Things tagged 'islington'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

32 issues found for 'islington':

  • Baring Street Road Safety Improvements

    Created by David Lincoln // 1 thread

    Islington Council is proposing to make road safety improvements to reduce traffic speeds on Baring Street to tackle speeding issue for the safety of the community.

    We are seeking your views on the council’s proposals to implement the following:

    • Installing speed cushions along the road. These are ‘bus friendly’ and should reduce general traffic speeds, but not hinder the journey for buses.
    • Installing a raised Zebra pedestrian crossing with associated yellow flashing beacons and tactile paving located between the eastbound and westbound bus stops. This is to help people cross the road to access either of the bus stops. The removal of some parking spaces to make space for the crossing would be necessary However it was noted that parking bays are not fully occupied during the traffic survey.
    • Building out sections of footway with planters to guide traffic around parked cars.
    • Providing electric vehicle charging bays to the western end of Baring Street in line with the Council’s sustainable transport goals.

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  • Safer Junctions - A1 Holloway Road (including Drayton Park junction)

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    In the last three years, there were 61 collisions, with 71 casualties, 19 of which were people cycling and eight of which involved pedestrians. (Data available up until the end of November 2018).

    The scheme aims to address identified and perceived safety concerns at these junctions, as well as at George’s Road and the turning into the petrol filling station south of Palmer Place. The scheme will introduce new, signalised pedestrian crossings at the Drayton Park/Palmer Place junction, replace the zebra crossing at the junction of Liverpool Road with a signalised crossing and simplify all the existing staggered crossings to straight across crossings at the Hornsey Road/Hornsey Street junction.

    We consulted on a proposal that sought to deliver signalised pedestrian crossings at Drayton Park/Palmer Place and Liverpool Road in 2010. This was not taken ahead because of concerns raised during the consultation about the impact of the scheme on local roads arising from proposed banned turns. This consultation was also launched shortly after the recently opened Emirates stadium, the effects of which were felt to have an impact on the response to the consultation. When developing our new proposal we took this feedback into account and have now amended the scheme to address these concerns. The details can be found below.

    Our proposals

    We would like your views on the following proposals which aim to provide new signalised crossings and address identified safety concerns.

    We propose to provide new, signalised pedestrian crossings at the Holloway Road/Palmer Place/Drayton Park junction and the Holloway Road/Liverpool Road junction. The existing signalised pedestrian crossing outside the London Metropolitan University Clocktower building would move south and be brought into the new junction.

    We propose to simplify the Holloway Road/Hornsey Street/Hornsey Road junction. We would convert the existing staggered signalised pedestrian crossings to straight across crossings. We also propose to remove the small triangular pedestrian island and slip road into Hornsey Road to create more space for people walking, reduce the crossing distance and simplify traffic movements.

    To allow for the proposed crossing changes to be introduced, changes to some bus stops, loading bays and parking locations between Hornsey Street/Hornsey Road and Ronalds Road would be required.

    To provide the new crossings, we propose to make changes to some permitted turning arrangements for traffic at the Drayton Park/Palmer Place and Liverpool Road junctions. All movements through the area would still be possible in the new road layout, but it might be necessary for road users to take a different route. These changes are necessary to allow the crossings to be delivered without displacing traffic on to local roads.

    In detail:

    • From Palmer Place on to Holloway Road, we propose to reinstate the right turn and remove the left turn. Traffic approaching from Palmer Place and heading north would instead use Liverpool Road to turn left on to Holloway Road
    • From Holloway Road in to Palmer Place, the left turn would be removed and vehicles would use Liverpool Road to turn left
    • From Liverpool Road on to Holloway Road the right turn would be removed and vehicles would use Palmer Place to travel south towards Central London

    We need to remove two trees to ensure the new signals at Liverpool Road are visible to drivers. We have identified locations to plant new trees elsewhere within the scheme extents, subject to ground conditions.

    We propose to change the traffic signals at the Drayton Park/Palmer Place junction so that the side roads run separately to reduce the risk of conflict between road users at this junction.

    To provide the new pedestrian crossings at the Drayton Park/Palmer Place junction and on Liverpool Road, all the junctions in the scheme must be addressed together. This is to ensure the road network operates effectively in this area for all users.

