Westminster Bridge South

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Added by Simon Munk

TfL say:

"The improvements would provide a connection between the East-West Cycle Superhighway on the north bank of the Thames and the Central London Cycling Grid on Belvedere Road and Royal Street in Lambeth, providing a joined-up cycling network for this part of London."

"Proposed layout changes for cyclists
Provide cyclists with dedicated road space on Westminster Bridge, Westminster Bridge Road, Lambeth Palace Road, Addington Street and York Road; cyclists would be separated from traffic by a kerb or white line
Separate cyclists and motor vehicle movements at junctions; cyclists would have their own traffic signals which would operate at different times to those for other traffic
Widen the pedestrian/cycle crossing by the south end of Belvedere Road and improve the connection between Belvedere Road and Westminster Bridge Road
Convert the pedestrian crossing on Lambeth Palace Road outside the hospital to a pedestrian/cycle crossing so that cyclists can access Royal Street from Lambeth Palace Road. The crossing would be changed from ‘staggered’ (two separate crossings with an island in the middle) to ‘straight across’ (a single crossing)
Provide bus stop bypasses at bus stops D and E on Westminster Bridge Road, bus stops B and C on Lambeth Palace Road and the tour bus stop at the east side of Westminster Bridge so that cyclists could avoid having to mix with traffic. Cyclists would continue behind the bus stops on a carriageway-level cycle track, which would feature a chicane and narrowed track to reduce speeds. Bus passengers would access the bus stop waiting area by crossing the cycle track using a marked crossing point/s
Widen the footway on the corner of York Road and Westminster Bridge Road to slow down left turning vehicles
Cyclists would still be able to use the northbound bus and cyclist only route from Westminster Bridge Road to York Road"

"Cycle facilities on Westminster Bridge
"Westminster Bridge is a grade two listed structure and a busy bus, cycling and pedestrian route. We would like to know what you think about how cycle facilities should be provided on Westminster Bridge. We are proposing two options:
a. 2.3m wide mandatory cycle lane in both directions
This approach would give cyclists more space to overtake one another. A painted white line would separate cycles and motor vehicles, but there would be no physical segregation. Motor vehicles would be prohibited from entering the cycle lane.
b. 1.8m wide segrgated cycle track in both directions
This approach would provide cyclists with physical separation from motor vehicles using a 0.5m wide traffic island, but may reduce cyclists’ opportunity to overtake one another."


December 22nd, 2015


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