Wilmslow Road Cycleway
Consultation by Manchester CIty Council on cycleway proposals along Wilmslow Road from Platt Lane to Barlow Moor Road.
limited to the area of Cyclenation:
4 issues found for 'velocity2025':
Created by David Butler // 1 thread
Consultation by Manchester CIty Council on cycleway proposals along Wilmslow Road from Platt Lane to Barlow Moor Road.
Created by David Butler // 1 thread
Manchester City proposed route from Altrincham Road to the airport, funded by CCAG. Most of this route exists already; the proposals upgrade sections and creates new links to form continuous route.
Created by David Butler // 3 threads
The Bridgewater Way aims to provide a high quality route for walkers and cyclists over the complete 65km length of the Bridgewater Canalbetween Runcorn, Leigh and Manchester City Centre. The cornerstone of the project is a major upgrade to the canal towpath, which as well as greatly improving conditions for pedestrians, will make it easier for cyclists to use the tow path.
The Deansgate / Whitworth Street West Street junction is also proposed to be revised to provide toucan crossing points and easier access to the canal from Whitworth Street West withsignal controlled cycle movements running past Deansgate station. The proposed works at the
junction are also intended to provide improved “on street” facilities to assist cyclists travelling towards and away from Manchester city centre.
Created by JonathanF // 1 thread
Place-holder for Corridor Cycleway Section 7 discussions
2 threads found for 'velocity2025':
A discussion on issue
Bridgewater Cycleway; Deansgate/Whitworth Street junction
Greater Manchester Cycling Campaign
A discussion on issue
Wilmslow Road Section 7 (Curry Mile)
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