    Traffic modelling

    Our traffic modelling data shows that the overall effect of our proposals on buses is generally neutral. The majority of bus routes will experience a change in journey time of between 0 and 30 seconds, however there are also some considerable improvements, of up to 5 minutes, expected for buses using Liverpool Road in both directions, particularly during the PM peak. There is an overall small impact on northbound general traffic, with improved journey times for southbound general traffic. These impacts result from the need to balance the network for all vehicular modes affected by the proposals.

    Bus service changes

    As a result of changes to the turning movements at the junction of Palmer Place to Holloway Road, we are also proposing to reroute the 153 bus route in a northbound direction from Palmer Place on to Liverpool Road. This is required because of the changes at the Palmer Place junction but is also expected to increase reliability and simplicity for passengers.

    Cycleway consultation

    The London Borough of Islington, in partnership with Transport for London, are also currently consulting on a new Cycleway adjacent to this scheme. The new Cycleway will connect Finsbury Park and Highbury Fields, where the improved route will help cyclists cross Holloway Road at the existing cycle crossing at Fieldway Crescent. More details are available at:

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  • Moreland Primary School Street Consultation

    Created by David Lincoln // 1 thread

    Moreland Street, Pickard Street and Gard Street - School Street Scheme Moreland Primary School

    Islington Council is planning to introduce a School Street Scheme to improve air quality around Moreland Primary School and create a safer, more pleasant environment for everyone. The Council would like to hear your thoughts on the proposal.

    What is a School Street Scheme?

    A School Street Scheme is where a road with a school temporarily closes to become a pedestrian and cycle zone during the school’s opening and closing times. By temporarily closing roads outside schools this will help to reduce congestion and pollution at the school gates as well as make it easier and safer for children to get to and from school.

    What is proposed for Moreland Street, Pickard Street and Gard Street?

    The proposal is to trial a temporary road closure on Moreland Street, Pickard Street and Gard Street between 8.30am to 9.15am plus 3.00pm to 4.00pm during school term time.

    Vehicles will not be able to enter the streets between these times unless they have been given an exemption. Residents and businesses who live and work on a school street will be able to register for an exemption as well as Blue Badge holders. The scheme will not operate in the school holidays or at weekends.

    Signs will inform drivers of the restrictions before the entrance to the closed street. Non-registered vehicles entering the street during the times of operation may be identified by camera and issued a penalty charge notice. 

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  • Hanover Primary School Streets Consultation

    Created by David Lincoln // 1 thread

    Noel Road (from Danbury Street to St Peter’s Street) - School Street Scheme
    Hanover Primary School

    Islington Council is planning to introduce a School Street Scheme to improve air quality around Hanover
    Primary School and create a safer, more pleasant environment for everyone. The Council would like to
    hear your thoughts on the proposal.

    What is a School Street Scheme?
    A School Street Scheme is where a road with a school temporarily closes to become a pedestrian and
    cycle zone during the school’s opening and closing times. By temporarily closing roads outside schools
    this will help to reduce congestion and pollution at the school gates as well as make it easier and safer
    for children to get to and from school.

    What is proposed for Noel Road?
    The proposal is to trial a temporary road closure on Noel Road (from Danbury Street to St Peter’s
    Street) between 8.30am to 9.15am plus 3.15pm to 4.00pm during school term time.

    Vehicles will not be able to enter the streets between these times unless they have been given an
    exemption. Residents and businesses who live and work on a school street will be able to register for
    an exemption as well as Blue Badge holders. The scheme will not operate in the school holidays or at

    Signs will inform drivers of the restrictions before the entrance to the closed street. Non-registered
    vehicles entering the street during the times of operation may be identified by camera and issued a
    penalty charge notice.

    Hanover Primary School is being looked at as part of the wider School Street Scheme Programme
    across the borough. An 18 month trial is proposed. The Council will be working with the school and local
    community to develop the scheme.

