Things tagged 'sustrans'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

13 issues found for 'sustrans':

  • NCN Route 1 link to Sewardstone Road

    Created by George Lund // 1 thread

    Existing routes between NCN Route 1 and Sewardstone Road through Gunpowder park are poorly signed. The southernmost route is prone to flooding. Some routes shown on OS maps do not actually seem to exist (there is a travellers site in the middle?).

    Connects NCR1 (Sustrans NCN1) with Epping Forest and Loughton via Mott Street and High Beech (High Beach).

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  • NCN Route 1 to Sun Street (CAP2018 scheme 9)

    Created by George Lund // 0 threads

    Epping Forest Cycling Action Plan (2018) scheme 9 proposes:

    Create a new segregated 5m wide shared use route for pedestrians and cyclists, E-W across Townmead Recreation Area, between Meridian Way (NCR1) and Orchard Gardens. Route continues along new signed quietway along Orchard Gardens, Town Mead Road and Fountain Place. Consider either a two way working of Silver Street for cyclists, with a new northbound cycle contraflow which would enable access to town centre at Leverton Way via an upgrade of the Zebra crossing to a Tiger crossing, or a route along Sewardstone Street, connecting with Quaker Lane. There could be an opportunity for this section of Quaker Lane/Leverton Way to become an improved public realm exercise.

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  • Healthy Streets: Ashurst & Buxted Roads, Friern Barnet Lane, Friern Park N11

    Created by JonC // 2 threads

    Barnet Council says: As part of the Mayor of London’s new ‘Healthy Streets’ agenda funding has been made available by Transport for London; this funding has been created to support sustainable transport improvements in the neighbourhood shown on this map. The area in focus is part of the new proposed backstreet Quietway cycling route from Hornsey to North Finchley. More information on the project, and what we are aiming to achieve, is provided in our FAQs document . You can also view the full map of the Quietway route here . To decide which designs would work best in this area, we need your local knowledge. Our delivery partner, Sustrans, aim is to work with the diverse range of residents, school pupils and other groups in this area to understand: - the issues you face in moving around this area - different requirements of all those living and travelling through this area. To share your local knowledge you can complete our questionnaire in one of two ways: - through our online questionnaire( ) - by attending one of our events, where staff members from Sustrans and Barnet Council will be on hand to answer any questions, and help you complete the questionnaire: Thursday 21 September 6.00 - 8.00 pm, at the Wren Academy, Woodhouse Road entrance, N12 9HB Saturday 23 September 10.30am - 1.30pm, Wren Academy, Woodhouse Road entrance, N12 9HB

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  • Forest Walk Barnet

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    Forest Walk is an off road path in Barnet leading behind a row of properties on Sydney Road, with Muswell Hill Golf course to the west of it. It forms a small part of the proposed Hornsey to N Finchley Quietway being designed by Sustrans and using Healthy Streets funding.

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  • Quietway Consultation in Bromley No2

    Created by John H Wood // 1 thread

    The London Borough of Bromley, working with Transport for London, is proposing to
    make a number of improvements between Lower Sydenham and Kent House to
    contribute to the development of a Quietway cycle route between Greenwich and
    Kent House.

    Quietways are walking and cycling routes primarily on lightly trafficked back streets,
    through parks and alongside waterways providing quieter routes away from main
    roads designed to appeal, particularly, to new and inexperienced cyclists. They will
    provide safe and attractive links to shops, stations, schools, workplaces and
    destinations throughout London.

    This particular route is from Greenwich to Kent House station and is an upgrade of
    the existing National Cycle Network Route 21. The route will form part of the London
    wide network of Quietways and Superhighways being developed jointly by London
    Boroughs and Transport for London
    Bridge Road
    At present The National Cycle Network Route 21 runs along Kangley Bridge Road,
    however, due to the number of HGVs this can be an intimidating road for cyclists so
    whilst already popular is likely to discourage significant increases in cycling. This
    new route will upgrade the existing facilities for walking and cycling by providing a
    shared path along the eastern side of the road achieved by widening the footway to
    approximately 3.5m. Removing cyclists from the road will reduce the chance of
    conflict between vehicles and cyclists.

    The project will also seek to make Kangley Bridge Road a more attractive place to
    use and work in as a result of new tree planting and formalised parking, the details of
    which we are keen to establish in dialogue with stakeholders.

    River Pool Path
    It is proposed to widen River Pool Path between Lennard Road and the sharp 90
    degree bend along the path, to make a better quality shared route for pedestrians
    and cyclists. The wider path will enable the marking that currently segregates
    pedestrians and cyclists to be removed as research shows fully shared paths to be
    safer than segregated facilities for both pedestrians and cyclists. These
    improvements will be accompanied by clear new signage denoting the shared
    designation of the path.

    Lennard Road
    It is proposed to replace the existing informal pedestrian crossing between River
    Pool Path and Cator Park across Lennard Road with a new parallel zebra crossing.
    This will enable pedestrians and cyclists to safely cross Lennard Road, improve the
    link between River Pool Path and Cator Park and, thereby, improve the continuity of
    the Quietway route by reducing the severance caused by the road.

