winchester Road? FHCS is close to the proposed corridor 6, and CBEC is close to proposed corridor 5.

    Amalgamation of Fort Hill Community School and Cranbourne Business and Enterprise College, Basingstoke including the Fort Hill Special Educational Needs resourced provision:

    The consultation runs from 19 January until 2 March 2017

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  • Shelfords and Stapleford School Bus Cancellation

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    We have been contacted by a parent with the following concern.

    Dear Sir/ Madam

    I'm in need of some expert advice/ opinions regarding a shared stretch of national cycle route in South Cambridge.
    Cambridge County Council have notified hundreds of parents, myself included, that they are withdrawing the home to school buses from the Shelfords and Stapleford areas to Sawston Village College. They have assessed the route and claim it is safe for a child accompanied by an adult to walk to school. It is this criteria that I'm challenging, on the grounds of safety.
    I'm in the process of appealing the decision along with many others. The particular stretch of path that I feel is highly dangerous is on the way out of Stapleford on A1301 after the bridge over the river Cam, I'll attach some pictures that I lifted from google streetmaps which should give an idea of the dangers. This is a single pass stretch with limited field of vision next to a 50mph limit main A road into Cambridge.
    Ideally it would be great to have the recommended 2.1m for each cycle lane plus footpath, but obviously CCC prefer to cut and not spend and in doing so endanger young peoples lives.
    I rack up 100 miles most weeks on my bike, so this is very much from an experienced cyclists perspective and I know this decision will only put more cars on the road, as well as make the cycle route more dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians alike.
    Is this something you think you could help with? and are there any other campaigners/ experts who might be interested too?
    I have until 11 May to submit the appeal form, the appeal hearing is mid June I think.

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  • Regents High School Redevelopment Proposed Highway Works

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    The proposals seek to improve road safety on the streets surrounding Regents High school in Somers Town which is being rebuilt. This school is labelled "South Camden Community School" on the map.

    The consultation is on Camden's website at:

    Currently the school is accessed from Charrington Street but the new building is going to face the other way and will be accessed via Chalton Street. Therefore most of the proposal are related to making a new school entrance and building out the footways in Chalton Street while taking them away in Charrington Street. All of this is clearly necessary, but doesn't appear to add to road safety.

    The council also proposes a new speed table at the junction of Chalton Street and Aldenham Street. This would help with road safety.

    Cyclists are already concerned with the rat-running on Ossulston Street; this quite likely accesses Eversholt Street via Chalton Street. Surely we should ask for this rat running to be prevented both for the safety of the cycle route and for children going to Regents High School?

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  • Rat-run through Deri Road, Chain Road and Pentre Lane

    Created by Sam Charrington // 0 threads


    School traffic from King Henry VIII School, exiting the school onto Pen-y-Pound, uses this very narrow route as a quicker way, at a busy times, of getting to the A40 or to Old Hereford Road. Can anything be done to discourage drivers from using these narrow lanes as a rat-run?

    The issue of fly-tipping on Deri Road was also raised.

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  • Cycle to school path: St Michaels' footpath

    Created by Jack Thurston // 0 threads

    We want widen and redesignate this footpath as a safe, dual use, route, especially to enable children to ride to school safely. This would allow cyclists to avoid a stretch of the Brecon Road and Pen-y-Pound, which are both fast and hostile roads.

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  • School zone

    Created by Kevin Ablitt // 1 thread

    Having grown up in this area I know it well. Bolton Lane and Christchurch Street could benefit from 20 mph, Cobbold Street and Withipoll Street would be more pedestrian and cyclist friendly if they had filtered permeability. Cobbold Street is extremely busy at school times as parents drop off or collect, make it closed half way to motors and this would cut out through traffic . Likely to be very contentious.

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  • Ashwicken School Rebuild

    Created by MJR // 0 threads

    This is Norfolk county matters application due to be heard in a meeting starting Fri 6 Dec 2013 10am at County Hall, Norwich. 7 cycle parking spaces were proposed. I objected for KLWNBUG on the grounds that 26 should be provided. Norfolk County Council Highways suggested 14 spaces and a Standard Highway Condition (27 I think) which would leave it to the Borough Council to enforce, who don't have a great track record on that in my experience. The Borough Green Infrastructure Officer didn't comment on cycle parking. Norfolk Police seem OK with the final revision. NCC planning officer suggested that if the 14 are used then it could be expanded without further application and confirmed that as a county development, there's no scope for section 106 funds for building cycle tracks to neighbouring villages.

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  • Potential new secondary school

    Created by mike1727 // 0 threads

    Reported in the Herts Advertiser w/s 30/09/13

    "On Monday, the Herts county council’s (HCC) cabinet agreed to press ahead with the compulsory acquisition of up to 15 hectares of farm land on the corner of Common Lane, off Lower Luton Road."

    "The acquisition would provide a development site for a new school with a capacity of six to eight forms of entry." <...>

    "Cllr Chris Hayward, cabinet member for education, said if a decision is made to build on the site, it would go through a full planning application."

    The site is on a busy road but close to route 57. Planning should include at least a good link to route 57 as well as more local routes to the north- and possibly off road route next to Lower Luton road.

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  • Blocked Cycle infrastructure Johnsons Lane, Whitehall

    Created by Eric Booth // 1 thread

    I need to report a problem with a route in Whitehall. The council made a hoohaa about linking the cycle path to St George Park. They installed a contraflow in Stretford Road, a bike crossing over Whitehall Road and signage between the cycle path and the park. Laudable. I have used this route to take my daughter to Whitehall Primary School on Johnsons Road for the last year. She had her first Bikeability Lesson on Sunday and is now riding to school (aged 6 - v. proud!!). However, where the link goes through a snicket between the Kings Head pub and Packers Field it is being blocked by cars. This is making navigating a blind corner even more dangerous. Links to pictures below.

    A lot of money was spent on this link and its being rendered unusable.

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  • Cycle path needed to The Abbey School

    Created by Gregory Williams // 0 threads

    A cycle path is needed to serve The Abbey School in Faversham. The busy A2 at the front of the school currently provides a barrier to pupils and staff choosing to cycle to the school. A cycle path will reduce the number of pupils being dropped off at the school by car and the number of staff that drive in, thus reducing the burden on the highway network.

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  • Cable street cell 1

    Created by Gerhard Weiss // 0 threads

    Superhighway 3 on cable street is also a rat run. Cell 1 marks the area bounded by 'logical' cell boundary streets. There should be no through motor traffic within this area

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10 threads found for 'school':

No planning applications found for 'school'.

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