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  • Finsbury Park to Highbury Fields Cycleway (QW10)

    Created by grahamparks // 1 thread

    We are now consulting on the Finsbury Park to Highbury Fields part of a future Cycleway between Farringdon and Palmers Green which has been developed in partnership with Transport for London. This new Cycleway route has been chosen because it is already very popular with cyclists and the numbers of people using this route are likely to increase.

    Our scheme would create a greener, more pleasant space for local people and a convenient, safer and more direct cycle route for cyclists of all abilities. The proposals have been designed to improve safety and comfort for cyclists and pedestrians by reducing conflict with motorised traffic.
    The improvements include fully protected cycle tracks, greening measures, widened footways, safer junctions, pedestrian crossing points and new signs/ road markings. All of these are designed to make cycling and walking easier, safer and more enjoyable.

    This route would link to other Cycleways in the London cycling network, including a complimentary signed route to the recent improvements at Highbury Corner, and make it easier for local people of all ages to cycle and walk to local facilities such as leisure centres and shops.

    The wider cycle lanes will allow people with adapted cycles such as cargo bikes or cycles for disabled people to use the route more easily and make it safer for all vulnerable road users in line with the Vision Zero agenda, which aims to eliminate all deaths and serious injuries from our roads.
    What are Cycleways?

    Cycleways are continuous, clearly signed and convenient cycle routes which bring together all of the high-quality routes into a single London-wide network that is easy for everyone to understand and use.

    ProposalsDetailed maps are available at the bottom of the page.
    1. Blackstock Road/ Ambler Road Junction: Traffic lights would be introduced at the junction with new pedestrian crossings, providing early release for cyclists and cycle boxes on all arms. This design will significantly improve conditions for pedestrian and cyclists crossing Blackstock Road and allow cyclists to continue on the Cycleway route towards Finsbury Park. This proposal will involve the removal of a parking space on Somerfield Road and the Electric Vehicle charging point along Ambler Road would need to be relocated. The section towards Finsbury Park will be consulted on separately by Hackney Council. (see map section 1)

    2. Gillespie Road/ Avenell Road Junction: Priority at the junction would be reversed so that vehicles on Gillespie Road would give-way to vehicles on Avenell Road. This design would also raise the carriageway to footway level which would make it easier for crossing pedestrians and cyclists using the Cycleway to turn into Gillespie Road. (see map section 2)

    3. Gillespie Road Trial Arrangement: The ongoing trial point no-entry preventing traffic travelling westbound on Gillespie Road past the junction with St Thomas’s Road, is not being formally consulted on as part of the Cycleway proposals but we welcome feedback. (see map section 5)

    4. Drayton Park/ Aubert Park Junction: The existing mini-roundabout at the junction would be removed and changed to a priority (give-way) junction. The carriageway will be raised to footway level with pedestrian crossing points on all sides of the junction. This will raise awareness of the new Cycleway route and also make it easier for pedestrians to cross the road. The junction would prioritise movements on Drayton Park and traffic along Aubert Park would give-way. (see map section 3)

    5. Martineau Road – Aubert Park: Fully protected cycle facility at least 2.2m would be provided for northbound cycles between Martineau Road and Aubert Park. The proposal allows for southbound cyclists to mix comfortably with general traffic by adopting a position in the centre of the traffic lane, making them more visible to other traffic. The proposed design will maintain the existing number of parking spaces, however some parking bays would be relocated elsewhere between Martineau Road and Aubert Park to make room for improved cycle facilities. For the purposes of consultation, two design options for protecting cyclists are being considered, which we would like you to comment on. Examples are given below to illustrate the different design options. (see map section 3)

    • Kerb protected cycle tracks: the cycle track would be at the same level as the carriageway with a kerb installed to separate vehicles and cyclists. See below example from Cycle Superhighway 2 between Stratford and Aldgate.

    • Stepped cycle tracks: The cycleway would be installed halfway between the carriageway and footway. See below example from Midland Road in LB Camden.