    Cator Park
    The route uses the existing cycle path through Cator Park to provide cyclists with a
    safe off-road route that will be more attractive than cycling on the road. To ensure
    the route is safe and secure for use in the evenings, especially during the winter
    months it is proposed to introduce solar powered wayfinding lighting along the
    section of path. The lighting will be unobtrusive and have a minimal environmental

    Aldersmead Road
    At the junction of Ringwold Close with Aldersmead Road, it is proposed to introduce
    an informal pedestrian crossing to improve access to Cator Park including improving
    visibility for those exiting Cator Park on foot or by bicycle

    Kings Hall Road
    At the junction of Kings Hall Road with Aldersmead Road it is proposed to replace
    the existing refuge islands with new ones positioned in slightly revised locations to
    make it easier for pedestrians to cross Kings Hall Road. The road markings will also
    be revised to enable cyclists to safely turn from Aldersmead Road to Kings Hall

    Kent House Station
    It is proposed to widen a small section of the footway outside the station entrance, in
    order to provide safe and convenient access to the station for cyclists using this
    route and will provide an easy connection to the existing London Cycle Network
    route which continues to Croydon from Kent House Station. It is also proposed to
    improve the public realm at the station entrance with the introduction of trees and

    Funding is also being sought to improve the quality and quantity of the cycle parking
    provision at the station. This is currently very well utilised and demand for it is
    expected to increase once the Quietway cycle route to the station has been

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  • Braunstone Gate - Places for People

    Created by Clare Scott // 1 thread

    The Braunstone Gate Places for People project has been working on making this popular street more friendly for the people who visit its shops, pubs, restaurants and clubs, especially those visiting on foot, public transport or bicycle. Some significant 'greening' has been going on over recent weeks, including creating a community garden, reworking the road layout and introducing planters at either end of the street and between the parking bays.

    Here's some background to what's been happening, from Charlotte Jones, the Project Manager:

    "People said they would like to see more greenery, wider pavements, welcoming entrances and less conflict between parked and moving traffic. The idea of the trial is to create green 'gateways' at all entrances to the street by widening some small stretches of pavements on either side of the road and lining the edges with planters. By changing the white lines at the Narborough Road end, the idea is also to guide the moving traffic away from the sides where people commonly park cars, and so reduce some of the conflicts between moving traffic and parked cars at this corner. We will be monitoring the effects of the trial and learning from it what the community would like to see as a permanent change."

    This is a one month trial after which the Council will review with the community how it is working, what improvements could be made and how much longer it should continue. You are invited to be part in this discussion at the next Community Forum, on Wednesday 6th July, 5.30–7pm at The Laundry Bar, Braunstone Gate. More details about this project can be found on their Facebook page.

    If you can't make the meeting, please post comments on here before July 15th and they will be forwarded to the Team.

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  • NCN 15 Trent Bridge to Clifton suggested route

    Created by BrianInBeeston // 0 threads

    Proposed route of NCN 15 from Trent bridge to Clifton, following the south bank of the river Trent. The idea under discussion is for the route to be temporarily signed by Sustrans volunteer rangers in the first instance. there are also plans to sign an NCN 15 to NCN6 link route via Wilford Toll, Birdcage walk, Lenton Lane, Abbey St. NCN15 from Clifton westwards to East Midlands parkway station can be signed once the A453 works are complete.

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  • NCN 15 Trent Bridge to Clifton proposed

    Created by BrianInBeeston // 1 thread

    Proposed route of NCN 15 from Trent bridge to Clifton, following the south bank of the river Trent. The idea under discussion is for the route to be temporarily signed by Sustrans volunteer rangers in the first instance. there are also plans to sign an NCN 15 to NCN6 link route via Wilford Toll, Birdcage walk, Lenton Lane, Abbey St. NCN15 from Clifton west can be signed once the A453 works are complete.

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  • cycle routes around East Anglian coastline

    Richard G // 1 thread

    Hi everyone

    I'm looking on cycling round the east anglian coastline with a group of scouts this summer.

    Has anyone done this & could give hints or suggestions to the routes?

    Sustrans maps show plenty of quiet road type routes, but I'm thinking they are not well signposted.
    the NCR01 route cuts through Norwich rather than round the coast, but I guess may well be better signposted?

    Can anyone help me out with thinking about a route please?
    Richard (Cambridge area)

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  • The Missing Link

    Created by Fraser Stephens // 1 thread


    The infamous missing link in the Llanfoist-Brynmawr cycle path (route 46) is a huge barrier to its safe use by children as well as those who find the steep section of the diversion route impossible to climb.

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  • Signage

    Created by Andy Field // 2 threads

    Sign indicates permissive cycleway through Church although additional signage indicates that cyclists must dismount

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8 threads found for 'sustrans':

No planning applications found for 'sustrans'.

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