Things tagged 'section2'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

One issue found for 'section2':

  • Green Ring Bernards heath section 2

    Created by mike1727 // 0 threads

    2.5m bound gravel cycle path following existing informal route "proposed to widen and reconstruct the existing path through the Recreational Ground to Sandridge Road. "

    Feasibilty study page 24
    Googlemaps ref

    What is being planned for the crossing of Sandridge road and when will it be delivered?

    Sustrans reccomendation:
    Cross Sandridge Road via a central refuge – consider creating another central refuge
    on Sandridge Road to the north east of Boundary Lane for cyclists wishing to travel in
    that direction. An alternative would be to create a Zebra crossing at this location
    without a central refuge. This would avoid the pinch point created by a refuge for
    those cycling along Sandridge Road.

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