    6. Benwell Road – Martineau Road: Fully protected cycle facilities would be introduced in both directions on this section of Drayton Park. The cycle tracks would be at least 2m wide in each direction and will also include a small strip that will physically protect cyclists from parked vehicles. The proposed design will maintain the existing number of parking spaces and access arrangements along Drayton Park. Existing zebra crossings will be raised to footway level improving pedestrian accessibility and safety. (see map section 3,4)

    7. Benwell Road/ Drayton Park Junction: The existing junction would be converted to a ‘continental-style’ roundabout which would include protected cycle facilities throughout the junction and new cycle crossings on all arms of the junction. The design will also significantly improve conditions for pedestrians by introducing new zebra crossings on all arms, raised surface and widened footways reducing crossing distances. (see map section 5)

    8. Highbury Crescent Signed Route: A complimentary signed route is proposed to connect up to the recent improvements at Highbury Corner. (see map section 6)

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  • Winton Primary School Streets Consultation

    Created by David Lincoln // 1 thread

    Islington Council is planning to introduce a School Street Scheme and left turn ban to improve air quality around Winton Primary School and create a safer, more pleasant environment for everyone. The Council would like to hear your thoughts on the proposal.

    What is proposed for Killick Street and Collier Street? The proposal is to trial a temporary road closure on Killick Street, between Southern Street and Collier Street, and Collier Street, between Killick Street and Calshot Street, between 8.30am-9.15am and 3.15pm-4.00pm during school term time. A no left turn will also operate on Southern Street during those times.

    Vehicles will not be able to enter the streets between these times unless they have been given an exemption. Residents and businesses who live and work on a school street will be able to register for an exemption as well as Blue Badge holders. The scheme will not operate in the school holidays or at weekends.

    Signs will inform drivers of the restrictions before the entrance to the closed street. Non-registered vehicles entering the street during the times of operation may be identified by camera and issued a penalty charge notice.

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  • Hugh Myddelton School Streets Consultation

    Created by David Lincoln // 1 thread

    Islington Council is planning to introduce a School Street Scheme to improve air quality around Hugh Myddelton Primary School and create a safer, more pleasant environment for everyone. The Council would like to hear your thoughts on the proposal.

    What is proposed for Garnault Place, Myddelton Street, Gloucester Way, Whiskin Street and Meredith Street? The proposal is to trial a temporary road closure on Garnault Place, Myddelton Street, Gloucester Way, Whiskin Street and Meredith Street, between 8.20am-9.15am and 3.00pm-3.45pm during school term time.
    Vehicles will not be able to enter the streets between these times unless they have been given an exemption. Residents and businesses who live and work on a school street will be able to register for an exemption as well as Blue Badge holders. The scheme will not operate in the school holidays or at weekends.
    Signs will inform drivers of the restrictions before the entrance to the closed streets. Non-registered vehicles entering the street during the times of operation may be identified by camera and issued a penalty charge notice.

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  • Camden - Tottenham Hale cycle route

    Created by Simon Munk // 4 threads

    At approximately 12km, this route would connect the town centres of Tottenham Hale, Seven Sisters and the Nag's Head, making it easier for people to make local journeys and use local services. The route would use both main roads and quieter back streets.

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  • Consultation: Tufnell Park junction revisions

    Created by George Coulouris // 1 thread

    Revised description following release of the Consultation (on 14 December 2018):

    The proposals for this junction includes the following major changes:

    1. Widening the footway surrounding the entrance to the underground station, both on Tufnell Park Road and Brecknock Road, as well as the western footway of Dartmouth Park Hill (near Burghley Road where the school pupils congregate after school).

    2. Removal of central islands on all roads at the junction. This allows for more road space to be given to mark a dedicated cycle lane on approach to the junction where cyclists are more vulnerable or in some cases to provide an additional traffic lane to reduce delay to buses.

    3. Implementing two new diagonal crossings providing a direct link from east to west, from the school side to the bus stops on Tufnell Park Road and the underground station. These would allow pedestrians to cross in one stage instead of crossing two roads before reaching their destination.

    4. Widening the existing crossings to accommodate more pedestrians to cross comfortably at the same time.

    5. Extend double yellow lines on the western side by 16m up to 227/229 Brecknock Road to prevent vehicles parking at this location which will result in traffic congestion due to narrow width of carriageway

    6. Banning the right turn from Junction Road into Dartmouth Park Hill.

    7. Marking advanced cycle stoplines on all approaches including mandatory cycle feeder lanes on Junction Road and Tufnell Park Road.

