Things tagged 'junctions'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

14 issues found for 'junctions':

  • East Road/Mill Road junction not detecting cyclists

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    A member of the public has informed us that the signals at the junction of East Road and Mill Road are not detecting people on bikes on the lane in front of the fire station heading east on Mill Road. Has anyone else experienced this? We can get an email to the signals team. 

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  • Westminster Bridge South

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    TfL say:

    "The improvements would provide a connection between the East-West Cycle Superhighway on the north bank of the Thames and the Central London Cycling Grid on Belvedere Road and Royal Street in Lambeth, providing a joined-up cycling network for this part of London."

    "Proposed layout changes for cyclists
    Provide cyclists with dedicated road space on Westminster Bridge, Westminster Bridge Road, Lambeth Palace Road, Addington Street and York Road; cyclists would be separated from traffic by a kerb or white line
    Separate cyclists and motor vehicle movements at junctions; cyclists would have their own traffic signals which would operate at different times to those for other traffic
    Widen the pedestrian/cycle crossing by the south end of Belvedere Road and improve the connection between Belvedere Road and Westminster Bridge Road
    Convert the pedestrian crossing on Lambeth Palace Road outside the hospital to a pedestrian/cycle crossing so that cyclists can access Royal Street from Lambeth Palace Road. The crossing would be changed from ‘staggered’ (two separate crossings with an island in the middle) to ‘straight across’ (a single crossing)
    Provide bus stop bypasses at bus stops D and E on Westminster Bridge Road, bus stops B and C on Lambeth Palace Road and the tour bus stop at the east side of Westminster Bridge so that cyclists could avoid having to mix with traffic. Cyclists would continue behind the bus stops on a carriageway-level cycle track, which would feature a chicane and narrowed track to reduce speeds. Bus passengers would access the bus stop waiting area by crossing the cycle track using a marked crossing point/s
    Widen the footway on the corner of York Road and Westminster Bridge Road to slow down left turning vehicles
    Cyclists would still be able to use the northbound bus and cyclist only route from Westminster Bridge Road to York Road"

    "Cycle facilities on Westminster Bridge
    "Westminster Bridge is a grade two listed structure and a busy bus, cycling and pedestrian route. We would like to know what you think about how cycle facilities should be provided on Westminster Bridge. We are proposing two options:
    a. 2.3m wide mandatory cycle lane in both directions
    This approach would give cyclists more space to overtake one another. A painted white line would separate cycles and motor vehicles, but there would be no physical segregation. Motor vehicles would be prohibited from entering the cycle lane.
    b. 1.8m wide segrgated cycle track in both directions
    This approach would provide cyclists with physical separation from motor vehicles using a 0.5m wide traffic island, but may reduce cyclists’ opportunity to overtake one another."

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  • awkward cycle junction

    Richard G // 1 thread

    the junction of Consort Avenue and the old service road alongside Hauxton Road seems to have been designed specially to hold up cyclists

    It has two button controlled crossings, over a lightly used road, and I would expect it to be ignored by every single cyclist.

    A simple, "Give Way" should be perfectly sufficient I would have thought

    Was any comment made when this was designed/proposed?

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  • Cycle route from Unthank Road to city centre

    Created by Richard Jennings // 1 thread

    From casual observations there are a number of cycles using the pair of roundabouts at the Unthank Road-Grapes Hill-Chapelfield Road junctions rather than using the suggested route via Essex Street and Rupert Street.

    These roundabouts are potentially hazardous to cyclists yet they have traffic signals and a large amount of space. Should these junctions be remodelled to give cyclists a route on their desire line?

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  • Crossing roundabouts on A167

    Created by Matthew Phillips // 1 thread

    The route on the east side of the A167 past Crossgate Moor and Framwellgate Moor crosses a number of roundabouts. The cycle-path leads you across the roads very close to the roundabout, via the central refuge in the middle of the road. Some of these roads have two lane entry to the roundabout. Crossing both lanes at once is tricky as you have to have an eye on whether the traffic is about to move out onto the roundabout. If you have a longer vehicle, such as a bus, waiting, then the route to the refuge is blocked. There are no road markings to warn motorists that cyclists might be expected.

    The route is probably going to be improved as part of the Great North Cycleway. If these roundabouts are to be made safe enough for children to use, major alterations will be required. (The route goes past Durham Johnston School so should be available to children.) The route should cross further from the mouth of the roundabout, preferably on a different-coloured surface, maybe raised.

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  • Healthy Hospitals need to consider Cyclists

    Created by James Avery // 1 thread

    The UHCW NHS Trust has applied for planning permission for a new access roads and multistorey car parks, under a plan drawn up by leading global engineering firm Arup.

    Please ask them to go back to the drawing board and come up with something better.

    The planning application details are here:

    Please state that you OBJECT to the current proposals as they don't give any consideration to encouraging more cycling (or walking).

    The trust are open to discussion via twitter (@NHSUHCW), but the council need to be asked to bring this matter to the committee (currently it is just classed as deferred, which means officers decide themselves).

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  • Swiss Cottage

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 2 threads

    Large gyratory, which needs removal and replacement with cycle-friendly measures.

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  • 11/0338/FUL Intercell House

    Created by cobweb // 1 thread

    This is an application for a new hotel with 127 rooms, a bar, restaurant and car park. The Planning Officers are satisfied it won't have an unacceptable impact on traffic.

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  • Cambridge City Football Ground

    Created by cobweb // 1 thread

    11/0008/FUL was recently rejected by the Planning Committee but the club only have the lease till the end of the 2013 season having sold it to developers. It's likely some kind of development will occur on this site since the club needs the money.

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4 threads found for 'junctions':

No planning applications found for 'junctions'.

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