    8. Banning the left turn from Brecknock Road into Fortess Road.

    9. Provision of a ‘Keep Clear’ road markings opposite Burghley Road to assist with cyclists turning right out of the side road.

    10. Provision of pedestrian countdown timers and a pedestrian only stage allowing pedestrians to cross all roads whilst all other traffic is stopped.

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  • Rotherfield School Streets Consultation

    Created by David Lincoln // 0 threads

    Islington Council is planning to introduce a School Street Scheme to improve air quality around
    Rotherfield Primary School and create a safer, more pleasant environment for everyone. The Council would like to hear your thoughts on the proposal.

    The proposal is to trial a temporary road closure on Elizabeth Avenue between New North Road and Rotherfield Street between 8.30am - 9.15am and 3.15pm - 4pm during school term time.

    Vehicles will not be able to enter the street between these times unless they have been given an
    exemption. Residents and businesses who live and work on a school street will be able to register for an exemption as well as Blue Badge holders. The scheme will not operate in the school holidays or at weekends.

    Signs will inform drivers of the restrictions before the entrance to the closed street. Non-registered vehicles entering the street during the times of operation may be identified by camera and issued a penalty charge notice.

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  • Duncombe School Streets Consultation

    Created by David Lincoln // 1 thread

    Islington Council is planning to introduce a School Street Scheme to improve air quality around
    Duncombe Primary School and create a safer, more pleasant environment for everyone. The Council would like to hear your thoughts on the proposal.

    The proposal is to trial a temporary road closure on Sussex Way and Hatchard Road (between
    Marlborough Rd and Cornwallis Rd) between 8.30am-9.15am and 3.15pm-4pm during school term time.

    Vehicles will not be able to enter the street between these times unless they have been given an
    exemption. Residents and businesses who live and work on a school street will be able to register for an exemption as well as Blue Badge holders. The scheme will not operate in the school holidays or at weekends.

    Signs will inform drivers of the restrictions before the entrance to the closed street. Non-registered vehicles entering the street during the times of operation may be identified by camera and issued a penalty charge notice.

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  • Ambler School Streets Consultation

    Created by David Lincoln // 1 thread

    Islington Council is planning to introduce a School Street Scheme to improve air quality around Ambler Primary School and create a safer, more pleasant environment for everyone. The Council would like to hear your thoughts on the proposal.

    The proposal is to trial a temporary road closure on Romilly Road (between Ambler Road and Monsell Road) between 8.30am - 9.15am and 3.15pm - 4pm during school term time.

    Vehicles will not be able to enter the street between these times unless they have been given an
    exemption. Residents and businesses who live and work on a school street will be able to register for an exemption as well as Blue Badge holders. The scheme will not operate in the school holidays or at weekends.

    Signs will inform drivers of the restrictions before the entrance to the closed street. Non-registered vehicles entering the street during the times of operation may be identified by camera and issued a penalty charge notice.

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  • Yerbury Road School Streets Consultation

    Created by David Lincoln // 1 thread

    Islington Council is planning to introduce a School Street Scheme to improve air quality around Yerbury Primary School and create a safer, more pleasant environment for everyone. The Council would like to hear your thoughts on the proposal.

    The proposal is to trial a temporary road closure on sections of Tytherton Road, Yerbury Road and Foxham Road between 8.45am - 9.30am and 3.15pm - 4pm during school term time.

    Vehicles will not be able to enter the streets between these times unless they have been given an
    exemption. Residents and businesses who live and work on a school street will be able to register for an exemption as well as Blue Badge holders. The scheme will not operate in the school holidays or at weekends.

    Signs will inform drivers of the restrictions before the entrance to the closed street. Non-registered vehicles entering the street during the times of operation may be identified by camera and issued a penalty charge notice.

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  • Ashmount School Streets Consultation

    Created by David Lincoln // 0 threads

    Islington Council is planning to introduce a School Street Scheme to improve air quality around Ashmount Primary School and create a safer, more pleasant environment for everyone. The Council would like to hear your thoughts on the proposal.

    The proposal is to trial a temporary road closure on Hornsey Rise Gardens between 8.30am - 9.15am and 3.15pm - 4pm during school term time.

    Vehicles will not be able to enter the street between these times unless they have been given an
    exemption. Residents and businesses who live and work on a school street will be able to register for an exemption as well as Blue Badge holders. The scheme will not operate in the school holidays or at weekends.

    Signs will inform drivers of the restrictions before the entrance to the closed street. Non-registered vehicles entering the street during the times of operation may be identified by camera and issued a penalty charge notice.

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  • Drayton Park School Streets Consultation

    Created by David Lincoln // 0 threads

    Islington Council is planning to introduce a School Street Scheme to improve air quality around Drayton Park Primary School and create a safer, more pleasant environment for everyone. The Council would like to hear your thoughts on the proposal.

    The proposal is to trial a temporary road closure on Arvon Road, between Drayton Park and Witherington Road, between 8.30am - 9.15am and 3.15pm - 4pm during school term time.

    Vehicles will not be able to enter the street between these times unless they have been given an
    exemption. Residents and businesses who live and work on a school street will be able to register foran exemption as well as Blue Badge holders. The scheme will not operate in the school holidays or at weekends.

    Signs will inform drivers of the restrictions before the entrance to the closed street. Non-registered vehicles entering the street during the times of operation may be identified by camera and issued a penalty charge notice.

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  • Duncan Street - School Street Scheme

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    Islington Council is planning to introduce a School Street Scheme to improve air quality around St John Evangelist Catholic School. The Council would like to hear your thoughts on the proposal.

    Air quality refers to the air around us, how clean it is and how many pollutants (harmful chemicals or substances) it contains. The more pollutants the air contains the more air pollution there is and the worse the air quality is. Children are one of the groups particularly vulnerable to the impacts of air pollution.

    The Council is working on a number of projects to improve air quality in Islington. One of these is to implement a School Street Scheme across the borough. A School Street Scheme is where a road with a school temporarily closes to become a pedestrian and cycle only zone during the school’s opening and closing times. By temporarily closing roads outside schools this will help to reduce congestion and pollution at the school gates as well as make it easier and safer for children to get to and from school.

    The proposal is to trial a temporary road closure on Duncan Street, between Islington High Street and Duncan Terrace, between 8.30am - 9.30am and 3pm - 4pm during school term time. Vehicles will not be able to enter the street between these times unless they have been given an exemption.

    The consultation document is available to download at the bottom of this page.

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  • Moreland Street traffic calming

    Created by k9 // 1 thread

    Islington is proposing a small chicane and the removal of some parking in front of the Moreland Street Primary School. We were informed that they were looking at changes to this street in 2017, but they have asked us for a response to plans in 24 hours.

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  • City Fringe Ultra Low Emission Streets

    Created by Harry Fletcher-Wood // 1 thread

    Hackney, Islington and Tower Hamlets are collaborating to cut air pollution in the area they are referring to as the 'City Fringe'.

    As part of this, they are proposing 'Ultra Low Emission Streets' in the Old Street/Great Eastern Street area. During peak hours (7-10 and 4-7 Monday-Friday) these streets would be restricted to people walking and cycling, local residents, and drivers of Ultra Low Emissions vehicles (electric or those emitting less than 75g CO2/km).

    The area includes the CS1 route along Paul Street.

    Full details:

    Please share any thoughts you have by Saturday 10th February so I can formulate a group response by the deadline (Wednesday 14th).

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  • Placemaking at Clerkenwell Green

    Created by John Ackers // 1 thread

    Islington Council wants to 'transform Clerkenwell Green into a high-quality public space. To do this we plan to provide more space for people to meet and gather by reducing road space and removing parking'.

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  • Hoxton Area – Cycle Route Improvements

    Natalie G // 1 thread

    The proposals for this route include:

    Location 1: New North Road/Eagle Wharf Road/Poole Street junction.

    • Closing Poole Street and Eagle Wharf Road to motorised traffic at the New North Road junction except for cyclists.
    • Installing new signals with signalised pedestrian crossings at the junction. The new crossings will replace the need for the existing pedestrian crossing on New North Road outside Bracklyn Court, which will be removed.
    • Replacing the one-way system at Eagle Wharf Road with a two-way traffic system between Bracklyn Street and New North Road.
    • Carrying out public realm improvements such as widening the pavements, raising the road level to pavement level and planting trees along Eagle Wharf Road.
    • Installing a new loading bay and additional residents parking bays at Eagle Wharf Road.
    • Converting Poole Street to a two-way traffic system between Imber Street and New North Road.
    • Relocating the existing residents parking bays to improve accessibility and loading facilities at the junction.
    • Raising the road level to pavement level at Poole Street outside the Studios building.

    These measures will reduce traffic flows at the Eagle Wharf Road/New North Road/Poole Street junction while improving the pedestrian facilities and making it safer for cyclists to cross the main road. The public realm improvements will help create a more attractive environment for residents, pedestrians and cyclists.

    For details of the proposals at the Eagle Wharf Road/New North Road/Poole Street junction please refer to layout plan for Location 1 enclosed.

    Location 2: Murray Grove

    • Introducing a two-way traffic system at Murray Grove between Shepherdess Walk and New North Road.
    • Single yellow lines will be replaced by double yellow lines (no waiting at any time restrictions) to improve visibility, road safety and facilitate the smooth flow of traffic where required.
    • The overall number of resident parking bay spaces on Murray Grove will increase by eight, with four new additional loading bays provided as part of the proposals.

    These measures will facilitate the flow of traffic including buses between Shepherdess Walk and New North Road in both directions.

    For details of the proposals at Murray Grove please refer to the layout plan for Location 2 enclosed.

    Location 3: Shepherdess Walk/Murray Grove junction

    • Installing additional traffic signals at the Murray Grove, Shepherdess Walk and Micawber Street creating a two-way traffic system at Murray Grove.
    • Installing signalised pedestrian crossings at the junction.
    • Refurbishing the pavements where required.
    • Installing junction entry tables at the Murray Grove and Micawber Street junctions for step free pedestrian crossings.

    These measures will enable the introduction of a two-way traffic system at Murray Grove which is currently prohibited. The changes will also improve accessibility for cyclists and pedestrians around the junction.

    For details of the proposals at the Shepherdess Walk /Murray Grove junction please refer to the layout plan for Location 3 enclosed.

    Location 4: New North Road/East Road/ Murray Grove junction.

    • Introducing changes to the traffic signals and junction layout at Murray Grove, New North Road and East Road to allow eastbound traffic on Murray Grove, making it two-way.
    • Raising the road level to pavement level on New North Road (south) and reducing the traffic lanes to one exit lane.
    • Introducing a new pedestrian crossing at New North Road (north).
    • Carrying out public realm improvements on New North Road such as widening and resurfacing footways, raising the carriageway, planting trees and installing benches.

    These measures will allow for the introduction of two-way traffic movement on Murray Grove while improving the pedestrian and cycle facilities at the New North Road junction.

    For details of the proposals at the New North Road/East Road/Murray Grove junction please refer to the layout plan for Location 4 enclosed.

    Location 5: Sturt Street

    • Installing a gated closure with cycle and emergency access at Sturt Street to the west of Shepherdess Walk. This would discourage the amount of non-local traffic using the area. This will close Sturt Street to motorised traffic from City Road.

    Please refer to the enclosed drawings for details of the proposals. Additionally visit to find out more details about the specific locations within the scheme where improvements are proposed.

    Signal Proposals

    All signal proposals are still going through the Transport for London Review Process. Residents will be advised of changes that may result from this process before implementation of proposals.

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  • Highbury Corner - improvements for pedestrians & cyclists

    Created by Angela Hobsbaum // 1 thread

    TfL/Islington are proposing improvements to Highbury Corner. This is a major scheme - removing one-way traffic system on the roundabout and introducing fully-segregated cycle tracks and dedicated crossings for cyclists.

    Here's the TfL page and the council landing page is at

    TfL/Islington drop-in sessions at:
    Union Chapel, Compton Terrace, London N1 2UN

    Wednesday, 24 February 15:00 - 19:00
    Saturday, 27 February 09:30 - 13:30
    Monday, 29 February 10:00 - 14:00

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